Column name | Table | Key | Data type | Not NULL | Comment |
ABSENT | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is currently absent, i.e. if their Absent flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
ACCGROUP | GLACCS | | INTEGER | No | The GL account's Account Group. |
ACCNO | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | For manual stock movements this field is NULL. For movements originating from other ledgers, this contains the account number against the source transaction. |
ACCNO | CR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The account number of the Creditor that the transaction belongs to. |
ACCNO | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The supplier (Creditor account ID). |
ACCNO | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the supplier (Creditor) account. |
ACCNO | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the stock item's supplier (from CRACCS). |
ACCNO | GLACCS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | The unique GL account number. |
ACCNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The account number of the Debtor that the transaction belongs to. |
ACCOUNT_STATUS | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The staff member's account status. Will be one of: 0 = Account OK 1 = Account Locked 2 = Password Expired |
ACTUALREORD | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Actual reorder quantity for the stock item. |
ACTUAL_COST | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The actual cost of the item when moved into stock. |
AGE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | AS | No | The invoice's age. This is calculated based on PERIOD_SEQNO. |
AGE | STOCK_TRANS | | AS | No | Calculated field that indicates the age of the transaction. |
AGE | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | AS | No | Calculated field that indicates the age the record belongs to. |
AGE_STAMP | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | This is a historical field that has been superseded by the AGE calculated field. |
AGE_STAMP | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | INTEGER | No | This is a historical field that has been superseded by the AGE calculated field. |
AGE_STAMP | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | INTEGER | No | This is a historical field that has been superseded by the AGE calculated field. |
AGE_STAMP | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | INTEGER | No | This is a historical field that has been superseded by the AGE calculated field. |
ALERT | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | Text of the pop-up alert message that appears when the stock item is sold or purchased. |
ALLOWJOURNAL | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the GL account allows journals. |
ALT_AVECOST | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Alternate weighted average cost. |
ALT_QUANTITY | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Alternate quantity. |
ANALYSIS | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | GL code for the Stock line. Can be overridden. The visibility of this column onscreen is controlled by the profile "Enable display and override of GL code from stock item". |
ANALYSIS | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | GL code for the Stock line. Can be overridden. The visibility of this column onscreen is controlled by the profile "Enable display and override of GL code from stock item". |
API_ACCESS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the staff member is authorised to use the EXO API. |
APP_PASSWORD | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's password, used when logging in to the EXO Business system. Passwords are stored in an encrypted format. |
ASSIGNED_LINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The line ID of the record that the serial number is linked to. The details of type of record can be determined from the ISASSIGNED field. |
ASSIGNED_SEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The header ID of the record that the serial number is linked to. The details of type of record can be determined from the ISASSIGNED field. |
AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Credit Invoice Authorisation Limit. |
AUTOBUILD | BILLOMAT_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Applies to Build type BOMs. This field is set to 'Y' if the BOM's "AutoBuild" option is ticked. This gives the option of building an out-of-stock BOM immediately instead of placing it on backorder. |
AUTOCODE | STOCK_GROUP2S | | VARCHAR(10) | No | The One-off Stock Item autocode prefix for the group. |
AUTOCODE | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(10) | No | The One-off Stock Item autocode prefix for the group. |
AUTOCODENO | STOCK_GROUPS | | INTEGER | No | The One-off Stock Item autocode suffix for the group. |
AUTOCODENO | STOCK_GROUP2S | | INTEGER | No | The One-off Stock Item autocode suffix for the group. |
AUTO_NARRATIVE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The setting of the stock item's Auto Narrative property. Will be one of: 0=No 1=Yes with Blank 2=Yes with Notes |
AVECOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's Average Cost Price. |
BAD_LOGIN_COUNT | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The number of times the staff member has attempted to log in but failed. |
BALANCE | GLACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The account's balance. |
BALANCE_SHEET_TYPE | GLACCS | | INTEGER | Yes | For balance sheet accounts, this field indicates the balance sheet type. Will be one of: -1 = Not a balance sheet account 0 = Asset 1 = Liability 2 = Equity |
BALSHEETACCTOT | GLACCS | | AS | No | The balance sheet total for the account. |
BARCODE1 | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 1. |
BARCODE1 | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 1. |
BARCODE2 | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 2. |
BARCODE3 | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Barcode/alternate code 3. |
BATCHCODE | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batch code on the line. The "Enable stock batch codes" Company-level profile setting must be enabled to be able to use batch codes. |
BATCHCODE | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batchcode for the stock item. |
BATCHCODE | STOCK_TRANS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batch number. |
BATCHCODE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batch code on the line. |
BATCHCODE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batch code on the line. |
BATCHCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The batch code on the line. The "Enable stock batch codes" Company-level profile setting must be enabled to be able to use batch codes. |
BATCHNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | INTEGER | Yes | The batch number on the record. |
BATCHQUANTITY | BILLOMAT_TEMP | | FLOAT(53) | No | The batch quantity on the record. |
BATCH_QTY | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | The BOM's Batch Quantity. |
BILLCODE | BILLOMAT_HDR | PK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The BOM's unique ID code. |
BINCODE | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The Bin Code for the stock item being counted. |
BINCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | Bincode for the stock item. |
BINCODE | STOCK_LOC_INFO | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The stock item's bin or shelf code at the location. |
BKORDQTY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | Back Order Qty from the Sales Order. |
BOMPRICING | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | How Bills of Materials are priced. Will be one of: C = Pricing by Component T = Pricing by total |
BOMPRICING | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | How Bills of Materials are priced. Will be one of: C = Pricing by Component T = Pricing by total |
BOMPRICING | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | How Bills of Materials are priced. Will be one of: C = Pricing by Component T = Pricing by total |
BOMPRICING | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | C = BOM priced by Component, T = BOM priced by total, N = Normal |
BOMTYPE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | The type of Bill of Materials that the line relates to: N = Normal stock item B = Build K = Kit L = Lookup |
BOMTYPE | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | The type of Bill of Materials that the line relates to: N = Normal stock item B = Build K = Kit L = Lookup |
BOMTYPE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | The Bill of Materials type on the line. Will be one of: N = Normal K = Kit B = Build L = Linked |
BOMTYPE | BILLOMAT_HDR | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The type of BOM. Will be one of: K = Kit B = Build O = Order Template |
BOMTYPE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | The type of Bill of Materials that the line relates to: N = Normal stock item B = Build K = Kit L = Lookup |
BRANCHNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The branch number. Lines generally inherit the branch specified on the invoice header. |
BRANCHNO | STOCK_GROUPS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the group's branch (from BRANCHES). |
BRANCHNO | STOCK_GROUP2S | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the group's branch (from BRANCHES). |
BRANCHNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The branch number. Lines generally inherit the branch specified on the invoice header. |
BRANCHNO | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Branch number for the stock item. |
BRANCHNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the branch on the record. |
CALCREORD | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Reorder quantity, calculated taking into account minimum stock, maximum stock and available free stock. |
CLASSNAME | STOCK_CLASSIFICATIONS | | VARCHAR(100) | Yes | The name of the classification. |
CLASSNO | STOCK_CLASSIFICATIONS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the classification. |
CODETYPE | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | The type of code on the line. Will be one of: G - GL code S - Stock code |
CODETYPE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The type of code on the line. Will be one of: G - GL code S - Stock code |
COLOURCODE | STOCK_COLOUR | | VARCHAR(5) | Yes | A user-defined ID code for the colour. |
COLOURID | STOCK_COLOUR | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the colour. |
COLOURNAME | STOCK_COLOUR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | A descriptive name for the colour. |
COMMENT | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The comment entered on the line, if any. |
COMPLETE | INWARDS_GOODS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the receipt has been completed. |
COMPLETE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Indicates if the line has been marked as completed, which controls whether or not the line can be edited. |
COMPLETE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the inwards goods receipt has been completed (and therefore cannot be altered). |
COMPONENTLOCATION | BILLOMAT_TEMP | FK | INTEGER | No | The location of the BOM component stock item. |
COST | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The cost in local currency. |
COSTCODE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The on cost code for the record. |
COSTED_PERIOD_SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | No | The period to which the receipt belongs. |
COSTPRICE | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Cost price for the BOM. |
COST_GROUP | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO Job Costing is installed. It identifies the Cost Group that the transaction belongs to. |
COST_GROUP | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | If the order originates from a job, this field records the ID number of the job's cost group. |
COST_LINENO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | This field is the link used when allocating cost lines to DR_INVLINES. |
COST_TYPE | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO Job Costing is installed. It identifies the Cost Type that the transaction belongs to. |
COST_TYPE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | If the order originates from a job, this field records the ID number of the job's cost type. |
COS_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The Cost of Sales sub-account updated in the General Ledger when the stock item is sold. |
COS_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_GROUPS | | INTEGER | No | The code of the GL subaccount for Cost of Sales. |
COS_GL_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Cost of Sales account updated in the General Ledger when this stock item is sold. |
COS_GL_CODE | STOCK_GROUPS | FK | INTEGER | No | The code of the GL account for Cost of Sales. |
COUNTQTY | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The physical count taken for the item at this location. |
CREATED_DATE | GLACCS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the GL account was created. |
CREDITQTY | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | Contains the sum of quantities which have been a part of credit notes against the transaction. |
CRINVLINEID | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | A unique ID for the invoice line, which should be used to link to other tables. Every time an invoice is edited, the lines are essentially removed and reinserted again, which changes the SEQNO. However, the CRINVLINEID field retains its value. Hence, any relationships built on this field are still valid in such a scenario. |
CRINVLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Creditors Invoice line that the item is linked to. |
CRINVSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Creditors Invoice that the item has been receipted in against. |
CR_ACCNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the related Creditor account. |
CUBIC | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Cubic weight of the item. |
CURRENCYNO | GLACCS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency that the GL account is in. |
CURRENCYNO | CR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency used on the line. |
CURRENCYNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The currency number for the line. |
CUSTOM_FILTER | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | VARCHAR(100) | No | This field contains the custom SQL filter defined for the location, if there is one. |
CUSTORDERNO | STOCK_REQUESTS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The customer order number, if there is one. |
DEFAULTWARRANTYNO | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | The default Warranty No for the stock item. |
DELADDR1 | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Line 1 of the location's address. |
DELADDR2 | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Line 2 of the location's address. |
DELADDR3 | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Line 3 of the location's address. |
DELADDR4 | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Line 4 of the location's address. |
DELADDR5 | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Line 5 of the location's address. |
DELADDR6 | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Line 6 of the location's address. |
DESCRIPTION | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The stock item's description. |
DESCRIPTION | BILLOMAT_HDR | | VARCHAR(40) | No | A descriptive name for the BOM. |
DESCRIPTION | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | FK | VARCHAR(40) | Yes | The description of the stock item on the line. |
DESCRIPTION | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The description of the stock item being counted. |
DESCRIPTION | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The stock item's description. |
DESCRIPTION | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(40) | No | Description of the Stock item on this line. |
DESCRIPTION | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The supplier's description for the stock item. |
DESCRIPTION | BILLOMAT_LINES | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The description of the stock item on this line. |
DESCRIPTION | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The description of the stock item on the line. |
DESCRIPTION | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(40) | No | Description of the Stock item on this line. |
DETAILS | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | Details of the on cost. |
DIMENSIONS | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | How the dimensions of the stock item are specified. Will be one of: 0=None 1=Length 2=Square 3=Cubic |
DISCOUNT | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage discount for the Stock item on this line. |
DISCOUNT | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage discount for the Stock item on this line. |
DISCOUNT | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The discount percentage on the line. |
DISCOUNT | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage discount when purchasing the stock item from the supplier. |
DISCOUNTAMT | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The discount amount on a stock line. |
DISCOUNTPCT | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The discount percentage on a stock line. |
DISCOUNTRATE | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The staff member's Discount Rate Limit. |
DISPLAY_NAME | STOCK_REQUESTTYPES | | VARCHAR(40) | Yes | The name of the request type. |
DRCR | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'C' for Credit accounts or 'D' for Debit accounts. |
DRINVLINEID | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | A unique ID for the invoice line, which should be used to link to other tables. Every time an invoice is edited, the lines are essentially removed and reinserted again, which changes the SEQNO. However, the DRINVLINEID field retains its value. Hence, any relationships built on this field are still valid in such a scenario. |
DRINVLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Debtors Invoice line that the item is linked to. |
DR_ACCNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the related Debtor account. |
DUTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The duty percentage on the stock item. |
DUTYCOST | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The duty cost on the line. |
ECONORDERQTY | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Minimum Order Quantity for the stock item. |
ECONORDERQTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The economic order quantity (EOQ) for the stock item. |
EMAIL_ADDRESS | STAFF | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The staff member's email address. |
EMPLOYEE_CODE | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | This field is used by the payroll integration functionality. |
EXCHRATE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The exchange rate. |
EXCHRATE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate on the line. |
