Step 2: Defining the Set of States of the Workflow

The first step in creating a workflow is determining the set of states that a record created on the form can have in the workflow.

In this step, you will define the set of states for a record—in this case, a repair work order. The state is determined by one of the fields of the record, which is usually the Status field. Therefore, you need to define the set of states that corresponds to the set of statuses that a repair work order can have.

According to the customization description, which is available in Business Process Overview, a repair work order can have the following statuses:

  • On Hold (the WorkOrderStatusConstants.OnHold constant)
  • Ready for Assignment (the WorkOrderStatusConstants.ReadyForAssignment constant)
  • Pending Payment (the WorkOrderStatusConstants.PendingPayment constant)
  • Assigned (the WorkOrderStatusConstants.Assigned constant)
  • Completed (the WorkOrderStatusConstants.Completed constant)
  • Paid (the WorkOrderStatusConstants.Paid constant)

Each state is defined by a combination of a constant string value and a class derived from the BqlString.Constant class. The name of the class starts with a lowercase letter.

To create the set of states, do the following:

  1. In the Constants.cs file, make sure that the constants for the Status box are defined as shown in the following code. These values will be used to indicate the states of the workflow.
        //Constants for the statuses of repair work orders
        public static class WorkOrderStatusConstants
            public const string OnHold = "OH";
            public const string PendingPayment = "PP";
            public const string ReadyForAssignment = "RA";
            public const string Assigned = "AS";
            public const string Completed = "CM";
            public const string Paid = "PD";
  2. In the RSSVWorkOrderWorkflow class, define the Constants region and the public static class inside it, as the following code shows.
            #region Constants
            public static class States
  3. In the States class, define the constant string values that correspond to the repair work order statuses, as the following code shows.
                public const string OnHold = WorkOrderStatusConstants.OnHold;
                public const string ReadyForAssignment =
                public const string PendingPayment =
                public const string Assigned = WorkOrderStatusConstants.Assigned;
                public const string Completed = WorkOrderStatusConstants.Completed;
                public const string Paid = WorkOrderStatusConstants.Paid;

    As the Status field value, you have used the enumeration defined in T220 Data Entry and Setup Forms.

  4. In the States class, define the classes for each state of the workflow, as the following code shows.
                public class onHold : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<onHold>
                    public onHold() : base(OnHold) { }
                public class readyForAssignment :
                    public readyForAssignment() : base(ReadyForAssignment) { }
                public class pendingPayment :
                    public pendingPayment() : base(PendingPayment) { }
                public class assigned : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<assigned>
                    public assigned() : base(Assigned) { }
                public class completed : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<completed>
                    public completed() : base(Completed) { }
                public class paid : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<paid>
                    public paid() : base(Paid) { }
  5. Save your changes.