Column name | Table | Key | Data type | Not NULL | Comment |
ABSENT | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is currently absent, i.e. if their Absent flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
ACCGROUP | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Account Group that the line applies to (if there is one). |
ACCGROUP | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_ACCGROUP2S | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The Alternate Account Group ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
ACCGROUP | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_ACCGROUPS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The Account Group ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
ACCGROUP2 | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Alternate Account Group that the line applies to (if there is one). |
ACCNO | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Debtor account that the line applies to (if there is one). |
ACCNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_DR_ACCS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The Debtor account ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
ACCOUNT_STATUS | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The staff member's account status. Will be one of: 0 = Account OK 1 = Account Locked 2 = Password Expired |
ACTIVITY_TYPE | TASKS | | INTEGER | Yes | The field contains 0 if the activity is an appointment, or 1 if it is a task. |
ACTUAL | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | | DECIMAL(19, 4) | No | Actuals for the budget line. |
ACTUALFINISH | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The actual datetime stamp when the activity was finished. |
ACTUALSTART | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The actual datetime stamp when the activity was started. For recurring events it contains the start date of the first occurrence. |
ACTUAL_PERIOD_STATUS_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the corresponding period in the current year, as set up in EXO Business Config (links to PERIOD_STATUS.SEQNO). |
ACTUAL_UNITCOST | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The unit cost for the Stock item on the quote line. |
ADDRESS1 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 1. |
ADDRESS2 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 2. |
ADDRESS3 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 3. |
ADDRESS4 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 4. |
ADDRESS5 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Postal address line 5. This line is only available on the Contacts window if the Additional Postal Address Row profile setting is enabled. |
ADMIN_STAT | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field is set to 'Y', the campaign stage does not allow the entry of new transactions. |
ADMIN_STAT | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage prevents entry of new transactions. |
ADVERTSOURCE | CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The Contact's Advertising Source - corresponds to the SEQNO of the type in the ADVERT_TYPES table. |
AGE | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The age of the period. The current period has an age of 0. |
ALINENO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | A unique line number. |
AMOUNT | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quote value for the Opportunity. |
API_ACCESS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the staff member is authorised to use the EXO API. |
APP_PASSWORD | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's password, used when logging in to the EXO Business system. Passwords are stored in an encrypted format. |
ASSIGNED_BY | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who assigned the activity. |
ASSIGNED_BY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID of the staff member who assigned the Opportunity. |
ASSIGNED_TO | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID of the staff member to whom the Opportunity has been assigned. |
ASSIGNED_TO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who the activity has been assigned to. |
AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Credit Invoice Authorisation Limit. |
BAD_LOGIN_COUNT | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The number of times the staff member has attempted to log in but failed. |
BANKFEED_REFRESHTOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(500) | No | Encrypted OAuth refresh token used for Bank Feeds. |
BOMPRICING | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | No | How the Bill of Materials is priced. Will be one of: C = pricing by Component
T = Pricing by total |
BOMTYPE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | No | The type of Bill of Materials that the line relates to: N = Normal stock item B = Build K = Kit L = Lookup |
BRANCHNO | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the branch that the line applies to (if there is one). |
BRANCHNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the branch used on this line. |
BRANCHNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_BRANCHES | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The branch ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
BUDGET_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_DR_ACCS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the budget (Links to CRM_BUDGET.SEQNO). |
BUDGET_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STAFF | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the budget (Links to CRM_BUDGET.SEQNO). |
BUDGET_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the budget that the line record belongs to. |
CAMPAIGN_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_CONTACT_LISTS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the campaign that the contact list is assigned to. |
CAMPAIGN_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the campaign that the campaign wave is part of. |
CAMPAIGN_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_HIST | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the campaign that the History Note is attached to. |
CAMPAIGN_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the campaign the activity relates to (links to CAMPAIGN.SEQNO). |
CAMPAIGN_STAGE | CAMPAIGN | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Stage specified for the campaign, from the CAMPAIGN_STAGE table. |
