Sales Price Lists: General Information

You export price lists defined in MYOB Acumatica to the Shopify store.

This functionality is available if both the Shopify Connector feature and the Business-to-Business Entities feature are enabled on Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


Catalogs are available to Shopify customers as part of the business-to-business functionality, which is included in the Shopify Plus subscription plan.

For more information about catalogs in Shopify, see the Shopify documentation.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn how to export price lists defined for customer price classes in MYOB Acumatica to the Shopify store.

Applicable Scenarios

You might want to synchronize sales prices from MYOB Acumatica with the Shopify store if you use business-to-business functionality in your Shopify store, maintain sales price lists for customers assigned to particular customer price classes in MYOB Acumatica and would like to export these price lists to Shopify.

The Price List Entity

To export price lists from MYOB Acumatica to a Shopify store, you first need to activate the Price List entity on the Entity Settings tab of the Shopify Stores (BC201010) form. This entity can only be exported to the external system (that is, its Sync Direction is set to Export and cannot be changed), and its primary system is ERP.

Filtering of Price List Prices

During the synchronization of the Price List entity, the system exports prices created on the Sales Prices (AR202000) form only if the prices meet the following criteria:

  • Price Type is set to Customer Price Class, and the customer price class is specified in the Price Code column.
  • In the UOM column, the sales UOM of the item is specified.
  • If the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, no warehouse is specified in the Warehouse column.
  • If the Multicurrency Accounting feature is enabled, the currency specified in the Currency column has been activated for a market in the Shopify store.
  • If the Volume Pricing feature is enabled, Break Qty is set to 0 or 1.

Only prices that are effective on the date of the synchronization are exported. If both a regular price and a promotional price exist for the same item, customer price class, UOM, and currency, the promotional price is exported, whereas the regular price is skipped during the synchronization.

Export of Price Lists

During the synchronization of the Price List entity, the system creates a catalog in the Shopify store for each combination of the customer price class and currency. The name of the catalog is created as a combination of the customer price class ID followed by a hyphen and the currency code. For example, prices that have been defined for the LOCAL customer price class in USD and CAD will be exported to the LOCAL-USD and LOCAL-CAD catalogs in the Shopify store. Each exported price added to these catalogs is marked as a fixed price.

On the Sync History (BC301000) form, the system creates one synchronization record per customer price class. The External Description column lists all catalogs created in the Shopify store, and the Last Message column shows the number of price records exported to each of the catalogs.

A customer price class can be assigned to a customer location on the Customer Locations (AR303020) form. If the location belongs to a business customer—that is, if Customer Category is set to Organization for the customer on the Customers (AR303000) form—during the synchronization of the Price List entity, the corresponding location in the Shopify store is added to the exported catalog.


Items, customers, and customer locations must be synchronized with the Shopify store before the price lists can be exported.

Any changes that have made to the exported catalog in the Shopify store are overwritten during the next synchronization of the price list.

If a customer price class has been deleted in MYOB Acumatica, the corresponding catalog is deleted in the Shopify store. If a price list has been exported and then a filter is created on the Entities (BC202000) form that excludes the price list from synchronization, during the next synchronization, the corresponding catalog in the Shopify store is not deleted but is instead assigned the Archived status.