TX DACs: Reference Data

The following types of DACs provide reference data:

  • The common DACs that are used when taxes are configured. These DACs also hold the rules of tax calculation.
  • The report configuration DACs that are used for the tax report structure. The DACs also contain the calculation rules.

The following sections describe these DACs in more detail.

Common DACs

The common tax DACs, excluding tax agencies (which are represented by Vendor records), provide the basis for tax calculation for various documents in the system. Users manually specify the settings that are stored in these DACs, which are listed in the following table.

DAC Name Description
Tax A record of this DAC represents a tax. The Tax properties describe the tax type and its calculation rules.

A record of this DAC contains the tax rate that is effective at a certain date. A TaxRev record specifies the reporting group (and in turn report lines because a reporting group is a set of reporting lines) for which tax amounts will be aggregated during report preparation.

TaxCategory A record of this DAC represents a tax category. This record is the header of a master-detail aggregate of a set of taxes. This record is used for the definition of the set of taxes that can be applied to a document line. TaxCategoryDet is a detail of TaxCategory. The DAC implements a many-to-many relationship between Tax and TaxCategory.
TaxZone A record of this DAC represents a tax zone. This record is the header of the master-detail aggregate of a set of taxes. This record is used for the definition of the set of taxes that can be applied to the document. A TaxZoneDet record is a detail of a TaxZone record. The DAC implements a many-to-many relationship between Tax and TaxZone.
Vendor A record of this DAC represents the tax agency to which the tax is to be reported and paid. Also, a Vendor record specifies the calendar rules of reporting, default tax GL accounts, and tax report rounding rules. The Vendor.TaxAgency field indicates whether a vendor is a tax agency.

In MYOB Acumatica, tax zones and tax categories are used to determine the sets of taxes that are applied to a document line. The TaxZone DAC contains the data of each tax zone that has been defined on the Tax Zones (TX206000) form, and the TaxCategory DAC holds the data of each tax category that has been defined on the Tax Categories (TX205500) form. A tax zone and a tax category each contain a set of taxes. A tax zone is specified for a document; a tax category is specified for a document line. The resulting set of taxes that will be applied to the document line is the intersection of the tax zone and tax category sets of taxes.

Report Configuration DACs

The TaxReportLine DAC contains tax report lines. A TaxReportLine record defines the tax report structure for a particular tax agency and is a part of formation amount rules. The DAC is mapped as many-to-many to reporting groups (which are stored in TaxBucket) and through them to taxes.

TaxBucket is the header of the master-detail aggregate, which specifies a set of tax agency report lines to be used for calculated tax amounts aggregation. TaxBucket is linked to Tax as one to many.

A TaxBucketLine record is a detail of a TaxBucket. The TaxBucketLine DAC implements the many-to-many relationship between the TaxReportLine and TaxBucket. TaxBucketLine is also created for report lines that are detailed by tax zones.