CAMPAIGN_TYPE | CAMPAIGN | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Type specified for the campaign, from the CAMPAIGN_TYPE table. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_CONTACT_LISTS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the campaign wave that uses the list. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the campaign wave. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | If the Contact is included in a campaign wave (EXO Business CRM), the wave's ID number is stored here. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY | FK | INTEGER | No | If the Opportunity is associated with a campaign wave (EXO Business CRM), the wave's ID number is stored here. |
CAMPAIGN_WAVE_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the campaign wave the activity relates to (links to CAMPAIGN_WAVE.SEQNO). |
CLOSED_VALUE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total value of all closed lines on the Opportunity. |
CLOSE_DATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Opportunity was changed to Closed status. |
COMMUNICATION_METHOD | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | INTEGER | No | This field specifies the Communication Method selected for the campaign wave. Will be one of: 0 = no Communication Method selected 1 = Mailshot Process 2 = Bulk Activity Creation 3 = Execute SQL 4 = Social Media Post 5 = Export List 6 = Execute External Program |
COMMUNICATION_METHOD | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | | INTEGER | No | The campaign wave's communication method. Will be one of: 0 = no Communication Method selected 1 = Mailshot Process 2 = Bulk Activity Creation 3 = Execute SQL 4 = Social Media Post 5 = Export List 6 = Execute External Program |
COMPANYID | TASKS | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The ID number of the company the activity relates to. Will be the ACCNO preceded by a letter: D = Debtor account C = Creditor account P = Prospect (Non Account) |
COMPANYID | OPPORTUNITY | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The ID number of the company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) that the Opportunity is assigned to. |
COMPANY_ACCNO | CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | If the Contact is associated with a company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) the company's ID number is recorded here. |
COMPANY_ACCTYPE | CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | If the Contact is associated with a company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) the type of company account is recorded here: 1 = Debtor account 2 = Creditor account 3 = Non Account |
COMPLETE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the campaign wave's Complete flag is ticked. |
COMPLETED | TASKS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains "Y" if the activity has been completed. |
COMPLETED_DATETIME | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the activity was completed. |
COMPLETED_PERCENT | TASKS | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The percentage completion amount for the activity (only used for tasks). |
CONTACTSEQNO | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Contact that the Opportunity is assigned to. |
CONTACTSEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the contact the activity is linked to. |
CONTACT_LIST_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_CONTACT_LISTS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the contact list that is assigned to the campaign. |
CONTACT_LIST_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_CONTACT_LISTS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the contact list that is used by the campaign wave. |
CONTACT_LIST_TYPE | CONTACT_LIST | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the contact list's List Type, taken from CONTACT_LIST_TYPE. |
CONTACT_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Contact that the wave was sent to. |
COST_CENTRE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | The Cost Type on the quote line. |
COST_CENTRE2 | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | The Cost Group on the quote line. |
CREATEDATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the Opportunity was created. |
CREATEDATE | CAMPAIGN | | DATETIME | No | The date the campaign was created on. |
CREATEDATE | TASKS | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time when the activity was created. |
CREATEDATE | CONTACT_LIST | | DATETIME | Yes | The date when the contact list was created. |
CREATEDBY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who created the Opportunity. |
CREATEDBY | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who created the activity. |
CREATED_BY | CONTACT_LIST | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member who created the contact list. |
CURRENCYNO | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency that the Sales Order is in. |
CURRENCYNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the currency that the Sales Order is in. |
DEF_PROBABILITY | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | INTEGER | No | The default probability percentage for the stage. |
DELADDR1 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 1. |
DELADDR2 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 2. |
DELADDR3 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 3. |
DELADDR4 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 4. |
DELADDR5 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 5. |
DELADDR6 | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | Delivery address line 6. |
DELETED_FLAG | TASKS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains "Y" if the activity has been deleted. |
DESCRIPT | CONTACT_LIST_TYPE | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The name/description of the type. |
DESCRIPT | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(50) | No | A short written description of the campaign wave. |
DESCRIPT | CAMPAIGN | | VARCHAR(5000) | No | Any notes entered for the campaign. |
DESCRIPT | CAMPAIGN_TYPE | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The campaign type's name/description. |
DESCRIPT | CONTACT_LIST | | VARCHAR(1000) | No | The text entered into the contact list's Notes field. |
DESCRIPT | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The stage's name/description. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY_TYPE | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The name/description of the Opportunity Type. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | VARCHAR(50) | Yes | A description of the constraint. |
DESCRIPTION | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | VARCHAR(50) | Yes | A description of the constraint. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | VARCHAR(60) | No | A description of the stage. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY | | VARCHAR(60) | No | Description text for the Opportunity. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The description of the stock item on this line. |
