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GL Report Writer - Editing a Report Row Record

GL Report Rows are added and edited by right-clicking on a row on the Rows and Columns sub-tab of the Setup GL Reports window:

Field Descriptions




The name of the selected report. This is displayed by default.


Enter a number here to set or change the sequence that the row performs its defined action.

Note: You can also use the and buttons on the Setup GL Reports window to re-order report rows, which changes their sequence numbers.

Action type

Determines the function that the row performs. The table below lists and describes each function.


The description that appears in the row of the report.

GL Account range

The GL Account range to be reported on.


The GL Account range to be reported on.

Normally debit/credit

Determines what sign (+ve or –ve) to be applied to the number being printed.


Determines if the row is to be branch specific. If branches are being used in columns this should be set to Acc.

SQL filter

Used as the where clause in a SQL statement.

Note: By default, this filter does not apply to the Budget column (if one exists). To make the SQL filter apply to the Budget column, enter /B= followed by the SQL statement to be run against the GLBUDGETS table, e.g. GLTRANS.BRANCHNO = 1 /B= GLBUDGETS.BRANCHNO = 1

Reset after print

Used with Sub Total, Total and Grand Total lines to reset the accumulator after printing.

Action types

The following types are available from the Action type dropdown:





Main Heading

The heading text for the report, which is displayed in bold.


Sub Heading

Subheading text is displayed in bold and underlined.



Narrative lines are plain text with no emphasis.


Page Break  

This will force a page break at this row. This overrules any page length setting made on the Settings page.


Single Account Group

Allows the user to specify a GL account to be printed in the report.


Single Account Group Conditional on Value

Same as single account group but it allows user to specify Normally Debit/credit (Normally Debit/credit combo box on the screen is enabled) as an extra criteria


Sequential Range of Account Groups

If selected this shows information of GL accounts that falls in between the specified GL account group range.


Single General Ledger Account

If selected this shows information of a single GL account


Single General Ledger Account Conditional on Value

If selected this shows information of a GL single account but it allows user to specify Normally Debit/credit (Normally Debit/credit drop-down list on the screen is enabled) as an extra criteria.


Sequential Range of Accounts

If selected this shows information for a range of GL account.


Profit and Loss Account Range Total function

Allows the user to print a total similar to a P&L Range Value but which gets added as a P&L Total.


P&L Subtotal

Prints the total of the list above it. If the previous subtotal has not been reset then the subtotal also includes any prior subtotals.


P&L Total

Prints the subtotals above the total. If the previous total has not been reset then the total also includes any prior totals.


P&L Grand Total

Prints the totals above the grand total. If the previous grand total has not been reset then the grand total also includes any prior grand totals.


Bal Sheet Range Tot

The same as the P&L Range Total except that it is used for a Statement of Financial Position.


Bal Sheet SubTotal

The same as the P&L Subtotal except that it is used for a Statement of Financial Position.


Bal Sheet Total

The same as the P&L Total except that it is used for a Statement of Financial Position.


Bal Sheet Grand Total

The same as the P&L Grand Total except that it is used for a Statement of Financial Position.


P&L Ledger Total

Used in the Statement of Financial Position to provide the user with the sum of the current year’s Statement of Financial Performance. In a technical sense it is the total of the GLTRANS where the GLACCS section = 0 for the current financial year.


P&L Range Value

Allows the user to combine GL accounts based on a SQL Filter.


Bal Sheet Range Val

The same as the P&L Range Value except that it is used for a Statement of Financial Position.


Opening Stock

Used in conjunction with periodic closing stock.


Closing Stock

Used in conjunction with periodic closing stock.

Related Topics

GL Report Writer Rows and Columns

GL Report Writer Settings