Contact Details
This screen holds contact details for the employee, and also their Incident Coordinator should the employee be involved in an incident.
Enter the following details into the relevant fields:
Residential Contact Details
Enter the following address details for the employee:
- Address
- Suburb
- City
- Phone number
Postal Contact Details
Enter the following postal details for the employee:
- Address
- Suburb
- City
Emergency Contact
Enter the following details for the employee's emergency contact person:
- Name
- Address
- Suburb
- City
- Phone number
Health & Safety Coordinator
Enter the following details for the Health & Safety Coordinator assigned to this employee:
- Name
- Position
- Phone number
The coordinator defaults to the coordinator for the Risk Area that the employee belongs to. If you have only one Risk Area, this will default to the Exo Health and Safety Coordinator specified in the Company Setup.
Supervisor Details
Enter the following details for the employee's supervisor:
- Name
- Phone number