DESCRIPTION | TASK_TYPES | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The type's name/description. |
DESCRIPTION | TASK_STATUSES | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The name/description of the status. |
DESCRIPTION | OPPORTUNITY_LEAD | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The Lead Source's name/description. |
DETAILS | TASKS | | VARCHAR(5500) | No | Details relating to the activity. |
DETAILS | OPPORTUNITY | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | Any details or notes entered for the Opportunity. |
DIM_DEPTH | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The Depth value specified for the quote line. |
DIM_LENGTH | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The Length value specified for the quote line. |
DIM_WIDTH | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The Width value specified for the quote line. |
DIRECTFAX | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's fax number. |
DIRECTPHONE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's direct telephone number. |
DISCOUNT | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The percentage discount on the quote line. |
DISCOUNTRATE | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The staff member's Discount Rate Limit. |
DOC_BATCH_HDR_SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | INTEGER | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process " Communication Method that include email attachments, this field contains the ID number of the documentation batch in the DOC_BATCH_HDR table that relates to the attachments. |
DUE_DATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The due date for the Opportunity. |
EMAIL | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The Contact's email address. |
EMAIL_ADDRESS | STAFF | | VARCHAR(50) | No | The staff member's email address. |
EMPLOYEE_CODE | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | This field is used by the payroll integration functionality. |
ENDDATE | CRM_BUDGET | | DATETIME | No | The end date of the period. |
ENDDATE | CAMPAIGN | | DATETIME | No | The End Date specified for the campaign. |
ENDDATE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | DATETIME | No | The end date for the period that the campaign wave runs over. |
END_DATETIME | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the activity ends. |
ESTIMATE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The estimated value entered for the Opportunity. |
EST_COST | CAMPAIGN | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Estimated Cost entered for the campaign. |
EST_RESPONSE | CAMPAIGN | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Estimated Response entered for the campaign. |
EST_REVENUE | CAMPAIGN | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Estimated Revenue amount entered for the campaign. |
EVENTTYPE | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | A number indicating the type of event, where 0 is for a normal activity and all other numbers are used for recurring events. |
EXCHRATE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | No | The exchange rate for the currency that the Opportunity is in. |
EXCHRATE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The currency exchange rate used for the quote. |
EXECUTE_TYPE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | | VARCHAR(15) | No | How communication was sent to the contact - "EMAILED" or "PRINTED". |
EXTENSION | STAFF | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The staff member's telephone extension. |
FACEBOOK | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | The Contact's Facebook username or ID number. |
FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Facebook account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token is stored here. |
FACEBOOK_POST_ID | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(100) | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the ID number of the Facebook post. |
FIN_QTR | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The financial quarter that the period belongs to. |
FIRSTNAME | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's first name. |
FROMLOC | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the location that the Stock item on this line is being supplied from. |
FROM_STATUS | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | No | The source stage for the constraint. |
FROM_STATUS | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | No | The source stage for the constraint. |
FULLNAME | CONTACTS | | AS | No | The Contact's full name, formed by joining the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME fields. |
GEOCODE_STATUS | CONTACTS | | INTEGER | No | Result of the geocode lookup. Will be one of: Null or -1 - lookup not yet attempted 0 - lookup successful >0 - lookup failed |
GLCODE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | INTEGER | No | The GL account on this quote line. |
GROUPNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_GROUP2S | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The Alternate Stock Group ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
GROUPNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_GROUPS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The Stock Group ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
HAS_BUDGETS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member has been assigned a Sales Team Budget, i.e. if their Has Budget flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
HDR_SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTIONS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Opportunity that this option applies to. |
HDR_SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Opportunity that this line relates to (OPPORTUNITY.SEQNO). |
HDR_SEQNO | CONTACT_LIST_ITEM | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the contact list (CONTACT_LIST.SEQNO). |
HEADER_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the budget this line belongs to (links to CRM_BUDGET_HDR.SEQNO) |
HIDDEN_COST | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | This field applies to Bills of Materials. For kits that use pricing by components, this field stores header-level sell costs. For builds that use individual stocklines, this fields stores the lines' real costs. |
HIDDEN_SELL | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | This field applies to Bills of Materials. For kits that use pricing by components, this field stores header-level sell prices. For builds that use individual stocklines, this fields stores the lines' real prices. |
