MYOB EXO Business Stock
List of entities
Entity details
NamePrimary key columnsNumber of columnsComment
BILLOMAT_HDRBILLCODE23This table contains header information for Bills of Materials (BOMs).
BILLOMAT_LINESSEQNO6This table contains line-level information for Bills of Materials (BOMs).
BILLOMAT_TEMPSEQNO13This table is used in Bill of Materials batch entry.
CR_INVLINESSEQNO53This table contains line information for all Creditor transactions.
DR_INVLINES56This table contains line information for all Debtor transactions.
GLACCSACCNO20This table contains details of all General Ledger accounts.
INWARDS_GOODSSEQNO18This table contains header information on Inwards Goods transactions.
INWARDS_GOODS_COSTSSEQNO23This table contains information on Inwards Good Costing.
INWARDS_GOODS_LINESSEQNO48This table contains line-level information on Inwards Goods transactions.
STAFFSTAFFNO36This table stores details of all EXO Business staff members. These are the people who are authorised to log in to and use the EXO Business system.
STOCKREQUIREMENT26This table contains the data used by the Forecast Based Purchasing feature.
STOCKTAKE_CTRLLOCNO8This table contains information on the status of stocktake locations.
STOCKTAKE_TOTALSSEQNO21This table contains the stock totals entered as part of a stocktake.
STOCK_CLASSIFICATIONSCLASSNO2This table stores the Stock Classifications that are assigned to stock items.
STOCK_COLOURCOLOURID6This table contains details of the colours used by the Style, Colour, Size feature.
STOCK_GROUP2SGROUPNO12This table contains details of Alternate (Coarse) Stock Groups.
STOCK_GROUPSGROUPNO39This table contains details of Primary (Fine) Stock Groups. Note: All fields prefixed with X_ relate to the Style, Colour, Size feature.
STOCK_ITEMSSTOCKCODE85This table contains details of all stock items.
STOCK_LOCATIONSLOCNO14This table contains details of all stock locations.
STOCK_LOC_INFOSTOCKCODE6This table records stock levels at various locations.
STOCK_PRICEGROUPSGROUPNO2This table stores the Price Groups that are assigned to stock items.
STOCK_REQUESTLINESSEQNO23This table is used by the Stock Transfer Requests feature of the Distribution Advantage module.
STOCK_REQUESTSSEQNO11This table is used by the Stock Transfer Requests feature of the Distribution Advantage module.
STOCK_REQUESTTYPESSEQNO2This table is used by the Stock Transfer Requests feature of the Distribution Advantage module. It stores the Stock Request Types used by stock transfer requests.
STOCK_SERIALNOSSEQNO45This table contains details of serialised stock items.
STOCK_SIZESIZEID5This table contains details of the sizes used by the Style, Colour, Size feature.
STOCK_TRANSSEQNO51This table records details of all stock transactions.
STOCK_TRANS_ARCHIVESEQNO41This table is used for archived stock transactions.
STOCK_TRANS_HDRSEQNO9This table contains header information for stock transactions.
STOCK_WEB3This table stores information relating to how stock items should appear on a website, as displayed on the Web tab of the Stock Item Details window.
SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMSSUPPLIERCODE, ACCNO12This table contains details of any Alternate Suppliers/Stock Codes set up for stock items.