EXCHRATE | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate for the line at the time of the transaction. |
EXCHRATE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate for the line at the time of the transaction. |
EXCLUDE_FROMFREE_STOCK | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the location's "Exclude from Free Stock" option is ticked. |
EXCLUDE_FROMSALES | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the location's "Exclude from Sales" option is ticked. |
EXCLUDE_FROMVALUATION | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the location's "Exclude from Valuation" option is ticked. |
EXCLUDE_FROM_REVAL | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', the account is excluded from revaluation. |
EXPECTEDPROFIT | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The expected profit margin for the group. |
EXPIRY_DATE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | DATETIME | No | The expiry date of the stock item, if there is one. |
EXPIRY_DATE | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | DATETIME | No | The date when the stock item batch expires. |
EXPIRY_DATE | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | DATETIME | Yes | The expiry date on the record. |
EXPIRY_DATE | STOCK_TRANS | | DATETIME | No | The Expiry Date for a batch tracked item. |
EXPIRY_DAYS | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Number of days before expiry of the stock item. |
EXPIRY_DAYS | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | INTEGER | No | The number of days until the stock item batch expires. |
EXTENSION | STAFF | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The staff member's telephone extension. |
FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Facebook account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token is stored here. |
FC_COST | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The cost in the currency of the supplier account. |
FILENAME | STOCK_GROUP2S | | VARCHAR(50) | No | This field contains the filename of the website picture for the group. |
FILENAME | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | This field contains the filename of the website picture for the group. |
FIXEDCOST | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The fixed cost on the line. |
FREIGHT_FREE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | Yes | 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether the line is freight free. This comes from the price policy for the line. |
FROM_HDR | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | For manual stock movements this field contains STOCK_TRANS_HDR.SEQNO. For other types of movements, it contains the SEQNO of the header table of source transactions. |
FROM_LEDGER | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | d = Debtor c = Creditor s = Stock j = Job Costing i = Inwards Goods Receipt o = Sales Orders p = Purchase Orders |
FROM_LOC | STOCK_REQUESTS | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the location that stock is to be transferred from. |
FXCOST | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The cost on the line in local currency. |
FX_VAR | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The foreign exchange variance applicable to the line at the time of invoicing. |
FX_VAR | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The foreign exchange variance applicable to the invoice raised against this record. |
GLACC | STOCK_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | The General Ledger Account that is affected when the transaction is posted to GL. |
GLACCNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | GL account number. |
GLBATCHNO | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | Yes | The GL batch number on the transaction. |
GLBATCHNO | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | ID number of the GL Batch that the posted stock journal belongs to. |
GLBRANCH | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The Branch used for posting to the General Ledger. |
GLPOSTED | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the transaction has been posted to the General Ledger. |
GLPOSTED | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if a GL journal exists for the record. |
GLSUBACC | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | SL sub-account number. |
GLSUBACC | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The General Ledger Sub Account that is affected when the transaction is posted to GL. |
GROUP2_SEQNO | STOCK_GROUPS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the related Alternate Stock Group. |
GROUPNAME | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The group's name/description. |
GROUPNAME | STOCK_PRICEGROUPS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Price Group's name. |
GROUPNAME | STOCK_GROUP2S | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The group's name/description. |
GROUPNO | STOCK_GROUP2S | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the group. |
GROUPNO | STOCK_GROUPS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID code for the group. |
GROUPNO | STOCK_PRICEGROUPS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Price Group. |
HAS_BN | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is batch tracked. |
HAS_BN | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is batch tracked. |
HAS_BUDGETS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member has been assigned a Sales Team Budget, i.e. if their Has Budget flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
HAS_EXPIRY | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item has an expiry date. |
HAS_EXPIRY | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item has an expiry date. This flag is only available in the UI if the "Use expiry dates for batched & serial numbers" profile setting is enabled. |
HAS_SN | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is serial number tracked. |
HDR_SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO of the record in the DR_TRANS table that this record related to. |
HDR_SEQNO | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the stock transfer request that the line belongs to (from STOCK_REQUESTS). |
HDR_SEQNO | CR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO of the record in the CR_TRANS table that this record related to. |
HDR_SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the header Inwards Goods record. |
HIDDEN_COST | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials. For kits that use pricing by components, this field stores the header-level cost. For builds that use individual stocklines, this fields stores the lines' real costs. |
HIDDEN_SELL | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials. For kits that use pricing by components, this field stores header-level sell prices For builds that use individual stocklines, this fields stores the lines' real prices. |
HIDE_LINES | BILLOMAT_HDR | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the BOM's "Hide lines on reports" option is ticked. |
HOMEPHONE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's home telephone number. |
IGRLINESEQNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | ID number of the Inwards Goods receipt line (if the source of the line is from Inwards Goods). |
IGRLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Inwards Goods line that the item is linked to. |
INC_FIFO_STOCKTAKE | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | Not supported. |
INSTOCK | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the serial number is in stock. |
INSTOCKQTY | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Physical stock. |
INTERCO_BATCH_DESC | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(80) | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the batch description. |
INTERCO_COMPANYNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Company ID number. |
INTERCO_CR_ACCNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Creditor GL account number. |
INTERCO_CR_BRANCHNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Creditor branch number. |
INTERCO_CR_SUBACCNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Creditor GL sub-account number. |
INTERCO_DR_ACCNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Debtor GL account number. |
INTERCO_DR_BRANCHNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Debtor branch number. |
INTERCO_DR_SUBACCNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field only applies if EXO InterCompany is used. It contains the Debtor GL sub-account number. |
INTRANS_QUANT | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | AS | No | The In Transit Qty on the line. |
INVNO | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The invoice number. |
INVNO | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The invoice number. |
INVOICED | INWARDS_GOODS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the receipt has been invoiced. |
INVSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Debtors Invoice ID the item has been sold against. |
INV_AGE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | AS | No | The invoice's age. This is calculated based on PERIOD_SEQNO. |
INV_COMPLETE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the invoice is complete. |
INV_COST | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The cost as on the related invoice, in local currency. |
INV_COST | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The invoiced amount in local currency. |
INV_EXCHRATE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate applicable to the invoice. |
