To Set Up Reminders for Tasks and Events

You can set up reminders for tasks and events that are important for you and whose end date you do not want to miss. Depending on whether you are setting up a reminder for a task or an event, you use the Tasks (EP4040PL) and Task (CR306020) forms or the Events (EP4041PL) and Event (CR306030) forms.

In this topic, you will read about how to set up a reminder.

To Set Up Reminders for Tasks and Events

  1. Open the Tasks (EP4040PL) or Events (EP4041PL) form.
  2. Click a task or event.
  3. On the Details tab of the Task (CR306020) or Event (CR306030) form, select the Reminder check box.
  4. In the Remind At boxes, enter the date and time when the reminder goes into effect.
  5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

For a task, the reminder will be in effect from the specified date and time until task completion or cancellation. The task reminder will be visible to the user to whom the task has been assigned.

An event reminder, which is visible to the owner of the event, is in effect from the specified date and time until the owner dismisses the reminder for this event.