Entering Purchase Orders
The Purchase Order option in the Transactions menu is used to enter, edit supply, invoice and delete Purchase Orders. Purchase Orders can be fully or partly invoiced at a later time.
Note: If the Allow new lines to be added to partly processed purchase order User-level profile setting is enabled, it will be possible to add new lines to a partly processed Purchase Order. It will also be possible to edit any lines on a partly processed order that have not yet been receipted or invoiced.
To enter a Purchase Order:
Open the Purchase Orders window.
Click New. Alternatively, click the Copy button to copy and edit an existing order.
Note: If the Enable extended purchase order statuses Company-level profile setting is enabled, the New button becomes a dropdown that allows you to create a new Purchase Order or a new Purchase Order Quote.
The following window opens:
In the account header section, enter the Creditor account number followed by the TAB key, or search for the account by entering part of the account name, or simply ‘?’ and ENTER to search through all accounts.
Complete the remaining header fields, such as date, delivery address, stock location, lead time and Purchase Order header extra fields. See the table below for field definitions.
Note: You can click the
button to hide the header details, leaving more room for viewing the Purchase Order lines.
On the Order Details tab enter the stock item code (or use ‘?’ to search), the quantity, and enter or override the price if necessary. You can key in percentage discount per Purchase Order line. You can right click on the PO line to add line narrative or create one off stock item or view stock levels.
Note: Purchase Orders are limited to a maximum of 2000 lines; however, 400 is suggested as a sensible maximum. More than this may result in performance degradation.
Add a Purchase Order header narrative by clicking on the Narrative icon (
For foreign creditors, you can click the Exchange Rate button to refresh exchange rate and use the buy rate from currencies table.
Click Show Tax Summary to review tax rates used on Purchase Order
Click Save to save the Purchase Order. The system will assign the next Purchase Order number, and prompt to print the order.
Field Definitions
Field |
Description |
Account |
The name of the account. If you have specified a default account in MYOB EXO Business Config > Admin > Creditors > Creditor Account Groups, the default is displayed here. |
Ordered by |
The name of the person placing the order. |
Confirmed |
Check this box to confirm all lines in the Purchase Order, i.e. the supplier / creditor has acknowledged the order. This will also change the order status in the Purchase Orders listing window. |
Delivery Address |
The address for delivery. The default address is taken from the stock location. Press F10 or right-click for a list of alternate addresses. Note: Stock location addresses are configured in MYOB EXO Business Config at Admin > Stock > Stock Locations. |
Order Date |
The date. This defaults to the current system date. You can change it by selecting the preferred date from the calendar. |
Due Date |
The date that the goods are due to arrive. |
Location |
The name of the stock location that the goods will be dispatched from. |
Lead Time |
Choose between primary (the number of days between placing an order and its arrival) or secondary (the alternate lead delivery time in days) lead times. These times are defined in the Creditors Details 2 Tab. |
Exch rate |
The currency and exchange rate for the creditor. |
Code |
The job code, if using the EXO Job Costing module. If the Purchase Order was created from a Sales Order, this field instead displays the ID of the Sales Order that the Purchase Order was created from. |
Branch |
The branch name and number. The default here is based on the one that you set in MYOB EXO Business Config > Admin > EXO Finance > Branches. |
Campaign Wave |
If the EXO Business CRM module is installed, Purchase Orders can be associated with a campaign wave to track purchases against a marketing campaign. |
Order details |
Stock Code |
The code for this purchase item. This code can be either the Stock code or the GL code. |
Description |
The description of the stock items. This is automatically entered when you press the TAB key after entering the stock code. |
Qty |
The quantity of the stock item. The default is set to 1. |
Price |
The price that applies to the stock item. This is the price that is set up in the stock window and is based on the price level assigned to this customer. |
Total |
The total price for this invoice line. |
Supplier Code |
The supplier’s code for this stock item. |
Options |
Click on the ellipsis [...] to open the Purchase Order Line Periscope window for this stock item. |
Due Date |
The date the order line is due. |
Indicates whether the Purchase Order has been confirmed - Y (Yes) or N (No). This is set by ticking the Confirmed checkbox in the Purchase Order Line Periscope. |
Job Code |
The job code. It defaults to the code from the Job code field in the header, but it can be changed per line. This is only relevant for the EXO Job Costing module. |
Sell Price |
The sell price as detailed in the stock details 1 tab and Setting Cost Methods and Sell Prices |
Cost Type |
The job type established in EXO Job Costing. This is only relevant for the EXO Job Costing module. |
Cost Group |
The cost group established in EXO Job Costing. This is only relevant for the EXO Job Costing module. |
Menu commands
Print: There are three print options: Order, List and List (Clarity).
