Testing of Errors and Warnings: To Test the Display of Errors and Warnings

The following activity will walk you through the process of creating a method that tests the display of warning and error messages.


Suppose that you want to make sure that the following behavior of the Repair Work Orders (RS301000) form has not changed:

  • When a new work order is initialized, the system copies to it the repair items and labor items of the RSSVRepairPrice object that has the same DeviceID and ServiceID values as the work order being initialized.
  • Negative values of labor quantities are prohibited.
  • The values of labor quantities are not permitted to be less than the minimum values.
  • In work orders for which the priority is Low, repair services that are marked as requiring preliminary checks are prohibited.

You need to create a test method. In this method, you need to initialize the settings of the graph.

Process Overview

You will create a test method without parameters for the Repair Work Orders (RS301000) form. In this method, you will initialize the settings of the tested graph RSSVWorkOrderEntry by calling the Setup<> generic method. Then you will create an instance of the RSSVWorkOrderEntry graph. In the cache of the graph, you will create the necessary objects and configure them. You will assign to the fields values that are not allowed by the business logic of the graph and ensure that the appropriate warnings or errors appear in the UI; you will do this by calling the PXCache.GetStateExt method.

System Preparation

Before you begin creating the test method, do the following:
  1. Make sure that you have performed the Test Instance for Unit Testing: To Deploy an Instance prerequisite activity to prepare the MYOB Acumatica instance that you will use.
  2. Make sure that you have performed the Test Project and Test Class: To Create a Test Project prerequisite activity to create and configure the PhoneRepairShop_Code.Tests.csproj test project.
  3. Create the RSSVWorkOrderEntryTests test class. For an example that shows how to create a test class, see Test Project and Test Class: To Create a Test Class.

Step 1: Creating a Test Method for the Repair Work Orders Form

In this step, you will create a test method for the Repair Work Orders (RS301000) form. (For basic information on the creation of a test method without parameters, see Test Method: General Information.) Do the following:

  1. In the RSSVWorkOrderEntryTests class, create a public void method, and name it TestRepairWorkOrdersForm.
  2. Specify the [Fact] attribute for the method to indicate that this unit test is called without parameters.
  3. Initialize the settings for the RSSVWorkOrderEntry graph by adding the following code.
                Setup<RSSVWorkOrderEntry>(new RSSVSetup());

    The RSSVSetup DAC contains settings for the RSSVWorkOrderEntry graph. The call of the Setup<> generic method is mandatory because it initializes an RSSVSetup object.

  4. Create an instance of the RSSVWorkOrderEntry graph as follows.
                var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<RSSVWorkOrderEntry>();

Step 2: Creating the Necessary Objects

In the TestRepairWorkOrdersForm method, create the objects that are needed to test the displaying of warnings and errors as follows:

  1. Create an RSSVDevice object and two RSSVRepairService objects (one of these is the main object, and the other is auxiliary) by adding the following code.
                RSSVDevice device = (RSSVDevice)graph.Caches[typeof(RSSVDevice)].
                    Insert(new RSSVDevice { DeviceCD = "Device1" });
                RSSVRepairService repairService =
                    Insert(new RSSVRepairService
                        ServiceCD = "Service1"
                RSSVRepairService repairService2 =
                    Insert(new RSSVRepairService
                        ServiceCD = "Service2"
  2. Create an RSSVRepairPrice object, and initialize it with the RSSVDevice object and the main RSSVRepairService object. You do this by adding the following code.
                graph.Caches[typeof(RSSVRepairPrice)].Insert(new RSSVRepairPrice
                    DeviceID = device.DeviceID,
                    ServiceID = repairService.ServiceID
  3. Make sure that you have added the using PX.Objects.IN; directive to the RSSVWorkOrderEntryTests class. Add the following code to create two stock items and one non-stock item, and to make the two stock items repair items.
                InventoryItem battery1 =
                        InventoryCD = "Battery1"
                InventoryItemExt batteryExt1 =
                batteryExt1.UsrRepairItem = true;
                batteryExt1.UsrRepairItemType = RepairItemTypeConstants.Battery;
                InventoryItem backCover1 =
                        InventoryCD = "BackCover1"
                InventoryItemExt backCoverExt1 =
                backCoverExt1.UsrRepairItem = true;
                backCoverExt1.UsrRepairItemType =
                InventoryItem work1 =
                        InventoryCD = "Work1",
                        StkItem = false
  4. Create two repair items based on the two stock items as follows.
                RSSVRepairItem repairItemBackCover1 =
                        new RSSVRepairItem
                            DeviceID = device.DeviceID,
                            ServiceID = repairService.ServiceID
                repairItemBackCover1.InventoryID = backCover1.InventoryID;
                repairItemBackCover1.Required = true;
                repairItemBackCover1.BasePrice = 10;
                repairItemBackCover1.IsDefault = true;
                repairItemBackCover1.RepairItemType =
                RSSVRepairItem repairItemBattery1 =
                        new RSSVRepairItem
                            DeviceID = device.DeviceID,
                            ServiceID = repairService.ServiceID
                repairItemBattery1.InventoryID = battery1.InventoryID;
                repairItemBattery1.Required = true;
                repairItemBattery1.BasePrice = 20;
                repairItemBattery1.IsDefault = true;
                repairItemBattery1.RepairItemType = batteryExt1.UsrRepairItemType;
  5. Create an RSSVLabor object based on the non-stock item by using the following code.
                RSSVLabor labor = (RSSVLabor)graph.Caches[typeof(RSSVLabor)].
                    Insert(new RSSVLabor
                        InventoryID = work1.InventoryID,
                        DeviceID = device.DeviceID,
                        ServiceID = repairService.ServiceID
                labor.DefaultPrice = 2;
                labor.Quantity = 3;
  6. Create a work order with the same DeviceID and ServiceID values as those specified for the RSSVRepairPrice object, which was created in Instruction 2. To do this, add the following code.
                RSSVWorkOrder workOrder = (RSSVWorkOrder)graph.
                    Caches[typeof(RSSVWorkOrder)].Insert(new RSSVWorkOrder());
                workOrder.DeviceID = device.DeviceID;
                workOrder.ServiceID = repairService.ServiceID;