INV_EXCHRATE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate applicable to the invoice line. |
INV_FC_COST | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The invoiced amount in the currency of the supplier account. |
INV_FC_COST | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The cost as on the related invoice. |
INV_QUANT | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The invoiced quantity on the line. |
INV_TRANSDATE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | DATETIME | No | The transaction date of the invoice related to this line. |
INWARDS_GOODS_SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Inwards Goods header record. |
INWGLID | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | INTEGER | No | An ID number for the inwards goods lines record. |
ISACTIVE | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the GL account is active. |
ISACTIVE | STOCK_COLOUR | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the colour is currently active. |
ISACTIVE | BILLOMAT_HDR | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the BOM is active; otherwise it is inactive. |
ISACTIVE | STOCK_SIZE | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the size is currently active. |
ISACTIVE | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the location is active. |
ISACTIVE | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is currently active, i.e. if their Active flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
ISACTIVE | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', the stock item is active. |
ISACTIVE | STOCK_GROUPS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the group is currently active. |
ISACTIVE | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' is the location is currently active. |
ISASSIGNED | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | N = Not assigned o = assigned to a Sales Order i = assigned to inwards goods j = assigned to Job Costing q = assigned to a stock request p = assigned to a POS parked Sales Order P = assigned to a POS parked invoice |
IS_DISCOUNTABLE | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is discountable. |
IS_SUPERVISOR | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is designated as a supervisor, i.e. if their Has supervisory override authority flag is ticked. |
IS_WIPLOCATION | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the location represents Work in Progress in EXO Job Costing. |
JOBCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(15) | No | If the line originates from a job, the job's code is recorded in this field. |
JOBCODE | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(15) | No | If the line originates from a job, the job's code is recorded in this field. |
JOBLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the job line that the item is linked to. |
JOBNO | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | Job Number if the stock movement sources from a job. |
JOBNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | If the line originates from a job, the job's ID number is recorded in this field. |
JOBNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the job that the serial number belongs to (if there is one). |
JOBNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | If the line originates from a job, the job's ID number is recorded in this field. |
JOBNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | If the order originates from a job, this field records the ID number of the job. |
JOBTITLE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's job title. |
JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS_SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | If the invoice is related to a Progress Billing invoice in EXO Job Costing, the ID number of that invoice is recorded here (from JOB_CONTRACT_BILLINGS). |
KITCODE | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The Bill of Materials code, if the line is part of a BOM. |
KITCODE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The ID code of the Bill of Materials on the line. |
KITCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The Bill of Materials code, if the line is part of a BOM. |
KITCODE | STOCK_TRANS | | VARCHAR(23) | No | Code of the Kit/Bill of Materials, if in this specific transaction, the stock item belonged to a Kit/BOM. |
KITSEQNO | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | Yes | ID number of the Kit/Bill of Materials, if in this specific transaction, the stock item belonged to a Kit/BOM. |
KITSEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Bill of Materials on the line. |
KITSEQNO | BILLOMAT_TEMP | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the BOM. |
KITSEQNO | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | A Bill of Materials SEQNO used to group BOM lines together. |
KITSEQNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | A Bill of Materials SEQNO used to group BOM lines together. |
LASTINVSEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the last invoice generated against the receipt. |
LASTMONTHUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Units of stock item sold in the previous month. |
LASTMONTHVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for the previous month for the stock item. |
LASTUPDATED | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time when the record was last updated. |
LASTYEARUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Units of stock item sold in for the previous year. |
LASTYEARVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for last year. |
LAST_BAD_LOGIN | STAFF | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the staff member last attempted to log in but failed. |
LAST_LOGIN | STAFF | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the staff member last successfully logged in. |
LAST_UPDATE | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | DATETIME | No | The date when the record was last updated (not set automatically - it must be specified on the Alternate Suppliers / Stock Codes window). |
LAST_UPDATED | GLACCS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the GL account was last updated. |
LAST_UPDATED | STOCK_ITEMS | | DATETIME | No | Date and time when the stock item record was last updated. |
LATESTCOST | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The supplier's latest cost for the stock item. |
LATESTCOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's Last Cost Price. |
LCODE | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(8) | No | A short alphanumeric ID code for the location. |
LCOST | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The landed cost on the line. |
LINETAX_OVERRIDDEN | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Contains 'Y' if the tax on the line has been manually modified. |
LINETAX_OVERRIDDEN | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Contains 'Y' if the tax on the line has been manually modified. |
LINETOTAL | DR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the total value for the line, excluding tax. |
LINETOTAL | CR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the total value for the line, excluding tax. |
LINETOTAL_INCTAX | CR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the total value for the line, including tax. |
LINETOTAL_INCTAX | DR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the total value for the line, including tax. |
LINETOTAL_TAX | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The tax total for the line. |
LINETOTAL_TAX | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The tax total for the line. |
LINETYPE | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | Yes | This field indicates the type of line. Will be one of: 0 = Normal stockline 1 = BOM header line 2 = BOM component line 4 = Narrative line 5 = GL code |
LINETYPE | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field indicates the type of line. Will be one of: 0 = Normal stock line 1 = BOM header line 2 = BOM component line 4 = Narrative line 5 = GL code |
LINETYPE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | INTEGER | No | The line type. Will be one of: 0 = Normal line 1 = BOM header 2 = BOM component 4 = Comment |
LINETYPE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | INTEGER | No | This field indicates the type of line. Will be one of: 0 = Normal stockline 1 = BOM header line 2 = BOM component line 4 = Narrative line 5 = GL code |
LINE_SEQNO | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | For manual stock movements this field is NULL. For movements originating from other ledgers, this contains the Line ID of the source line. |
LINE_SOURCE | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The source SEQNO of the line, if it originated from a Sales Order or job. |
LINE_SOURCE | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The source SEQNO of the line, if it originated from a Sales Order or job. |
LINKEDIN_TOKEN_KEY | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own LinkedIn account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token key is stored here. |
LINKEDIN_TOKEN_SECRET | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own LinkedIn account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token secret is stored here. |
LINKEDSTATUS | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Will be one of: S = Stocked L = Lookup N = Not applicable |
LINKEDSTATUS | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | S = Stock item, L = Lookup item. |
LINKEDSTATUS | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Will be one of: S = Stocked L = Lookup N = Not applicable |
