Warehouse Locations and Single-Step Transfers: Related Report and Inquiry Forms

In the following section, you can find information about inquiry forms with information related to warehouse locations.

Viewing Items by Location

If you want to view a list of items in a particular warehouse location, you use the Storage Summary (IN409010) form. In the Selection area of this form, you need to select the warehouse to see the list of locations and stock items in each location. Optionally, in the Selection area, you can select a location to view the list of items in this location only. Alternatively, you can select a particular stock item to view the list of locations where the item is available.

If you want to view information about a particular stock item—such as warehouse, location, and availability details—you use the Inventory Summary (IN401000) form. On this form, you need to select a stock item and see in which warehouses and locations the items is available. Additionally, you can select a warehouse to view the list of warehouse locations where the item is stored, and you can select a warehouse location to view the availability of this item in the selected location.