Detection of the Connector in an Application

The Connector box of the configuration form of an e-commerce store contains the name of the connector if both of the following conditions are met:

  • The library that contains the connector class is placed in the Bin folder of an instance of MYOB Acumatica or an MYOB Acumatica Framework-based application.
  • The ASPX file of the configuration form of the connector is available in the Pages folder of the application.
The description in this topic assumes that the connector uses a standard configuration form, which is similar to the BigCommerce Stores (BC201000) and Shopify Stores (BC201010) forms. As an example, this topic uses the WooCommerce Stores form, whose implementation is described in Step 11: Creating the Configuration Form of this guide.

The data of the Summary area of the configuration form is obtained from the Bindings predefined data view of the BCStoreMaint graph, which is a base class of the graph through which the configuration form is managed (which is the WooCommerceStoreMaint graph in the WooCommerce example). The Bindings data view retrieves data from the BCBinding predefined database table. This table includes the ConnectorType column, which stores the type of the connector.

The system obtains the type and name of a connector from the implementation of the Type and Description properties of the IConnectorFactory interface. The ConnectorType field of the BCBinding DAC, which corresponds to the BCBinding table, has the BCConnectors attribute assigned to it. The BCConnectors attribute, which derives from the PXStringList attribute, matches the type of the connector to its name. The custom CacheAttached<BCBinding.connectorType> event handler sets the default value of the ConnectorType field to the type of the connector. The Connector box displays the connector name, which corresponds to this default value.

When a user specifies the settings of a commerce store in the Summary area of the configuration form, the system saves these settings in the BCBinding database table.

The following diagram illustrates the relations of the classes of the connector and the ASPX page.
Figure 1. Connector box