HOMEPHONE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's home phone number. |
HOMEPHONE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's home telephone number. |
ISACTIVE | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | Whether the Contact is active (Y) or inactive (N). |
ISACTIVE | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the constraint applies, so that users are permitted to change a campaign from the stage specified by the FROM_STATUS to the stage specified by the TO_STATUS. |
ISACTIVE | CRM_BUDGET_HDR | | BIT | Yes | This field is set to 1 if the budget is active or 0 if it is inactive. |
ISACTIVE | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field is set to 'Y', campaigns at this stage are active. |
ISACTIVE | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage causes the Opportunity to be marked as Active. |
ISACTIVE | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is currently active, i.e. if their Active flag is ticked in EXO Business Configurator. |
ISACTIVE | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the constraint applies, so that users are permitted to change an Opportunity from the stage specified by the FROM_STATUS to the stage specified by the TO_STATUS. |
ISARCHIVED | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field is set to 'Y', campaigns at this stage will be archived. |
ISARCHIVED | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage causes the Opportunity to be archived. |
ISCOMPLETE | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field is set to 'Y', campaigns at this stage are complete. |
ISCOMPLETE | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage causes the Opportunity to be marked as Complete. |
ISINVOICEREADY | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage causes the Opportunity to be marked as Ready for Invoice. |
ISLOCKQUOTE | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage causes quotations on the Opportunity to be read-only. |
ISPRIMARY | CRM_BUDGET_HDR | | BIT | Yes | This field is set to 1 if the budget is a primary budget; 0 otherwise. |
IS_ACTIVE | CONTACT_LIST | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the contact list is active. |
IS_CLOSE | OPPORTUNITY | | AS | No | Set to 'Y' if the Opportunity has been changed to Closed status. |
IS_PRIVATE | CONTACT_LIST | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the contact list is private, i.e. only available to its owner (see the OWNER field). |
IS_SUPERVISOR | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the staff member is designated as a supervisor, i.e. if their Has supervisory override authority flag is ticked. |
ITEM_SEQNO | CONTACT_LIST_ITEM | FK | INTEGER | No | The item's ID number. For contacts, this is CONTACTS.SEQNO. |
ITEM_TYPE | CONTACT_LIST_ITEM | | INTEGER | Yes | The type of item. 1 = Contact |
JOBNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the job the activity relates to (links to JOBCOST_HDR.JOBNO). |
JOBTITLE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's job title. |
JOB_LINK | CAMPAIGN | | INTEGER | No | If campaign costs are being tracked by linking the campaign to a job in the EXO Job Costing system, the linked job's ID number is recorded here. |
KITCODE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The Bill of Materials code, if the line is part of a BOM. |
KITSEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | Yes | A Bill of Materials SEQNO used to group BOM lines together. |
LABELCOLOR | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | The colour value for the colour used to highlight the activity on calendars. |
LANDING_SITE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Landing site field. |
LASTNAME | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's last/family name. |
LAST_BAD_LOGIN | STAFF | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the staff member last attempted to log in but failed. |
LAST_LOGIN | STAFF | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the staff member last successfully logged in. |
LAST_MODIFIED | CONTACT_LIST | | DATETIME | Yes | The date when the contact list was last edited. |
LAST_UPDATED | CONTACTS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the Contact record was last updated. |
LAST_UPDATED | CAMPAIGN | | DATETIME | No | The date that the campaign was last edited on. |
LATITUDE | CONTACTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Contact's latitude. |
LEDGER | PERIOD_STATUS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | The ledger for a specific age. |
LEVEL_ACCGROUP | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Account Group level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_ACCGROUP2 | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Alternate Account Group level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_ACCNO | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Debtor account level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_BRANCH | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Branch level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_STAFF | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the staff member level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_STOCKCODE | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Stock item level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_STOCKGROUP | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Stock Group level; 0 otherwise. |
LEVEL_STOCKGROUP2 | CRM_BUDGET | | BIT | Yes | This field contains 1 if the budget applies at the Alternate Stock Group level; 0 otherwise. |
LINETAX_OVERRIDDEN | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if the tax on the line was overridden. |
LINETAX_OVERRIDE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | If the tax on the line was manually overridden, this field contains the new value. |
LINETOTAL | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | AS | No | A computed field showing the line total. |
LINETOTAL_INCTAX | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | AS | No | The line total including tax. |
LINETOTAL_TAX | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total amount of tax on the quote line. |
LINETYPE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | Yes | The type of the line. Will be one of: 0 = Not part of a BOM. 1 = Header line of a BOM. 2 = Line of a BOM. |
LINE_TAX | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The amount of tax on the quote line. |
LINKEDIN | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The Contact's LinkedIn account ID. |