LINKEDSTATUS | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | Will be one of: S = Stocked L = Lookup N = Not applicable |
LINKED_QTY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The physical stock unit quantity. |
LINKED_QTY | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The physical stock unit quantity. |
LINKED_QTY | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The physical stock unit quantity. |
LINKED_QTY | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The linked quantity on the line. |
LINKED_STOCKCODE | CR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The physical stock unit. |
LINKED_STOCKCODE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The physical stock unit. |
LINKED_STOCKCODE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The linked stock item code on the line. |
LINKED_STOCKCODE | DR_INVLINES | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The physical stock unit. |
LISTPRICE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The original unit price for the Stock item on this line. |
LNAME | STOCK_LOCATIONS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | A descriptive name for the location. |
LOCATION | STOCK_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | ID number of the Location involved in the stock movement. |
LOCATION | STOCK_LOC_INFO | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the location. |
LOCATION | CR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The location that the Stock item will be moved out of. Generally, lines inherit the location from the invoice header. |
LOCATION | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the location where the stock was counted. |
LOCATION | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The location that the Stock item will be moved out of. Generally, lines inherit the location from the invoice header. |
LOCNAME | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The name of the stock location. |
LOCNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID of the location on the record. |
LOCNO | INWARDS_GOODS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the location on the transaction. |
LOCNO | STOCKREQUIREMENT | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the stock item's location (from STOCK_LOCATIONS). |
LOCNO | STOCK_LOCATIONS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the location. |
LOCNO | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | PK, FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the stock location. |
LOCNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The location of the serialised stock item. |
LOGINID | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | Yes | The staff member's login ID. This is the ID used to log in to the EXO Business system. |
LOOKUP_RECOVERABLE | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if lookup items are recoverable against expenses in EXO Job Costing. |
LOOKUP_RECOVERABLE | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field contains 'Y', the stock item is a recoverable expense in EXO Job Costing. |
MAXSTOCK | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | The maximum stock level for the stock item. |
MAXSTOCK | STOCK_LOC_INFO | | FLOAT(53) | No | The maximum stock quantity for the stock code at the location. |
MAXSTOCK | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The maximum default stock level for each location. |
MENU_NO | STAFF | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Menu Definition specified for the staff member. Corresponds to the menu's SEQNO field in the MENU_COLLECTION table. |
MINSTOCK | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | The minimum stock level for the stock item. |
MINSTOCK | STOCK_LOC_INFO | | FLOAT(53) | No | The minimum stock quantity for the stock code at the location. |
MINSTOCK | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The minimum default stock level for each location. |
MONTHUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales totals in terms of quantity for the current month. |
MONTHVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for the current month. |
NAME | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's full name. |
NAME | GLACCS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The account name. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | INTEGER | No | ID of the narrative on the transaction (entered via manual stock movement). |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO for the narrative on this line. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | CR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The SEQNO for the narrative on this line. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | STOCK_REQUESTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number for the narrative on this request. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number for the narrative on this line. |
NEW_AVECOST | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Average cost of the item after this transaction. |
NEW_LOC_QTY | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Quantity of the item in the location the movement took place after this transaction. |
NEW_QUANTITY | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Stock on hand of the item after this transaction. |
NEW_SEQORDER | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | New sequence order of the transaction. |
NICKNAME | STAFF | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A short nickname for the employee. |
NON_STOCK_AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Non-Stock Purchase Order Authorisation Limit. |
NOTES | INWARDS_GOODS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | Any receipt notes on the transaction. |
NOTES | BILLOMAT_HDR | | VARCHAR(2048) | No | Any notes recorded for the BOM. |
NOTES | GLACCS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any notes on the GL account. |
NOTES | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any notes for the stock item. |
NUMDECIMALS | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | The number of decimal places that can be entered for the stock item's quantity. |
NUM_CARTONS | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | Yes | The number of cartons. |
NUNITPR | DR_INVLINES | | AS | No | A computed field containing the unit price, taking into account the discount on the line. |
ON_COSTS | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | On costs (only applicable to lines sourcing from inwards goods receipts). |
OPENINGBAL | GLACCS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The account's opening balance. |
ORDERQTY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Order Qty from the Sales Order. |
OUTPUT_CODE | BILLOMAT_HDR | | VARCHAR(23) | No | Stock code of the BOM's output item. |
PACK | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(10) | No | Describes the unit of sale for pricing, e.g. EACH or PACK. |
PACKREFERENCE | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | An optional reference code for the pack. |
PACKSLIP | INWARDS_GOODS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The packing slip reference. |
PACK_SIZE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The pack size of the stock item on the line. |
PASSWORD_CHANGED | STAFF | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time when the staff member's password was last changed. |
PAYROLL_ID | STAFF | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The staff member's Employee ID (Payroll) number. This field is used when EXO Business is integrating with an external payroll system, e.g. MYOB EXO Payroll. It must contain the employee's corresponding ID number in the payroll system. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | INTEGER | Yes | ID number of the period that the record belongs to. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | STOCK_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | ID number of the period the transaction belongs to. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the period on the invoice linked to this record. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The period ID of the invoice linked to this record. |
PERIOD_TRADED_IN_SEQ | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'N' if the transaction was in a prior period. |
PHONE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's work telephone number. |
PICTURE_URL | STOCK_WEB | | VARCHAR(80) | No | The URL of the picture to be displayed for the stock item. |
PLU | STOCK_TRANS | | VARCHAR(23) | No | Price Lookup Unit (applies to lookup items). |
POSTTIME | STOCK_TRANS | | DATETIME | No | A timestamp of when the record was entered. |
POST_LOOKUP_TO_GL | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field contains 'N' and the stock item is a lookup item, there is no journal against the transaction. |
POST_TO_GL | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', the stock line is posted to GL; otherwise it is not. |
PO_INVLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The invoice line ID linked to the Purchase Order for the serial number. |
PO_INVSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The invoice ID linked to the Purchase Order for the serial number. |
PO_LINE_NUM | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the related Purchase Order line. |
PO_NUMBER | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the related Purchase Order header. |
PQTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | |
PREV_AVECOST | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Average cost of the stock item before this transaction. |
