MYOB Exo Business CRM
List of entities
Entity details
NamePrimary key columnsNumber of columnsComment
CAMPAIGNSEQNO15This table contains details of all marketing campaigns in EXO CRM.
CAMPAIGN_CONTACT_LISTS3This table contains records of the contact lists that are assigned to campaigns.
CAMPAIGN_HISTSEQNO7This table contains details of History Notes on campaigns.
CAMPAIGN_STAGESEQNO9This table records details of the Campaign Stages that are assigned to campaigns in EXO CRM.
CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINTSEQNO7This table contains details of Campaign Stage workflow constraints.
CAMPAIGN_TYPE2This table contains details of the campaign types used by campaigns in EXO CRM.
CAMPAIGN_WAVESEQNO19This table contains details of all campaign waves setup in EXO Business CRM.
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT6This table contains a record of which Contacts each campaign wave was sent to.
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_CONTACT_LISTS3This table contains records of the contact lists that are used by campaign waves.
CONTACTSSEQNO68This table contains information about Contacts.
CONTACT_LISTSEQNO11This table contains details of the contact lists used by EXO CRM.
CONTACT_LIST_ITEMSEQNO5This table contains details of the members of the contact lists used by EXO CRM.
CONTACT_LIST_TYPE2This table contains details of the List Types used by contact lists in EXO CRM.
CRM_BUDGETSEQNO17This table contains details of Sales Team Budgets in EXO CRM.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_ACCGROUP2S2This table records any Alternate Account Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_ACCGROUPS2This table records any Account Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_BRANCHES2This table records any branches that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_DR_ACCS2This table records any Debtor accounts that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STAFF2This table records any staff members who are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_GROUP2S2This table records any Stock Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_GROUPS2This table records any Alternate Stock Groups that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_ITEMS2This table records any Stock items that are excluded from Sales Team Budgets.
CRM_BUDGET_HDRSEQNO5This table contains header information for Sales Team Budgets in EXO CRM.
CRM_BUDGET_LINESEQNO21This table contains line information for Sales Team Budgets in EXO CRM.
OPPORTUNITYSEQNO30This table contains details of all Opportunities used by the EXO CRM module.
OPPORTUNITY_HISTSEQNO7This table contains details of History Notes on Opportunities.
OPPORTUNITY_LEADSEQNO2This table records all Opportunity Lead Sources.
OPPORTUNITY_QUOTESEQNO57This table contains details of the quote lines attached to Opportunities (EXO CRM).
OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTIONSSEQNO5This table records details of the Quote Options available for Opportunity quotes.
OPPORTUNITY_STAGESEQNO12This table records all Opportunity Stages.
OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINTSEQNO7This table contains details of Opportunity workflow constraints.
OPPORTUNITY_TYPESEQNO2This table records all Opportunity Types.
PERIOD_STATUSSEQNO18This table contains details of the age periods set up in the system.
STAFFSTAFFNO39This table stores details of all EXO Business staff members. These are the people who are authorised to log in to and use the EXO Business system.
TASKSSEQNO44This table contains details of all activities (tasks and appointments) in the EXO Business system.
TASK_STATUSESSEQNO2This table contains details of the statues that can be assigned to activities.
TASK_TYPESSEQNO2This table contains the types that can be assigned to activities.