Combo Box: Reference Information

In the tables of this topic, you can find reference information about combo boxes.

Conversion from ASPX to HTML and TypeScript

The following tables will help you to convert the ASPX elements that are related to combo boxes to HTML or TypeScript elements.

Table 1. PXDropDownThe following table shows the correspondence between PXDropDown and HTML or TypeScript elements. During the conversion of ASPX pages to HTML and TypeScript, you need to replace these ASPX elements with their analogs in HTML or TypeScript.
ASPX HTML or TypeScript
<px:PXDropDown ... />
Replace it with field (whose control type is automatically defined as a combo box from the backend code). In rare cases, you should replace it explicitly with the qp-drop-down control.
  AllowEdit="True" ... />

Use the allowEdit property of the config attribute of the qp-drop-down control. If the property is set to true, a user can enter values that are not available in the combo box.

  config-allow-edit.bind="true" >
  AllowMultiSelect="True" ... />

Use the allowMultiSelect property of the config attribute of the qp-drop-down control. If the property is set to true, a user can select multiple values from the combo box.

  config-allow-multi-select.bind="true" >
  AllowNull="True" ... />

Use the allowNull property of the config attribute of the qp-drop-down control. If the property is set to true, an empty value is allowed for the combo box.

  config-allow-null.bind="true" >
  AutoSuggest="True" ... />

Use the autoSuggest property of the config attribute of the qp-drop-down control. If the property is set to true, while a user is typing to search for a value in the combo box, the system should suggest matching values available in the combo box.

  config-auto-suggest.bind="true" >
  CommitChanges="True" ... />
Use PXFieldOptions.CommitChanges in TypeScript code.
export class Account extends PXView {
  DataField="AutoPost" ... />

Use the name attribute of the field tag.

<field name="AutoPost">
  Enabled="False" ... />
Use PXFieldOptions.Disabled in TypeScript code. The property specifies that the combo box is unavailable for editing.
export class Account extends PXView {
  ID="chkAutoPost" ... />

If the qp-field tag is being used to replace the PXDropDown ASPX element, specify the id attribute of this tag. In other cases, the ID is not necessary for a combo box.

  ValuesSeparator=";" ... />
Use the valuesSeparator property of the config attribute of the qp-drop-down control. The property specifies the character that is used to separate selected values in the combo box while the allowMultiSelect property is set to true.
<field config-value-separator.bind=";" >
Table 2. Obsolete ASPX Control and PropertiesThe following table lists the obsolete ASPX element that is related to combo boxes. You do not need to replace this ASPX element with any HTML or TypeScript element.
ASPX Control Properties
  • NullText
  • runat
  • Size
  • SuppressLabel


The following table lists the properties that are available in the config attribute of the qp-drop-down control, which represents a combo box in HTML.

Property Description
allowEdit Specifies (if set to true) that a user can enter values that are not available in the combo box.
  config-allow-edit.bind="true" >
allowMultiSelect If set to true, gives a user the ability to select multiple values from the combo box.
  config-allow-multi-select.bind="true" >
allowNull Specifies (if set to true) that an empty value is allowed for the combo box.
  config-allow-null.bind="true" >
autoSuggest Indicates (if set to true) that while a user is typing to search for a value in the combo box, the system should list the matching values available in the combo box.
  config-auto-suggest.bind="true" >
valuesSeparator Specifies the character that is used to separate selected values in the combo box if the allowMultiSelect property is set to true.
<field config-value-separator.bind=";" >