Attributes on Data Views

You can place the attributes listed in the following table on the declaration of a data view in a graph.

Attribute Description
PXFilterable Adds the control that makes it possible for a user to create filters and save them in the database. The control is added to the grid that uses the data view to retrieve data.
PXImport Adds the grid toolbar button that a user clicks to load data from the file to the grid. The attribute is placed on the data view the grid uses to retrieve the data.
PXHidden Hides the data view from the selectors of data access classes (DACs) and graphs, and from the web service API clients.
PXCopyPasteHiddenView Indicates that the cache corresponding to the primary DAC of the data view is not copied when the copy-paste feature is used on the form.
PXCopyPasteHiddenFields Indicates that the specific fields of the primary DAC of the data view are not copied when the copy-paste feature is used on the form.