To Update a Client Application that Uses Screen-Based Web Services

To prevent application failures and omit the regeneration of the WSDL description for each change of the user interface of the system, we recommend that you follow the procedure described in this topic before you update your MYOB Advanced instance.

To Update a Client Application that Uses Screen-Based Web Services

To prevent application failures with the update to a newer version of MYOB Advanced, perform the following steps before you install the update:
  1. Create a test copy of your production MYOB Advanced instance.
  2. Make changes to your client application, as described in To Use the Screen-Based API Wrapper.
  3. Test the client application with the test copy of your MYOB Advanced instance.
  4. Update the test copy of your MYOB Advanced instance to a new version of MYOB Advanced.
  5. Test the client application with the updated test copy of your MYOB Advanced instance.
  6. Update the production instance of MYOB Advanced to the new version.
Note: You should distribute the client application along with the XML schema file that is generated by the screen-based API wrapper. For details, see Screen-Based API Wrapper.