To Install the MYOB Advanced Tools

To install the MYOB Advanced Tools, run the MYOB Advanced installation program, and follow the instructions of the MYOB Advanced Installer wizard:

  1. On the Welcome page, click Next.
  2. On the License Agreement page, read the license agreement. To accept the license agreement, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement check box.
  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Main Software Configuration page, select any of the following check boxes:
    • Launch the MYOB Advanced Configuration Wizard (Recommended): Select this check box to continue deploying the MYOB Advanced application instance once you install the MYOB Advanced Tools.
    • Install Report Designer: Select this check box to install the optional MYOB Advanced Report Designer. For more information, see MYOB Advanced Report Designer Guide.
    • Install Debugger Tools: Select this check box if you want to install the optional Debugger Tools component.
    • Install DeviceHub: Select this check box if you want to install the optional DeviceHub application. (You can use this application to connect hardware devices, such as printers, scanners, and digital scales. You can also then configure a set of default printers to streamline the printing of documents for users, regardless of the physical location of the users and printers.) For detailed instructions on setting up hardware devices via DeviceHub, see Configuring Hardware Devices in DeviceHub.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Destination Folder page, specify the location where you want to install MYOB Advanced Tools, and then click Next.
  7. On the Ready to install MYOB Advanced2022 R2 page, click Install.
  8. After the installation has been completed, click Finish.
    Note: If you did not select the Launch the MYOB Advanced Configuration Wizard check box in Step 4, you can run MYOB Advanced Configuration Wizard anytime by selecting Start > MYOB Advanced > MYOB Advanced.