Barcode-Driven Engine Guide

With MYOB's barcode-driven engine, you can convert an MYOB Acumatica form, which is operated via a mouse and keyboard, into a console-type experience for a barcode-driven form. A user interacts with this form mostly via text commands that the user enters into a special field of the form manually or by scanning a barcode. The barcode-driven form guides the user through a certain input route by showing input prompts. This console-type experience is useful when you need to simplify the work with a particular form to the level of sequential text inputs.

In this guide, you can find information about how to customize existing MYOB Acumatica forms that use the barcode-driven engine and how to implement custom barcode-driven forms.

You can find the code and customization project of the activities described in this guide in the Help-and-Training-Examples repository on GitHub.