Screen Configuration: Restrictions of the Configure Method

You should be aware of the limitations of the Configure method when you are working with it. These limitations are described in the following sections.

Creation of Graph Instances and Base Graph Access

Inside the Configure method, you should not create a graph instance or access the Base graph because either of these actions can lead to deadlocks. If you need to read data from the database, you can use database slots by doing the following:

  1. In the graph extension where you need to define the Configure method, you also define a database slot that is based on the DAC from which you need to read data. In the slot, you cache the data that you need to access.
  2. You attach the PXWorkflowDependsOnType attribute to the Configure method and specify the DAC from which you want to read data.
  3. In the Configure method, you access the data from the slot.

For example, suppose that you need to enable the extension in the Configure method only if the InspectionEnabled property of SOSetup DAC is true. The following code shows how you can access the InspectionEnabled property by using a database slot.

private class SOSetupInspection : IPrefetchable
    public static bool InspectionEnabled =>
        PXDatabase.GetSlot<SOSetupInspection>("SOSetupInspection", typeof(SOSetup))._inspectionEnabled;
    private bool _inspectionEnabled;
    void IPrefetchable.Prefetch()
        using (PXDataRecord soSetup =
            PXDatabase.SelectSingle<SOSetup>(new PXDataField<SOSetup.inspectionEnabled>()))
            if (soSetup != null) _inspectionEnabled = (bool)soSetup.GetBoolean(0);

public sealed override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration config){
     //if (!Base.sosetup.Current.InspectionEnabled) return;
     if (!SOSetupInspection.InspectionEnabled) return;

The code above has done the following:

  1. In the extension, defined the SOSetupInspection database slot, which depends on the SOSetup table. In the slot, the SOSetup.InspectionEnabled value has been cached.
  2. Attached the PXWorkflowDependsOnType attribute to the Configure method and specified that the workflows of the form depend on data from the SOSetup DAC.
  3. In the Configure method, instead of accessing the Base graph, checked the SOSetupInspection.InspecionEnabled property, which holds the cached value of the SOSetup.InspectionEnabled property.

For more information on database slots, see Use of Slots to Cache Data Objects.

Customization with the PXOverride Mechanism

The Configure method cannot be customized with the PXOverride mechanism, despite being a public virtual extension method. The place in the platform where the Configure method is called does not support PXOverride extensions of the method. Thus, we recommend that you explicitly use the sealed modifier in C# when you are overriding the Configure method. The following code shows the recommended way of overriding the Configure method.
//Use sealed modifier explicitly to specify that this method cannot be overridden
public sealed override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration config) =>
Configure(config.GetScreenConfigurationContext<TGraph, TPrimaryEntity>());

//Replace the TGraph and TPrimaryEntity above with your actual graph and DAC classes, respectively

Access to an Instance State

The Configure method is executed on uninitialized graphs and graph extensions. You cannot access an instance state of a graph or a graph extension within the Configure method or within any methods called from it. This also means that you cannot access any instance fields or properties, including views and actions, of a graph or a graph extension, within the Configure method. You should thus configure a workflow in a static context, which means configuring it in a static method. This technique is illustrated in the following sample code, which expands on the code example in the preceding section of this topic.
public sealed override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration config) =>
 Configure(config.GetScreenConfigurationContext<TGraph, TPrimaryEntity>());
 //Apply workflow changes in a static method
 //Replace the TGraph and TPrimaryEntity below with your actual graph and DAC classes, respectively
 protected static void Configure(WorkflowContext<TGraph, TPrimaryEntity> context)
     context.AddScreenConfigurationFor(screen => screen
In addition to the restrictions regarding access to an instance state, current best practices forbid calling any instance methods from the Configure method. However, it should be noted that calling instance methods from the Configure method will not cause an error by itself, whereas accessing the instance state will lead to a runtime error.

Graph Class Hierarchy

The Configure method is present both in graphs and graph extensions. The methods have the same signature. However, there are notable differences in how they behave at runtime. The Configure method in a graph is treated more like a static method than an instance virtual method by the MYOB Acumatica Framework. You can notice this phenomenon when working with a graph class hierarchy. Suppose that you have a Base graph and a Derived graph that is derived from the Base graph. The Base graph declares a workflow as shown in the following code.

public class Base : PXGraph<Base>
    public override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration screenConfig)
         //Some workflow logic here

The code above has defined the screen configuration for the base graph. However, this Configure method will not be called for the Derived graph, and its screen configuration will remain empty because the system ignores all derived graphs while processing screens. Notice that the Configure method is not sealed in the Base graph. To make sure that the Configure method in the Base graph gets called for the Derived graph, you might attempt to declare a trivial override of the Configure method in the Derived graph. An example is shown in the following code.

 public class Derived : Base
    public override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration screenConfig)
           => base.Configure(screenConfig);

It is important to note that overriding a graph's Configure method in a derived graph, as shown in the preceding code example, is not allowed. We recommend that you explicitly seal the Base graph's Configure method to prevent such override attempts. When the Configure method is used in graph extensions, the MYOB Acumatica Framework treats it like a normal virtual method. The caveats discussed above with regard to the Configure method in a graph do not apply in this instance, but you still should avoid relying on the Configure method's virtuality in a graph extension. You should instead explicitly seal the Configure method in graph extensions as well.

Order of Execution

The Configure method override in a graph is always executed first. The order of execution for multiple Configure methods declared in several graph extensions is defined by the way the graph extensions are chained and their explicit sort order. For more details, see To Sort Multiple Generic Graph Extensions