Customizing Business Events in Code

In MYOB Acumatica, various business processes are executed, which may require the monitoring of particular activities and conditions in the system. To eliminate the need for a user to monitor these business processes, you can configure the system to monitor the company data and to perform an action (such as sending an email notification or performing the instructions defined by an import scenario) or multiple actions in the system.

To configure the system to monitor a business process, on the Business Events (SM302050) form, you define a business event that relates to this business process and that causes the system to perform an action or multiple actions in the system. To define the actions that the system should perform in the system once the business event has occurred, you specify the subscribers of this business event on the Subscribers tab of the Business Events form. You can define custom subscribers of business events in addition to the subscribers available in the system, as described in this chapter. For more information on business events, see Business Events: General Information.