To Create, Modify, or Delete a Unit Set
You can use unit sets, which you define on the Unit Sets (CS206030) form, to define which sections will be included in the analytical reports, and to set the data filtering criteria and data calculation rules for each report section. Once a unit set has been defined, you can include it in an analytical report it was designed for by using the Report Definitions (CS206000) form.
To specify the unit set for a group of analytical reports or a single report, you can create new unit sets or modify existing ones. To remove unit sets associated with reports that are no longer used, you delete the unit sets. This topic describes the steps involved in these operations.
To Create a Unit Set
- Open the Unit Sets (CS206030) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
- In the Code box of the Summary area, enter the code to be
used for the unit set.Note:The unit set code must be unique within the whole system. The length of the code can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
- In the Description box, enter the unit set description. (The unit description is not displayed in the printed report and is used only to add a descriptive comment on this form about the unit set.)
- On the form toolbar, click Save to save the created unit set. The units and data filters can be added to the created unit set at this time or later; see To Define the Units to Be Included in the Unit Set.
To Modify an Existing Unit Set
- Open the Unit Sets (CS206030) form.
- In the Code box of the Summary area, select the code of the unit set to be modified.
- Change the attributes of the unit set as required.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
To Delete a Unit Set
- Open the Unit Sets (CS206030) form.
- In the Code box of the Summary area, select the code of the unit set to be deleted.
- On the form toolbar, click Delete.