PREV_QUANTITY | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Quantity of the stock item before the transaction. |
PRICEPERKG | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's sell price per kg. |
PRICEQTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's sell price per quantity. |
PRICE_OVERRIDDEN | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Contains 'Y' if the price on the line has been manually modified. |
PRICING_MODE | BILLOMAT_HDR | | INTEGER | No | How the output item is priced. 0 = Priced by total. 1 = Priced by components. |
PRIVATE_ACC | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the GL account is a private account. |
PRODUCTLOCATION | BILLOMAT_TEMP | FK | INTEGER | No | The location of the BOM product stock item. |
PROFITVARIANCE | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The expected margin variance for the group. |
PURCHORDLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Purchase Order line that the item is linked to. |
PURCHORDNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Purchase Order that the item has been receipted in against. |
PURCHORDQTY | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Incoming stock. |
PURCHPACKPRICE | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The Pack Cost when purchasing the stock item from the supplier. |
PURCHPACKPRICE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The purchase pack price on the line. |
PURCHPACKQUANT | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The Qty per Pack when purchasing the stock item from the supplier. |
PURCHPACKQUANT | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The purchase pack quantity on the line. |
PURCHTAXRATE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Default GST rate for purchase transactions. |
PURCH_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_GROUPS | | INTEGER | No | The code of the GL subaccount for Purchases Clearing. |
PURCH_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The default GL sub-account code that purchase transactions for this stock item are posted to. |
PURCH_GL_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The GL code that purchase transactions for this stock are posted to. |
PURCH_GL_CODE | STOCK_GROUPS | FK | INTEGER | No | The code of the GL account for Purchases Clearing. |
QTY | STOCK_LOC_INFO | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The current stock quantity for the stock code at the location. |
QTY_TRADED_IN_NEG | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Quantity traded when total stock on hand for the item was in negative at the time of the transaction. |
QUANTITY | BILLOMAT_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity on this line. |
QUANTITY | BILLOMAT_TEMP | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity of the BOM component item. |
QUANTITY | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity for this line. |
QUANTITY | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Quantity of stock. |
QUANTITY | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The receipt quantity on the line. |
QUANTITY | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity for this line. |
RECEIPT_NO | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | Receipt number when the source of the transaction is an Inwards Goods Receipt. |
REF1 | STOCK_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Source transaction reference. Usually contains the Debtor/Creditor's invoice number, Purchase Order number, Sales Order number, job number, etc. |
REF2 | STOCK_TRANS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Reference text with details of source of this stock movement. |
REFERENCE | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | A reference code for the record. |
REFERENCE | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Reference text for the transaction. |
REFERENCECODE | BILLOMAT_TEMP | | VARCHAR(30) | No | A reference code for the record. |
RELATED_SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | No | For reversals, this field contains the source Inwards Goods ID number. |
REPORTCODE | GLACCS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The report code used by the GL account. |
REPORTCODE | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A report code for the group. |
REPORTCODE | STOCK_GROUP2S | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A report code for the group. |
REPORTS_TO_STAFFNO | STAFF | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member that this staff member reports to. |
REQUEST_DATE | STOCK_REQUESTS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the request was created. |
REQUIRE_DATE | STOCK_REQUESTS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the request must be completed by. |
REQ_QUANT | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Requested Qty on the line. |
RESTRICTED_ITEM | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the stock item is a restricted item. |
REVERSALSTATUS | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | No | The reversal status. Will be one of: 0 = Normal 1 = Reversed 2 = Reversal |
REVERSED | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the transaction has been reversed. |
SALES0 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Current month sales quantity for the stock item. |
SALES1 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item for the month prior to current month. |
SALES10 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item ten months prior to current month. |
SALES11 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item eleven months prior to current month. |
SALES12 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item twelve months prior to current month. |
SALES2 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item two months prior to current month. |
SALES3 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item three months prior to current month. |
SALES4 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item four months prior to current month. |
SALES5 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item five months prior to current month. |
SALES6 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item six months prior to current month. |
SALES7 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item seven months prior to current month. |
SALES8 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item eight months prior to current month. |
SALES9 | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales quantity for the stock item nine months prior to current month. |
SALESORDLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Sales Order line that the item is linked to. |
SALESORDNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Sales Order ID that the item has been committed against. |
SALESORDQTY | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Committed stock. |
SALESTAXRATE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Default GST rate for sales transactions. |
SALES_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_GROUPS | | INTEGER | No | The code of the GL subaccount for Sales. |
SALES_GLSUBCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | The default GL sub-account code that sales transactions for this stock item are posted to. |
SALES_GL_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The default GL code that sales transactions for this stock item are posted to. |
SALES_GL_CODE | STOCK_GROUPS | FK | INTEGER | No | The code of the GL account for Sales. |
SALES_HTML | STOCK_WEB | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | The Sales text (HTML) for the specified stock item. |
SECTION | GLACCS | | INTEGER | No | This field is set to 0 for Profit and loss accounts or 1 for Balance sheet accounts. |
SECURITYPROFILEID | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member's Security profile. Corresponds to the profile's ID field in the PROFILE table. |
SELLPRICE1 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 1. |
SELLPRICE1 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 1. |
SELLPRICE10 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 10. |
SELLPRICE10 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 10. |
SELLPRICE2 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 2. |
SELLPRICE2 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 2. |
SELLPRICE3 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 3. |
SELLPRICE3 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 3. |
SELLPRICE4 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 4. |
SELLPRICE4 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 4. |
SELLPRICE5 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 5. |
SELLPRICE5 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 5. |
SELLPRICE6 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 6. |
SELLPRICE6 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 6. |
SELLPRICE7 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 7. |
SELLPRICE7 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 7. |
SELLPRICE8 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 8. |
SELLPRICE8 | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 8. |
SELLPRICE9 | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 9. |
SELLPRICE9 | STOCK_ITEMS | | AS | No | Sell price 9. |
SEND_NOW | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Send Now quantity on the line. |
SENT_QUANT | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Sent Qty on the line. |
SEQNO | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the stock transfer request line. |
