To Add a Manufacturer

You use the Manufacturers (FS204400) form to add a manufacturer to the system. For details on manufacturers, see Manufacturers.

To Add a Manufacturer

  1. Open the Manufacturers (FS204400) form.
    To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.
  2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
  3. In the Manufacturer ID box, type the identifier of the manufacturer.
  4. In the Description box, type a brief description of the manufacturer.
  5. Optional: In the Contact box, select the identifier of the contact person or department.
  6. Optional: In the Main Contact section of the Manufacturer Details tab, specify the main contact information of the manufacturer by doing the following:
    1. In the Company Name box, specify the business name of the contact’s company.
    2. In the Attention box, specify the attention line as it is used in your company's business letters if necessary. The attention line is used to direct a letter to the proper person if the letter is not addressed to any specific person. The attention line may contain something like Purchase Orders Department or To whom it may concern.
    3. In the Email box, specify the email address of the main contact.
    4. In the Web box, specify the main contact's website address.
    5. In the Phone 1 box, check the phone number type, change it if necessary, and specify the default phone number of the main contact.
    6. In the Phone 2 box, check the phone number type, change it if necessary, and specify an additional phone number of the main contact.
    7. In the Fax box, check the phone number type, change it if necessary, and specify the fax number of the main contact.
  7. In the Main Address section, specify the main address of the manufacturer by doing the following:
    1. Optional: In the Address Line 1 box, specify the manufacturer's address.
    2. Optional: In the Address Line 2 box, specify the remainder of the address if there was not enough space in the Address Line 1 box.
    3. Optional: In the City box, specify the manufacturer's city.
    4. In the Country box, specify the manufacturer's country.
    5. Optional: In the State box, specify the manufacturer's state.
    6. Optional: In the Postal Code box, specify the manufacturer's postal code.
  8. Click Save.