Step 3: Testing the Display of Errors and Warnings

Now that the necessary objects have been created, perform the following instructions to test the display of errors and warnings:

  1. As the first test, add the following code to make sure that there are two RSSVWorkOrderItem objects, which have been created based on the two RSSVRepairItem objects, and an RSSVWorkOrderLabor object, which has been created based on the RSSVLabor object.
                Assert.Equal(2, graph.RepairItems.Select().Count);
  2. As the second test, add the following code to ensure that the changing of the ServiceID field of the work order does not affect the RepairItems and Labor views.
                workOrder.ServiceID = repairService2.ServiceID;
                Assert.Equal(2, graph.RepairItems.Select().Count);
  3. Restore the ServiceID value as follows.
                workOrder.ServiceID = repairService.ServiceID;
  4. Obtain the RSSVWorkOrderLabor object (the value of its Quantity field must be 3), and try to assign a negative value to its Quantity field by using the following code. An error message must be attached to the Quantity field instead.
                RSSVWorkOrderLabor woLabor = graph.Labor.SelectSingle();
                Assert.Equal(3, woLabor.Quantity);
                woLabor.Quantity = -1;
                PXFieldState fieldState =
                Assert.Equal(PXErrorLevel.Error, fieldState.ErrorLevel);

    In the code, the PXCache.Clear method is called to clear the cache of the generated error.

  5. By using the following code, assign to the Quantity field of the RSSVWorkOrderLabor object a value that is less than the value of the corresponding RSSVLabor.Quantity field. Then make sure that the following result is achieved: A warning message is attached to the RSSVWorkOrderLabor.Quantity field, and the field is assigned the value of the corresponding RSSVLabor.Quantity field.
                woLabor.Quantity = 1;
                woLabor = (RSSVWorkOrderLabor)graph.
                fieldState = (PXFieldState)graph.
                Assert.Equal(PXErrorLevel.Warning, fieldState.ErrorLevel);
                Assert.Equal(3, woLabor.Quantity);

    In the code, you use the PXCache.Locate method to obtain the proper RSSVWorkOrderLabor object from the cache to check the presence and text of the warning.

  6. By using the following code, configure the second repair service repairService2 to require a preliminary check, and assign it to the work order. The code also sets the priority of the work order to Low and makes sure that an error message is attached to the Priority field of the work order; this error message informs the user that the priority of the work order is too low.
                repairService2.PreliminaryCheck = true;
                workOrder.ServiceID = repairService2.ServiceID;
                workOrder.Priority = WorkOrderPriorityConstants.Low;
                workOrder = (RSSVWorkOrder)graph.Caches[typeof(RSSVWorkOrder)].
                fieldState = (PXFieldState)graph.Caches[typeof(RSSVWorkOrder)].
                Assert.Equal(PhoneRepairShop.Messages.PriorityTooLow, fieldState.Error);
                Assert.Equal(PXErrorLevel.Error, fieldState.ErrorLevel);
  7. Run the test method you have created, and make sure that it succeeds.