LINKEDIN_POST_DATE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | DATETIME | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the date of the LinkedIn post. |
LINKEDIN_TOKEN_KEY | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own LinkedIn account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token key is stored here. |
LINKEDIN_TOKEN_SECRET | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own LinkedIn account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token secret is stored here. |
LINKEDSTATUS | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | No | The linked status of the Stock line. Will be one of: S = Stocked
L = Lookup
N = Not applicable |
LINKED_QTY | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The linked quantity, if applicable. |
LINKED_STOCKCODE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | VARCHAR(23) | No | The linked Stock code, if applicable. |
LISTPRICE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The original sell price of the Stock item on this line. |
LOCKED | PERIOD_STATUS | | CHAR(1) | No | If set to 'Y', the period is locked, implying that this age in a specific ledger is closed and no more transactions should take place |
LOCK_CAMPAIGN | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field is set to 'Y', the campaign stage makes campaigns locked, i.e. read-only. |
LOCK_JOB | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', the stage makes the Opportunity read-only. |
LOGDATETIME | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time that the campaign wave was sent. |
LOGINID | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | Yes | The staff member's login ID. This is the ID used to log in to the EXO Business system. |
LONGITUDE | CONTACTS | | FLOAT(53) | No | The Contact's longitude. |
LOST_VALUE | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total value of all lost lines on the Opportunity. |
LYACTUAL | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | | DECIMAL(19, 4) | No | Last year actuals for the budget line. |
LYACTUAL_PERIOD_STATUS_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the corresponding period last year, as set up in EXO Business Config (links to PERIOD_STATUS.SEQNO). |
MANREP_PERIOD_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the period as set up in EXO Business Analytics (links to MANREP_PERIOD.PERIOD_SEQNO). |
MANREP_PERIOD_SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET_HDR | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Sales Year that the budget belongs to (Sales Years are set up using the EXO Business Analytics module). |
MENU_NO | STAFF | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Menu Definition specified for the staff member. Corresponds to the menu's SEQNO field in the MENU_COLLECTION table. |
MINGLSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | The first transaction for the period found in the GLTRANS table. |
MINORDLINESEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the SALESORD_LINES table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the PURCHORD_LINES table. |
MINORDSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the SALESORD_HDR table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the PURCHORD_HDR table. |
MINSTOCKSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | The first transaction for the period found in the Stock ledger. |
MINTRANLINESEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the DR_INVLINES table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the CR_INVLINES table. |
MINTRANSEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | No | For the Debtors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the DR_TRANS table. For the Creditors ledger, this specifies the first transaction for the period found in the CR_TRANS table. |
MOBILE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's mobile phone number. |
MOBILE_ACCESS | STAFF | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the staff member is authorised to use the EXO OnTheGo mobile app. |
MODIFIEDBY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who most recently modified the Opportunity. |
MODIFIEDBY | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who last modified the activity. |
MODIFIEDDATE | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the activity was last edited. |
MODIFIEDDATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the Opportunity was most recently modified. |
MSN_ID | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(45) | No | The Contact's MSN ID number. |
NAME | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's full name. |
NAME | CRM_BUDGET | | VARCHAR(1024) | Yes | The period name. |
NAME | CRM_BUDGET_HDR | | VARCHAR(1024) | Yes | The budget's name. |
NARRATIVE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | VARCHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if there is a narrative on this line. |
NARRATIVE_SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the narrative on this line. |
NICKNAME | STAFF | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A short nickname for the employee. |
NON_STOCK_AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Non-Stock Purchase Order Authorisation Limit. |
NOTE | CAMPAIGN_HIST | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | The body of the History Note. |
NOTE | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | The body of the History Note. |
NOTES | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | All notes entered for the Contact on the Notes tab. |
NUNITPR | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | AS | No | A computed field showing the line total including GST. |
OPPLINEID | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | A unique ID number for the line. |
OPPORTUNITYSEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Opportunity the activity is linked to. |
OPPORTUNITY_LEAD | OPPORTUNITY | FK | INTEGER | No | The Opportunity's lead source, taken from OPPORTUNITY_LEAD.SEQNO. |
OPPORTUNITY_SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the Opportunity that the History Note is attached to. |
OPTIONS | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | 2 = All day event 3 = Not an all day event 6 = Not an all day event with reminder 7 = All day event with reminder |
OPTION_NO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTIONS | | INTEGER | No | An Opportunity-specific ID number for the option. |
OPTION_NO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The option number of the Quote Option on this line (OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTION.OPTION_NO). |
