MYOB Exo Business

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The Companies view in Exo Business CRM displays all Debtors, Creditors, and Non Accounts in one list. Debtors are green, Creditors are red, and Non Accounts are black.

Note: The Companies view can also be a separate window and a Dashboard widget that you can add to Exo Business CRM.

Enter search terms and click Search to filter the list of companies. You can also select a view from the Views dropdown list to filter the list of companies.

These details display for each company:



Company Name

The name of the account.

Primary Contact

The name of the account's default Contact, if one was selected on the account's Contacts tab.


The contact details for the account.


The type of account:

Available Functions

Double click on a company to open its record.

Click the New button to create a Non Account record, which you can convert to a Debtor or Creditor later.

Right click on a company to:

Related Topics



Non Accounts