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Entering Contacts for an Account

You can create new, view, or modify existing Contacts associated with an account.

Account > Creditors or Debtor > {Double Click Account} > (Contacts) > [New Contact]

(Understanding this Path above)

  1. In the Debtor/Creditor account, click on the Contacts tab. The Contacts tab lists all Contacts for the debtor account.

  2. Click the New Contact icon in the toolbar ( ). The Contacts window opens:

  3. Complete the fields in this table.

    • Click on the ellipsis button [...] beside the Name field to enter the salutation, first name and surname.

    • Click on the ellipsis button [...] beside the Postal code field to select the post code from a list.

    • Use the Copy Company Address icon in the toolbar if you want to copy either the postal address or delivery address from the current debtor account.

    • Check the Active checkbox to maintain the account of this debtor.

    These actions are detailed in the Field Descriptions below:




    The Contact name can be manually entered here, however it's recommended that you use the name Check Full Name window to enter the details. Click on the ellipsis [...] button and select the Salutation, enter the First name and the Last name. Click OK to enter this full name into the name field.


    The company name for the Contact. This will normally default to the company (Debtor, Creditor or Non Account) selected when creating this Contact.

    Job Title

    The job title of the Contact.

    Contact Details

    Postal and Delivery Address

    Use the Copy icon in the toolbar to copy details from the selected account. Selecting Copy company main details copies the following information to the Contact:

    • Postal Address

    • Phone

    • Fax

    • Email

    • Sales person

    Click the small button next to the Delivery Address to retrieve geolocation details (latitude and longitude) that match the address entered here. An icon on the button displays the status of the match:

    • - the system hasn't attempted to retrieve details yet.

    • - details successfully retrieved. Clicking the button again will open your default browser, showing the location on a map. shift+clicking the button will attempt to retrieve location details again.

    • - an error occurred when attempting to retrieve details. Hovering the mouse over the button will display a popup message indicating why the attempt failed.

    Postal Code

    Enter the postal code if it is known; if not, click on the ellipsis [...] button to search and select a postal code.

    Phone Numbers

    Home Phone

    Complete these fields with as much information at hand.



    This flag is enabled by default. If this Contact is to be inactive for any reason, disable this checkbox.

    Sync with Outlook

    If this flag is enabled, the Contact will be synchronised with Outlook whenever a sync is performed. If this flag is not enabled, the Contact will not be included in synchronisation operations.

    Opt-Out eMarketing

    If the contact has opted out of electronic marketing communications, enable this flag. Contacts with this flag enabled can be excluded from Contact Lists.


    Sales Person

    If there is a designated salesperson associated to this debtor/creditor, enter his/her name here.

    Advert/ Source

    The name of the advertising source through which you received this Contact. Select the advert or source if applicable. If one is not available in the list, click the Setup button to create one. This opens the Setup Advert Types window; click New to create a new Referral item, then save and exit.

    Skype ID

    If this Contact has account details for these online networks, enter them here.


    To view social media account information for the Contact, enter their usernames or logon IDs here.

    Note: The LinkedIn ID must be the numerical ID, not a username. The Facebook ID can be a numerical ID or a Facebook username, if one has been set up.

  4. Click Save. A number of additional tabs now appear in the window. Enter Contact information in these tabs.

    • Marketing tab. Assign the Contact to your marketing classes, or categories, so your marketing campaigns are more targeted to relevant Contacts. Additional Marketing Classes can be setup, when this tab is active a Setup Marketing Classes button activates. Click this to configure additional or edit existing marketing classes.

    • Invoices tab. Lists invoices for which the Contact was the default Contact of the Debtor account.

    • Orders tab. List any Sales/Purchase Orders associated with the Contact.

    • Notes tab.  Enter any notes for the Contact. Use the New Note icon on the toolbar to enter a note - this will automatically assign a header to this note.

    • History Notes tab. Enter any history notes for the Contact. History notes are notes for which the date and subject are also recorded. As with notes, click the New History Note icon to create a new history note.

    • Docs tab. Link any documents to the Contact.

    • Accounts tab. Edit the Debtor/Creditor accounts that the Contact is associated with. For example, a Contact may be the manager of one company, the partner of a manager of another company, the father of a son who works at another company, and so on.

    • Relationships tab. Lists any other relevant Contacts the Contact has.

    • Activities tab. Lists any tasks and appointments associated with the Contact.

    • Opportunities tab. This tab is only displayed when functions from the EXO Business CRM module have been added to the EXO Business core. It lists all Opportunities associated with the Contact.

    • Social tab. This tab displays information about the Contact from various social media services.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To make this new Contact the default Contact for this debtor account, click on the Set to Default Contact icon in the toolbar.

Once you have set up the debtor Contact, you can also:

Note: If the Contact’s address details are the same as those on the debtors account, click the Copy from Account button and the details are copied here.

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Contacts Tab