SEQNO | BILLOMAT_TEMP | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | BILLOMAT_LINES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the line. |
SEQNO | STOCK_REQUESTTYPES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the request type. |
SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID for the record. |
SEQNO | INWARDS_GOODS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the transaction. |
SEQNO | CR_INVLINES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique transaction line ID. |
SEQNO | STOCK_TRANS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID for the record. |
SEQNO | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the stocktake line. |
SEQNO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique transaction ID. |
SEQNO | STOCK_REQUESTS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the transfer request |
SERIALNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The serial number assigned to the stock item. |
SERIALNO_TYPE | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | INTEGER | No | How the stock item is serialised. Will be one of: 0 = Not Serialised 1 = Fully Tracked (In & Internal & Out) 2 = Creditor & Internal (In & Internal) 3 = Debtor Only (Out only) 4 = Creditor & Debtor (In & Out Only) 5 = Creditor Only (In Only) 6 = Internal & Debtor (Internal & Out only) 7 = Internal Only |
SERIALNO_TYPE | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | Yes | How the stock item is serialised. Will be one of: 0 = Not Serialised 1 = Fully Tracked (In & Internal & Out) 2 = Creditor & Internal (In & Internal) 3 = Debtor Only (Out only) 4 = Creditor & Debtor (In & Out Only) 5 = Creditor Only (In Only) 6 = Internal & Debtor (Internal & Out only) 7 = Internal Only |
SESSION_ID | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | No | The session ID for the record. |
SHIPMENTNO | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | INTEGER | No | The shipment number on the record. |
SHIPMENTNO | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | INTEGER | Yes | The shipment number on the record. |
SHIPMENTNO | INWARDS_GOODS | | INTEGER | Yes | The shipment number on the transaction. |
SHOWLINE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials, and is used by Clarity to determine if the line can be printed. |
SHOWLINE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is used to control the visibility of the line on Clarity forms. |
SHOWLINE | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials, and is used by Clarity to determine if the line can be printed. |
SHOWLINE | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field applies to Bills of Materials, and is used by Clarity to determine if the line can be printed. |
SIZECODE | STOCK_SIZE | | VARCHAR(5) | Yes | A user-defined code number for the size. |
SIZEID | STOCK_SIZE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the size. |
SIZENAME | STOCK_SIZE | | VARCHAR(30) | No | A descriptive name for the size. |
SMTP_SEQNO | STAFF | | INTEGER | No | Where emails are sent via SMTP using the EXO Business Email Sender, this field contains the ID of the SMTP settings that apply to the staff member (SMTP_ACCOUNT.SEQNO). Set up via the SMTP Server Settings window. |
SORTORDER | STOCK_SIZE | | INTEGER | No | This field contains the sort order value, which is used to order sizes on the Style Picker window. |
SORTORDER | STOCK_COLOUR | | INTEGER | No | This field contains the sort order value, which is used to order colours on the Style Picker window. |
SO_INVLINESEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The invoice line ID linked to the Sales Order for the serial number. |
SO_INVSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The invoice ID linked to the Sales Order for the serial number. |
SPREAD_TYPE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | INTEGER | Yes | The spread type for on costs: 0 = Quantity 1 = Value 2 = Weight 3 = Cubic |
STAFFNO | BILLOMAT_TEMP | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member on the record. |
STAFFNO | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | FK | INTEGER | Yes | ID number of the staff member who entered the transaction. |
STAFFNO | STOCK_REQUESTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member assigned to the request. |
STAFFNO | STAFF | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the staff record. |
STATUS | STOCK_GROUPS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the 'Display on website option' for the group is ticked. |
STATUS | STOCK_REQUESTS | | INTEGER | No | The status of the stock transfer. Will be one of: 0 = New Request 1 = Picking 2 = In Transit 3 = Complete |
STATUS | STOCK_GROUP2S | | VARCHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the 'Display on website option' for the group is ticked. |
STATUS | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | No | The stock item's status. Will be one of: S = Stock item L = Lookup item |
STDCOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The stock item's standard cost. |
STKMOVSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | No | Stock transaction header ID |
STOCKCODE | BILLOMAT_TEMP | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The stock code of the BOM component item. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_TRANS | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The ID code of the stock item. |
STOCKCODE | CR_INVLINES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | Code of the Stock item on this line. |
STOCKCODE | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The ID code of the stock item being counted. |
STOCKCODE | DR_INVLINES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | Code of the Stock item on this line. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_WEB | FK | CHAR(23) | Yes | The stock code of the stock item that this record applies to. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_ITEMS | PK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | A unique ID code for the stock item. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_SERIALNOS | FK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The stock code of the serialised stock item. |
STOCKCODE | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | FK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The stock item's ID code in EXO Business. |
STOCKCODE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The stock code of the stock item on the line. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_LOC_INFO | PK, FK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The unique ID code of the stock item. |
STOCKCODE | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The ID code of the stock item on the line. |
STOCKCODE | BILLOMAT_LINES | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The stock code of the stock item on this line. |
STOCKCODE | STOCKREQUIREMENT | FK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The stock item's ID code. |
STOCKGROUP | STOCKREQUIREMENT | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the stock item's Primary Stock Group. |
STOCKGROUP | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Primary (Fine) Stock Group that the item belongs to. |
STOCKGROUP | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Stock Group that the stock item belongs to. |
STOCKGROUP2 | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The stock item's Secondary (Coarse) Stock Group. |
STOCKGROUP2 | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Alternative Stock Group |
STOCKGROUP2_REPC | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | VARCHAR(15) | No | The report code of the stock item's Secondary Stock Group. |
STOCKGROUP_REPC | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | FK | VARCHAR(15) | No | The report code of the stock item's Primary Stock Group. |
STOCKINSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the stock transaction that the item was receipted in against. |
STOCKOUTSEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the stock transaction against which the item was moved out of inventory. |
STOCKPRICEGROUP | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The price group that the stock item belongs to. |
STOCK_AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Stock Purchase Order Authorisation Limit. |
STOCK_CLASSIFICATION | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The stock classification that the item belongs to. |
SUBCODE | DR_INVLINES | | INTEGER | No | The GL subaccount code on the line. |
SUPPLIERCODE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The supplier code on the line. |
SUPPLIERCODE | SUPPLIER_STOCK_ITEMS | PK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The supplier's ID code for the stock item. |
SUPPLIERCOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The supplier cost price. |
SUPPLIERNAME | INWARDS_GOODS | | VARCHAR(70) | No | The name of the supplier on the transaction. |
SUPPLIERNO | STOCK_ITEMS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number (CR_ACCS.ACCNO) of the stock item's main supplier. |
SUPPLIERNO | INWARDS_GOODS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the supplier (Creditor) account. |
SUPPLIERNO | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Creditor who supplies the stock item. |
SUPPLIERNO2 | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Alternate supplier for the stock item. |
SUPPLIERNO3 | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Alternate supplier for the stock item. |
SUPPLIERREF | INWARDS_GOODS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The shipping reference on the transaction. |
SUP_NOW | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Receive Now quantity on the line. |
