To Import a REST Schema to a Visual Studio Solution

You can create a Visual Studio project and use the REST schema contained in the MYOB Acumatica swagger.json files for interaction with MYOB Acumatica. (For details about the swagger.json files, see OpenAPI 2.0.) You import the REST schema to a Visual Studio solution in two stages:
  1. You generate Visual Studio packages from the REST schema.
  2. You include the generated Visual Studio packages in your Visual Studio solution.

The following sections provide instructions on these stages, as well as an example of the use of the imported REST schema.

To Generate Visual Studio Packages from a REST Schema

  1. Obtain the swagger.json file you need.
  2. Open the website
  3. Insert the contents of the swagger.json file into the website's edit box.

    The website suggests that you convert the JSON contents to YAML format.

  4. Click OK to agree to the suggestion or Cancel to leave the contents in JSON format; neither of these actions affects the result of parsing the file.

    The website engine parses the REST schema contained in the swagger.json file and create the visual representation of the REST schema.

  5. On the Generate Client menu, invoke the csharp command.

    The archive is downloaded to your computer. The archive contains the IO.Swagger Visual Studio solution, two Visual C# projects (IO.Swagger and IO.Swagger.Test), and other files.

  6. Extract the archive.
  7. Make sure that the IO.Swagger solution can be built.
To compile the IO.Swagger and IO.Swagger.Test projects, you may have to explicitly specify the path to the RestSharp.dll library. In addition, you may get compilation errors related to the misuse of the override keyword and the absence of the BaseValidate method. To fix these errors, remove the misused override keyword and the entire command that contains the nonexistent BaseValidate method.

To Add the Generated Projects to a Visual Studio Solution

  1. In Visual Studio, create a C# project.
  2. In your project, add a reference to the Newtonsoft.Json library as follows:
    1. In Solution Explorer, right-click your project.
    2. Click Manage NuGet Packages.
    3. Select the Browse tab.
    4. Search for the Newtonsoft.Json library, and install it.
  3. In the folders containing the unpacked contents from the archives, rename the IO.Swagger projects and the IO.Swagger namespaces to avoid the name conflict.

    You do not have to add the IO.Swagger.Test projects to the solution of your C# project.

  4. Add the former IO.Swagger projects to the solution of your C# project.
  5. In your project, add a reference to the RestSharp.dll library.
  6. Add your code that uses the REST API to your project.
    You can find other examples in the AcumaticaRESTAPIClientForCSharp repository on GitHub.