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GL Report Writer Settings

Reports > General Ledger Reports > Setup GL Reports > [New]

The Settings sub-tab on the Details tab allows the user to specify the settings for the report. Initially, the page contains default settings which provide the basic settings that the report requires. If the defaults are being used, the user can move to the Rows and Columns sub-tab.

Click the Test Layout button for a preview of the layout.

Field Descriptions



Report No

The system generated number assigned to the report.

Report Name

Enter a descriptive name of the report here.

Secondary Heading

Provides a detailed heading and is in addition to the report name.

Period End Descriptor

Affects the text of the period label at the top of the report. Select either "for the period ended" (for Statements of Financial Performance) or "as at" (for Statements of Financial Position). There are a number of display options for each (lower case, sentence case, upper case); select the preferred option from the list.

Report Units

This is used as a divisor to change the units which the report will use. For example, selecting 1000 means the report is printed in thousands (000’s).

Decimal Places

Determines the number of decimal places shown on the report.

Show Commas

Determines if a comma separates the units of the report at each 000 break.

Short Periods in Header

Uses a shorter form of the period name (for example, Jan instead of January).

Show Variance as %

Shows the budget variance between actual and budget instead of a $ value.

Period Year in Header

Puts the period year in the header where period has been selected as a column.

Suppress Zeros

A default setting which can be overwritten when actually running the report to determine if the report shows a row when all columns in that row equal 0.

Period No in Header

Puts the period number in the header where period has been selected as a column.

List Sub Accounts

A default setting which can be overwritten when actually running the report to determine if the report shows sub accounts, where they exist.

Repeat Header

Determines if the report header should be repeated where the report continues over more than 1 page.

Use Clarity Formatting

Tick this option if a Clarity formatting template (CLF) is to be used.

Deliver to Excel

Tick this option if the generated report is to be exported to an Excel compliant format.

Period in same Financial Year

This option only applies to the "P&L Report - All Branches" Report Type. If this option is ticked, then at run time fields set to rolling 12 months are limited to reporting the financial year only. Fields not set to rolling 12 months are not affected by this option.

Page No Location

Determines the position on the page for the page number to appear. There is also an option not to display a page number.

Page Orientation

Selects the page as either portrait or landscape. The selection here will be determined by the number of columns the user would like to display, the font, font size and report units.

Page Break

Varies depending on page orientation, font and font size selections. This could require trial and error to find what best suits the user’s report.

Font Name

The font to be used when printing the report.


The size of the font to be used when printing the report.

Report Table Name

Enter a name for the report table in this field. This is essentially the file name storing the report settings.

Report Code

Enter a short, descriptive code for the report. Reports are ordered by their Report Code on the Run GL Reports window.

Validate at Runtime

If this option is ticked, Exo Business checks the Chart of Accounts when the report is run or previewed. If the Chart of Accounts has changed since the report was last edited, warnings to check the report setup appear at the end of the report and in the Warning(s) pane on the right of this tab.