OPTION_SELECTED | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTIONS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains 'Y' if the option is currently selected for the Opportunity. |
OPTOUT_EMARKETING | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the Contact's Opt-Out eMarketing flag is ticked. Contacts who have opted out of eMarketing will not be included in campaign waves for campaigns whose Campaign Type is set to "Marketing" (EXO Business CRM). |
OPT_IN_URL | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Opt in URL field. |
OPT_OUT_URL | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Opt out URL field. |
OUTLOOKENTRYID | TASKS | | VARCHAR(255) | No | If the activity has been synched to MS Outlook, this field contains the ID number of the corresponding task or appointment in Outlook. |
OUTLOOK_LINK | CAMPAIGN_HIST | | VARCHAR(40) | No | If the History Note was emailed, this field contains a link to the email in MS Outlook. |
OUTLOOK_LINK | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | | VARCHAR(40) | No | If the History Note was emailed, this field contains a link to the email in MS Outlook. |
OWNER | CONTACT_LIST | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member who is designated as the contact list's owner. |
OWNER | CAMPAIGN | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who is assigned as the campaign's owner. |
PARENTSEQNO | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | Identifies the activity that is the ancestor in a chain of recurrences. |
PASSWORD_CHANGED | STAFF | | DATETIME | Yes | The date and time when the staff member's password was last changed. |
PAYROLL_ID | STAFF | | VARCHAR(15) | No | The staff member's Employee ID (Payroll) number. This field is used when EXO Business is integrating with an external payroll system, e.g. MYOB EXO Payroll. It must contain the employee's corresponding ID number in the payroll system. |
PERIODNAME | PERIOD_STATUS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The name/description for the period. |
PERIOD_SEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The period's sequence number within fiscal year. |
PERIOD_SHORTNAME | PERIOD_STATUS | | VARCHAR(8) | No | A short name for the period. |
PHONE | STAFF | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The staff member's work telephone number. |
POST_CODE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(12) | No | The Contact's post code. |
PO_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Purchase Order the activity relates to (links to PURCHORD_HDR.SEQNO). |
PRICE_OVERRIDDEN | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if the price has been overridden. |
PRIORITY | TASKS | | VARCHAR(20) | No | The priority given to the activity. Can be "Low", "Normal" or "High". |
PROBABILITY | OPPORTUNITY | | INTEGER | No | The Probability value entered for the Opportunity. |
PROCESSED | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if the campaign wave's Processed flag is ticked. |
QUERY_INSERTED | CONTACT_LIST_ITEM | | CHAR(1) | No | This field contains 'Y' if the item was added to the list using a query on the List Building Criteria tab of the Contact Lists window; it contains 'N' if the item was added manually. |
QUOTE_QTY | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The quantity on the quote line. |
QUOTE_UNITPR | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The sell price for the Stock item on the quote line. |
RECALC_LASTRUN | CRM_BUDGET | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the budget was last calculated. |
RECURRENCEINDEX | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | Specifies which one of the activity's recurrences this is. |
RECURRENCEINFO | TASKS | | IMAGE | No | Contains information about the recurrences of the activity. |
REFERENCE | CAMPAIGN | | VARCHAR(15) | No | A short, user-defined reference code for the campaign. |
REMINDERDATE | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when a reminder for the activity should be displayed. |
REMINDERMINUTES | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | When the reminder should be displayed, specified as the number of minutes before the start of the activity. |
REPORTCODE | PERIOD_STATUS | | VARCHAR(8) | No | A code used for reporting purposes. |
REPORTS_TO_STAFFNO | STAFF | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member that this staff member reports to. |
RESOURCEALLOC_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The number ID of the resource allocation the activity has been created for (links to JOB_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION.SEQNO) |
SALESNO | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member that the line applies to (if there is one). |
SALESNO | CONTACTS | FK | INTEGER | No | The STAFFNO of staff member who is set as the Sales person for the Contact. |
SALESNO | CAMPAIGN_HIST | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who entered the History Note. |
SALESNO | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the staff member who entered the History Note. |
SALUTATION | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(4) | No | The Contact's preferred salutation, e.g. Mr, Mrs. |
SBR_REFRESHTOKEN | STAFF | | VARCHAR(1024) | No | The refresh token used for SBR authentication. |
SECURITYPROFILEID | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member's Security profile. Corresponds to the profile's ID field in the PROFILE table. |
SEQNO | TASK_TYPES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the type. |
SEQNO | TASKS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the activity. |
SEQNO | CONTACTS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the Contact record. |
SEQNO | PERIOD_STATUS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the period. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_TYPE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Opportunity Type. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the campaign stage. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_TYPE | | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the campaign type. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_LEAD | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Lead Source. |
SEQNO | CONTACT_LIST_ITEM | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the quote line. |
SEQNO | CONTACT_LIST_TYPE | | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the type. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Opportunity. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the campaign wave. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the campaign. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_HIST | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the History Note. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE_OPTIONS | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Quote Option. |
SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the budget line record. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the History Note. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the Opportunity Stage. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the constraint. |
SEQNO | CONTACT_LIST | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the contact list. |
SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET_HDR | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the budget record. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_AUDIT | | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the audit line. |
SEQNO | CRM_BUDGET | PK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the budget record. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_CONTACT_LISTS | | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SEQNO | TASK_STATUSES | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the status. |
SEQNO | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the workflow constraint. |
SEQNO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE_CONTACT_LISTS | | INTEGER | Yes | A unique ID number for the record. |
SETTINGS | CONTACT_LIST | | VARCHAR(max) | No | SQL settings used by the contact list. |
SETTINGS | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(4096) | No | This field is used by campaign waves where the Communication Method is "Execute SQL" or "Execute External Program". |
SHORTDESC | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | VARCHAR(5) | Yes | A short code (5 characters max) for the constraint. |
SHORTDESC | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | VARCHAR(5) | Yes | A short code (5 characters max) for the constraint. |
SHOWLINE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if the line should be printed on Clarity reports. |
SHOW_ON_INVOICE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | No | Set to 'Y' if this line should appear on invoices. |
SKYPE_ID | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(45) | No | The Contact's Skype ID number. |
SMTP_SEQNO | STAFF | | INTEGER | No | Where emails are sent via SMTP using the EXO Business Email Sender, this field contains the ID of the SMTP settings that apply to the staff member (SMTP_ACCOUNT.SEQNO). Set up via the SMTP Server Settings window. |
SOCIAL_MEDIA_TEXT | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(500) | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the text that is posted to the social media network(s). |
SOURCEID | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | For recurring events, this is the ID number of the master/source event. |
SO_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Sales Order the activity relates to (links to SALESORD_HDR.SEQNO). |
SPREADVALUE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | Set to 'Y' if totals can be spread. |
STAFFNO | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STAFF | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The staff member ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
STAFFNO | STAFF | PK | INTEGER | Yes | A unique identifier for the staff record. |
STARTDATE | PERIOD_STATUS | | DATETIME | No | The start date for the period. |
STARTDATE | CRM_BUDGET | | DATETIME | No | The start date of the period. |
STARTDATE | CAMPAIGN | | DATETIME | No | The Start Date specified for the campaign. |
STARTDATE | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | DATETIME | No | The start date for the period that the campaign wave runs over. |
START_DATE | OPPORTUNITY | | DATETIME | No | The start date of the Opportunity. |
START_DATETIME | TASKS | | DATETIME | No | The date and time when the activity starts. |
STATE | TASKS | | INTEGER | No | The availability status to be displayed while the activity is active. Will be one of: 0 = Free 1 = Tentative 2 = Busy 3 = Out of office |
STATUS | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the activity's status (links to TASK_STATUSES). |
STATUSKEY | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | No | A one-character code for the stage. |
STATUSKEY | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | No | A unique, one-character short code for the stage. |
STOCKCODE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The ID code of the stock item on this line. |
STOCKCODE | CRM_BUDGET_EXCLUDED_STOCK_ITEMS | FK | VARCHAR(23) | Yes | The Stock item ID to be excluded when generating budgets. |
STOCKCODE | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | VARCHAR(23) | No | The ID number of the Stock item that the line applies to (if there is one). |
STOCK_AUTH_AMT | STAFF | | FLOAT(53) | No | The staff member's Stock Purchase Order Authorisation Limit. |
STOCK_GROUPNO | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Stock Group that the line applies to (if there is one). |
STOCK_GROUPNO2 | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the Alternate Stock Group that the line applies to (if there is one). |
STOPDATE | PERIOD_STATUS | | DATETIME | No | The end date for the period. |
SUB1 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 1 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB10 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 10 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB11 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 11 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB12 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 12 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB13 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 13 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB14 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 14 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB15 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 15 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB16 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 16 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB17 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 17 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB18 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 18 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB19 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 19 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB2 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 2 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB20 