Strings That Can Be Localized

By using the Translation Dictionaries (SM200540) form, you can add translations for the string constants that are collected from the code of the application, and save them to the database. When a user signs in with a specific language, the systems loads the translations and displays the translated strings to the user. For more information on localization, see Locales and Languages.

The system collects for localization the string constants that are specified in the following items of the application:
  • The DisplayName property of the PXUIField attribute of the fields of data access classes (DACs)
  • The DisplayName property of the PXUIField attribute of fields and actions of a business logic controller (BLC) object, which override the attributes of the fields and actions of a DAC
  • The AllowedLabels properte of the PXStringList and PXIntList attributes
  • The Values property of the classes that implement the ILocalizableValues interface
  • Captions of form, grid, and panel controls and labels of input controls, which are specified in ASPX
  • Titles of all nodes in the site map
  • Report elements (such as text box labels and diagram agendas)
  • public const string fields of the classes marked with the PXLocalizable attribute

You can also translate user input to multiple languages and store translations in the database. For more information on the localization of user input, see To Work with Multi-Language Fields.