Screen-Based Web Services API
The screen-based web services API is a part of MYOB Acumatica integration services, which provides integration with external data sources and third-party systems by using a SOAP interface.
External applications and systems that use the MYOB Acumatica web services API can access the data managed by MYOB Acumatica and the business functionality of MYOB Acumatica. For example, you can integrate MYOB Acumatica with eCommerce or an online store system, so that an external system pushes all information about customers, sales orders, and payments to MYOB Acumatica, and MYOB Acumatica provides information on the availability of stock items and processes all incoming data.
The screen-based web services API works with MYOB Acumatica forms. That is, it provides API objects and methods for working with elements on MYOB Acumatica forms.
To use screen-based web services API in your application, you should generate the WSDL file of the web service, as described in To Generate the WSDL File of the Web Services, and import this file to your development project as described in To Import the WSDL File Into the Development Environment. After that, you can start developing your application. You can find the description of the API methods in Screen-Based SOAP API Reference.