Check Box: General Information

A check box is a control in which a user makes a choice between two mutually exclusive options.

A check box is defined by PXCheckBox in the Classic UI. In the Modern UI, a check box is defined by the field tag (whose control type is automatically defined as a check box from the backend code). In rare cases, a check box in the Modern UI is defined explicitly by the qp-check-box control.

Learning Objectives

In this chapter, you will learn the following information about a check box:

  • The design guidelines for a check box, including the naming conventions and layout recommendations
  • The proper configuration of a check box for specific cases, such as when a check box is located next to another element in the same row.
  • A detailed description of each property of a check box

Applicable Scenarios

You configure check boxes in the following user scenarios:

  • A user can select multiple items in a list of items, such as selecting items from a list of preferences.
  • A user chooses one option from two possible options, such as enabling or disabling a feature.
  • A user selects a specific criterion to apply to the displayed information to filter or sort data.

UI Naming Conventions

The following table shows the UI naming conventions for a check box.

Naming Convention Example
For a check box that (if selected) enables an action, use a verb or verb phrase that describes this action. The Copy Tag Number from Asset ID check box on the Fixed Assets Preferences (FA101000) form, which is shown in the following screenshot

For a check box that (if selected) gives an entity some property, use a noun or noun phrase. The Reverse VAT check box on the Taxes (TX205000) form, which is shown in the following screenshot

Recommendations for Organizing the Layout

The following table shows the recommendations for organizing the layout for check boxes.

Correct Incorrect
When a fieldset contains only check boxes, align the check boxes without left padding.

To remove the left padding, specify class="no-label" in qp-fieldset, as shown below.

<qp-fieldset slot="C" class="no-label" ...>...</qp-fieldset>
Figure 1. A correct layout

Figure 2. An incorrect layout

Keep the default left padding for check boxes in a section if the section contains other controls and has a title.
Figure 3. A correct layout

Figure 4. An incorrect layout