Barcode Scan Commands: General Information

A barcode scan command is a piece of logic that can be executed in any scan state either by clicking a button associated with this command in the UI, or by scanning a fixed barcode associated with it. For example, this logic can change the current state of the barcode-driven engine or start a long-running process.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Define the set of barcode scan commands of a scan mode
  • Implement a custom barcode scan command
  • Add to a scan mode the logic that handles an input of the quantity

Applicable Scenarios

You define scan commands in the following cases:

  • You have created a scan mode on a custom form and need to implement the set of scan commands of this mode.
  • You have added a new scan mode on an existing barcode-driven form and need to implement the set of scan commands of this mode.
  • You have created a scan mode on a custom form and need to add to this scan mode the command for the input of the quantity

Scan Command Component

The logic of a scan command is implemented in the ScanCommand component. You use ScanCommand<TScanBasis> to bind custom logic to a particular barcode command.

All commands produce a related PXAction. Therefore, the command can be executed in two ways: by clicking the button in the user interface, or by scanning a barcode.

The following diagram shows the classes and interfaces that are related to the scan command component. For details about the properties and methods of these classes and interfaces, see ScanCommand<TScanBasis> Class.
Figure 1. Scan command classes and interfaces

Implementation of a Scan Command

You create particular instances of this class in the ScanMode<TScanBasis>.CreateCommands() method.

For each scan command, you specify the following required properties:
  • Code: The code that is used to perform the command. The system automatically adds the * character to the beginning of all command codes and uses this character to distinguish them from the codes intended for processing by input state processors.
  • ButtonName: The name of the PXAction instance that is created for this command component.
  • DisplayName: The display name of the button for the PXAction instance that is created for this command component.
  • IsEnabled: A Boolean value that indicates (if set to true) that the command can be executed.

In the Process() method, you implement the logic that is performed when the scan command is executed.

If you want to run a long-running process in the scope of a command component, you use the Basis.WaitFor() method.