MYOB Exo Health and Safety

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Hazard Training

The Hazard Training tab of the Hazard Maintenance window specifies key points  about the work environment that employees should be trained about.


Does this Hazard Training need regular reviews?  Select "Yes" or "No". Regular reviews are particularly appropriate where the hazard in question is a problem area for the company and there are lots of accidents or near-accidents. Selecting "Yes" enables the additional questions below.

Hazard Training reviewed?  Specify how often reviews should be performed. Choose from:

  • Monthly
  • Six Monthly
  • Annually
  • Every 2 Years
  • Every 5 Years

Review date anniversary?  Specify the original date on which review dates are cycled or based on. Subsequent review dates are based on this. Choose from:

  • Employee's Start Date
  • Employee's Birth Date
  • Specific Date (enter a date here or click on the date/time picker)
  • Employee Specific Date (you will be prompted for a date when assigning the hazard training to an employee by their occupation or Risk Area.

Reminder:  If you require a reminder on the hazard monitoring of this hazard, select an option for when the reminder should occur. Choose from:

  • Same Day
  • One Day Prior
  • One Week Prior
  • One Month Prior
  • No Warning

Hazard Training Details  Enter details of what must be done for the hazard training. In general, these are common sense issues. There is scope for specific examples, for instance certain machines should be operated in a certain way for maximum safety, or certain clothing should be worn to prevent injury.