SUP_QUANT | STOCK_REQUESTLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Received Qty on the line. |
SU_SEQNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | No | Serviceable Unit ID |
SWATCHID | STOCK_COLOUR | | INTEGER | No | The colour value of the colour record's swatch. |
SYSTEMQTY | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity recorded in the EXO Business system for the item at this location. |
TAXRATE | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage tax rate on the line at the time of the transaction. |
TAXRATE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage tax rate on the line at the time of the transaction. |
TAXRATE_NO | CR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the tax rate used by the transaction. |
TAXRATE_NO | DR_INVLINES | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the tax rate used by the transaction. |
TAXSTATUS | GLACCS | | INTEGER | No | The Override GST rate specified for the GL account. A value of -1 corresponds to the AUTO SELECT RATE option. |
TIME_COUNTSHEETS | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when count sheets were printed for the location. |
TIME_INITIALISED | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the location was initialised for stocktake. |
TIME_KEYED | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when counted quantities were keyed for the location. |
TIME_UPLOADED | STOCKTAKE_CTRL | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when stock transactions were uploaded to the Stock ledger. |
TOLOCATION | STOCK_TRANS | FK | INTEGER | No | ID of the Destination location (applies in case of stock transfers). |
TOTALSTOCK | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | Total units of stock for the item. |
TO_LOC | STOCK_REQUESTS | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the location that stock is to be transferred to. |
TRANSDATE | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time when the transaction took place. |
TRANSDATE | BILLOMAT_TEMP | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the transaction occurred. |
TRANSDATE | DR_INVLINES | | DATETIME | No | The date of the transaction. |
TRANSDATE | STOCK_TRANS | | DATETIME | No | The date when the stock movement took place. |
TRANSDATE | INWARDS_GOODS | | DATETIME | No | The transaction date. |
TRANSDATE | INWARDS_GOODS_COSTS | | DATETIME | No | The transaction date of the invoice linked to this record. |
TRANSTYPE | STOCK_TRANS_HDR | | INTEGER | Yes | The transaction type. Will be one of: 0=Sales 1=Receipt 2=Transfer 3=Adjust Out 4=Adjust In 5=Average Cost Adjustment |
TRANSTYPE | STOCK_REQUESTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Stock Request Type (from STOCK_REQUESTTYPES). |
TRANSTYPE | STOCK_TRANS | | INTEGER | No | The type of the transaction. Will be one of: 0=Sales 1=Receipt 2=Transfer 3=Adjust Out 4=Adjust In 5=Average Cost Adjustment |
TWITTER_TOKEN_KEY | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Twitter account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token key is stored here. |
TWITTER_TOKEN_SECRET | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Twitter account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token secret is stored here. |
UNITCOST | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit cost for the stock item. Unit costs are only entered during stock take if the "Initialise cost prices" stock take option is enabled. |
UNITCOST | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit cost price of the stock item. |
UNITCOST | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit cost of the Stock item on this line. |
UNITNO | STOCK_SERIALNOS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the serviceable unit that the item is linked to. |
UNITPRICE | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the Stock item on this line. |
UNITPRICE | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the Stock item on this line. |
UNITPRICE | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the stock item on the line. |
UNITPRICE | BILLOMAT_TEMP | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the BOM component item. |
UNITPRICE | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Unit price of the stock item. |
UNITPRICE_INCTAX | CR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the Stock item on this line, inclusive of tax. |
UNITPRICE_INCTAX | DR_INVLINES | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit price of the Stock item on this line, inclusive of tax. |
UPDATEITEM_CODE | STOCK_ITEMS | | VARCHAR(23) | No | Only applies to lookup items. The ID number of the stocked item that maintains the actual stock. |
UPDATEITEM_FLAG | STOCK_TRANS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' for a normal stocked item, 'T' for a linked stock code, or 'U' for a transaction created for the SKU of the linked stock code. |
UPDATEITEM_QTY | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Only applies to lookup items. Quantity of the stocked item. |
UPDATE_STOCK | CR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', stock movements are created via the trigger CR_INVLINES_POST. The field is then set to 'T'. |
UPDATE_STOCK | DR_INVLINES | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field is set to 'Y', stock movements are created via the trigger DR_INVLINES_POST. The field is then set to 'T'. |
USERPROFILEID | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member's User profile. Corresponds to the profile's ID field in the PROFILE table. |
USESUBCODES | GLACCS | | CHAR(1) | No | Not used. |
VALUE_TRADED_IN_NEG | STOCK_TRANS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Value traded when total stock on hand for the item was in negative at the time of the transaction. |
VARIABLECOST | STOCK_ITEMS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The field is set to 'Y for Variable Cost stock items. |
VARIANCE | STOCKTAKE_TOTALS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The difference between the system quantity and the counted quantity. Populated automatically when the Stocktake Variance Report is run for the Stock Take utility. |
VARIANTLINE | BILLOMAT_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the line is not included in the BOM by default. |
VAR_GLPOSTED | INWARDS_GOODS_LINES | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if variance has been posted against this line. |
VIRTSTOCK | STOCKREQUIREMENT | | FLOAT(53) | No | Free stock taking into account the incoming and committed stock. |
WASTAGE | BILLOMAT_HDR | | FLOAT(53) | No | The BOM's Overhead Allocation percentage. |
WEIGHT | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Physical weight of the stock item. |
X_BINCODE | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The bin code for the style. |
X_COLOURID | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Style colour ID of the stock item. Used by the Style, Size Colour functionality. |
X_COLOURIDS | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(255) | No | This field contains a comma-separated list of colour IDs applicable to the style. |
X_DESCRIPTION_FORMULA | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(40) | No | The stock item description formula for the group. |
X_ISSTYLE | STOCK_GROUPS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the group is a style. |
X_MAXSTOCK | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The maximum stock level for the style. |
X_MINSTOCK | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The minimum stock level for the style. |
X_PRICEGROUP | STOCK_GROUPS | FK | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the style has a matching Price Group. |
X_SELLPRICE1 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 1 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE10 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 10 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE2 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 2 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE3 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 3 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE4 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 4 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE5 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 5 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE6 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 6 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE7 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 7 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE8 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 8 for the style. |
X_SELLPRICE9 | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sell price 9 for the style. |
X_SIZEID | STOCK_ITEMS | | INTEGER | No | Style size ID of the stock item. Used by the Style, Size Colour functionality. |
X_SIZEIDS | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(255) | No | This field contains a comma-separated list of size IDs applicable to the style. |
X_STOCKCODE_FORMULA | STOCK_GROUPS | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The stock item code formula for the group. |
X_SUPPLIERCOST | STOCK_GROUPS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The supplier cost in the currency of the supplier account. |
X_SUPPLIERNO | STOCK_GROUPS | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the main supplier of the style. |
YEARUNITS | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Year to date sales totals in terms of quantity. |
YEARVALUE | STOCK_ITEMS | | FLOAT(53) | No | Sales value for the current year. |