Step 3: Testing Push Notifications
Now that you have completed the implementation of push notifications for the connector, you will test them. For the testing, you need a WordPress site with the WooCommerce plug-in installed. The instructions below are based on the assumption that you have already configured a WooCommerce store, as described in Step 12: Testing the Connector of To Create a Connector for an External System.
Testing Push Notifications
- In the Summary area of the Entities
(BC202000) form, select the following values:
- Store: The WooCommerce store that you have configured in Step 12: Testing the Connector of To Create a Connector for an External System, such as WooCommerceTest
- Entity: Customer
- Sync Direction: Export
- Real-Time Mode: Prepare
- On the toolbar of the Entities form, click
Start Real-Time Sync to start real-time
synchronization. Make sure the value in the Real-Time
Export box becomes Running.Tip:Once you have started the real-time synchronization, the system automatically activates the notification destination (which is specified in the BCProcessorRealtime attribute of the processor that corresponds to the entity) and the generic inquiry that corresponds to the entity on the Push Notifications (SM302000) form.
- On the Customers (AR303000) form, modify a customer record (for example, change the account name) and save your changes.
- Wait for 20 seconds for the push notification to be processed.
- On the Sync History (BC301000), make sure the modified customer record has appeared in the list on the Ready to Process tab.