Name | Primary key columns | Number of columns | Comment |
CAMPAIGN | SEQNO | 15 | This table contains details of all marketing campaigns in EXO CRM. |
CAMPAIGN_CONTACT_LISTS | | 3 | This table contains records of the contact lists that are assigned to campaigns. |
CAMPAIGN_HIST | SEQNO | 7 | This table contains details of History Notes on campaigns. |
CAMPAIGN_STAGE | SEQNO | 9 | This table records details of the Campaign Stages that are assigned to campaigns in EXO CRM. |
CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | SEQNO | 7 | This table contains details of Campaign Stage workflow constraints. |
CAMPAIGN_TYPE | | 2 | This table contains details of the campaign types used by campaigns in EXO CRM. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE | SEQNO | 19 | This table contains details of all campaign waves setup in EXO Business CRM. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | | 6 | This table contains a record of which Contacts each campaign wave was sent to. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_CONTACT_LISTS | | 3 | This table contains records of the contact lists that are used by campaign waves. |
CONTACTS | SEQNO | 68 | This table contains information about Contacts. |
CONTACT_LIST | SEQNO | 11 | This table contains details of the contact lists used by EXO CRM. |
CONTACT_LIST_ITEM | SEQNO | 5 | This table contains details of the members of the contact lists used by EXO CRM. |
CONTACT_LIST_TYPE | | 2 | This table contains details of the List Types used by contact lists in EXO CRM. |
CRM_BUDGET | SEQNO | 17 | This table contains details of Sales Team Budgets in EXO CRM. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_ACCGROUP2S | | 2 | This table records any Alternate Account Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_ACCGROUPS | | 2 | This table records any Account Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_BRANCHES | | 2 | This table records any branches that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_DR_ACCS | | 2 | This table records any Debtor accounts that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STAFF | | 2 | This table records any staff members who are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_GROUP2S | | 2 | This table records any Stock Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_GROUPS | | 2 | This table records any Alternate Stock Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_ITEMS | | 2 | This table records any Stock items that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets. |
CRM_BUDGET_HDR | SEQNO | 5 | This table contains header information for Sales Team Budgets in EXO CRM. |
CRM_BUDGET_LINE | SEQNO | 21 | This table contains line information for Sales Team Budgets in EXO CRM. |
OPPORTUNITY | SEQNO | 30 | This table contains details of all Opportunities used by the EXO CRM module. |
OPPORTUNITY_HIST | SEQNO | 7 | This table contains details of History Notes on Opportunities. |
OPPORTUNITY_LEAD | SEQNO | 2 | This table records all Opportunity Lead Sources. |
OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | SEQNO | 57 | This table contains details of the quote lines attached to Opportunities (EXO CRM). |
OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTIONS | SEQNO | 5 | This table records details of the Quote Options available for Opportunity quotes. |
OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | SEQNO | 12 | This table records all Opportunity Stages. |
OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | SEQNO | 7 | This table contains details of Opportunity workflow constraints. |
OPPORTUNITY_TYPE | SEQNO | 2 | This table records all Opportunity Types. |
PERIOD_STATUS | SEQNO | 18 | This table contains details of the age periods set up in the system. |
STAFF | STAFFNO | 39 | This table stores details of all EXO Business staff members. These are the people who are authorised to log in to and use the EXO Business system. |
TASKS | SEQNO | 44 | This table contains details of all activities (tasks and appointments) in the EXO Business system. |
TASK_STATUSES | SEQNO | 2 | This table contains details of the statues that can be assigned to activities. |
TASK_TYPES | SEQNO | 2 | This table contains the types that can be assigned to activities. |