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 20 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB21 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 21 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB22 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 22 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB23 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 23 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB24 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 24 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB25 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 25 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB26 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 26 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB3 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 3 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB4 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 4 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB5 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 5 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB6 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 6 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB7 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 7 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB8 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 8 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUB9 | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | No | This field is set to 'Y' if Marketing Class number 9 is ticked on the Marketing tab. |
SUBCODE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | The GL sub-account on this quote line. |
SUBJECT | CAMPAIGN_HIST | | VARCHAR(80) | No | The subject line of the History Note. |
SUBJECT | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | | VARCHAR(80) | No | The subject line of the History Note. |
SUBJECT | TASKS | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The subject of the activity. |
SUBS_HDR_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the subscription the activity relates to (links to SUBS_HDR.SEQNO) |
SUPPLIERNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the supplier for the Stock item on this quote line. |
SU_SEQNO | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the serviceable unit the activity relates to (links to SU_MAIN.SEQNO). |
SYNC_ACTIVITY | TASKS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field contains "Y" if the activity will be synced to MS Outlook. |
SYNC_CONTACTS | CONTACTS | | CHAR(1) | Yes | This field is set to 'Y' if the Contact is set to sync with Microsoft Outlook. |
TAXNO | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the tax rate used on this line. |
TAXRATE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The percentage tax rate on the quote line. |
TAXROUNDING | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The difference between the tax on the header and the sum of the tax on the individual lines. |
TAXTOTAL | OPPORTUNITY | | FLOAT(53) | Yes | The total tax amount on the Opportunity. |
TITLE | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(30) | No | The Contact's job title. |
TITLE | CAMPAIGN | | VARCHAR(60) | No | A title/description for the campaign. |
TITLE | CONTACT_LIST | | VARCHAR(60) | No | The contact list's name. |
TOTAL_QUANTITY | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | AS | No | The total quantity on the quote line. |
TO_STATUS | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | No | The destination stage for the constraint. |
TO_STATUS | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | No | The destination stage for the constraint. |
TRACKER_KEY | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(150) | No | For campaign waves with the "Mailshot Process" Communication Method, this field contains any text entered into the Tracker ID field. |
TRACKEVENT | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field contains 'Y', when an Opportunity is changed from the FROM_STATUS to the TO_STATUS, the stage change is recorded in the Event Log. |
TRACKEVENT | CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT | | CHAR(1) | No | If this field contains 'Y', when a campaign is changed from the FROM_STATUS to the TO_STATUS, the stage change is recorded in the Event Log. |
TRANSDATE | CAMPAIGN_HIST | | DATETIME | No | The date and time that the History Note was created on. |
TRANSDATE | OPPORTUNITY_HIST | | DATETIME | No | The date and time of the History Notes. |
TRANSDATE | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | DATETIME | No | The date and time of the transaction. |
TWITTER | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(500) | No | The Contact's Twitter username. |
TWITTER_POST_ID | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | VARCHAR(100) | No | For campaign waves with the "Social Media Post" Communication Method, this field contains the ID number of the Twitter post. |
TWITTER_TOKEN_KEY | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Twitter account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token key is stored here. |
TWITTER_TOKEN_SECRET | STAFF | | VARCHAR(max) | No | If the staff member uses their own Twitter account when using the EXO Business social media functions, their encrypted access token secret is stored here. |
TYPE | TASKS | FK | INTEGER | No | The ID number of the activity's type (links to TASK_TYPES). |
UNITPRICE_INCTAX | OPPORTUNITY_QUOTE | | FLOAT(53) | No | The sell price of the Stock item on the quote line, including tax. |
USERPROFILEID | STAFF | | INTEGER | Yes | The ID number of the staff member's User profile. Corresponds to the profile's ID field in the PROFILE table. |
VALUE | CRM_BUDGET_LINE | | DECIMAL(19, 4) | Yes | The budget value. |
WAVE_NO | CAMPAIGN_WAVE | | INTEGER | No | An ID number that uniquely identifies the campaign wave within the campaign. |
WEIGHTED_ESTIMATE | OPPORTUNITY | | AS | No | The Opportunity's weighted estimate. |
WEIGHTED_VALUE | OPPORTUNITY | | AS | No | The Opportunity's weighted value. |
WORKFLOW_CONSTRAINED | CAMPAIGN_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field is set to 'Y', workflow constraints (defined in the CAMPAIGN_STAGE_CONSTRAINT) apply to the campaign stage. |
WORKFLOW_CONSTRAINED | OPPORTUNITY_STAGE | | CHAR(1) | Yes | If this field contains 'Y', workflow constraints (defined in the OPPORTUNITY_STAGE_CONSTRAINT table) apply to the stage. |
YAHOO_ID | CONTACTS | | VARCHAR(45) | No | The Contact's Yahoo! ID number. |
YEARAGE | PERIOD_STATUS | | INTEGER | Yes | The ageing of the year that the period falls in. The current year has an age of 0. |