Account: View creditor Details. This opens the creditor in the Creditor Account Details window.
Show Tax Summary: This opens the Tax Rate Summary window, listing the Tax rate #, name, % Calculated Tax and Actual Tax. This is a static window, no information can be entered or edited here.
Refresh Exchange Rates: This loads the latest exchange rate from the currencies table.
Receipt using Inward Goods: This opens the Inwards Goods – Receipt Goods window.
Note: Once a Purchase Order has been fully receipted (no outstanding quantities), this button is disabled.
Receipt this Order: This opens the Purchase Order Receipt window.
History: This opens the History window for the Purchase Order.
Addresses: If alternate delivery addresses need to be specified for the delivery of this order they can be selected from this Extra Delivery Address window.
Narrative: To add any comments or notes to the order. This is a very basic text editor and the contents of the comments are saved by clicking the OK button.
File Menu Commands
All the file menu commands are replicated on the toolbar (detailed above).
Right-click on a stock item to view stock levels in all stock locations (or press CTRL+L), or to create a one-off stock item (or press CTRL+O), or add a line narrative.
The purchase price of a stock item on a Purchase Order is automatically suggested by the system, based on the following hierarchy:
Use the Stock item > Details 1 > Cost prices > Supplier price if the Purchase Order is being raised for the Stock item > Details 1 > Main Supplier. (If the supplier cost price or the supplier account number is set to 0, then this setting will be ignored).
Otherwise, use the Supplier Cost from the Stock item Details 2 tab if there is a supplier cost price set for the stock item. The use of Pack Sizes will also impact on the price selected.
Otherwise, use the Price from the most recent Purchase Order raised against that supplier, for that stock item.
Otherwise, default the Purchase Order Price to $0.00, ready to be manually entered.
Maintaining the Alternate Supplier Prices on stock items can assist in automatic entry of the purchase price on a Purchase Order. Having a Stock item > Details 1 tab > Cost prices > Supplier of $0 or a Stock item > Details 1 tab > Main Supplier of account number 0 on the stock item would mean only the Alternative Suppliers price table needs to be maintained.
A user’s Check supplier cost prices when purchase prices change profile can be enabled to prompt to update the supplier cost price when overriding prices when placing or creating a Purchase Order. This assists in interactively maintaining the alternative supplier price lists during Purchase Order entry and purchase pack price for each alternate supplier. Appropriate columns are also added to Purchase Orders entry window.
Press F10 to select a delivery address from the Extra Delivery Addresses window.
GL codes can be used instead of stock items on a Purchase Order by using the format @GLCODE. Lookup stock items could also be created to point to a GL account.
Purchase order lines due dates can be changed on a partially processed Purchase Order through the Receipt button.
The company profile setting Delivery Addresses Shared allows delivery addresses to be shared among all accounts.
A profile can be enabled to update alternate supplier price when costs changes on the Purchase Order. This updates the Supplier_Stockitems.PurchPackPrice field and not the LastCost field. The LastCost field is updated only by the action of costing receipted goods and therefore represents the true landed cost from this supplier.
Supplier Cost (SKU price) displays the Packcost (purchase price) divided by the pack quantity.
The Update LastUpdate field for supplier code cost price when prices change profile is also available if users want to keep track when the cost price had changed.
You can confirm or unconfirm all Purchase Order lines by using the PO Orders menu.
A profile is available to let the system save a transaction when using an inactive stock item.
GET_COST_PRICE stored procedure is used to establish cost prices on a Purchase Order.
The profile option Creditors Invoice Line Discounts controls the availability of the discount column on the Purchase Order entry window.