AR DACs: Transactional Data
In this topic, you can find an overview of the data access classes (DACs) that provide transactional data—that is, the DACs that store the accounts receivable documents and related entities.
ARRegister, ARInvoice, and ARPayment
All AR documents are stored in the ARRegister DAC. Depending on the type of the document (ARRegister.DocType), the ARRegister DAC is extended by ARInvoice, by ARPayment, or by both DACs. The following table shows how the ARRegister DAC is extended depending on the document type specified on the data entry form. In this table, + indicates that the corresponding record exists for this document type, and - indicates that the record does not exist.Document Type | ARRegister.DocType | Purpose | ARRegister | ARInvoice | ARPayment |
Invoice | INV | An invoice for goods and services shipped on credit. | + | + | - |
Debit Memo | DRM |
A memo indicating that additional money is owed from the customer account. Conceptually, this type is similar to an invoice. |
+ | + | - |
Overdue Charge | FCH | A financial charge for overdue invoices and late payments. | + | + | - |
Cash Sale | CSL |
A sale of goods and services for which a payment was received immediately. Essentially, this type is a combination of an invoice and a payment. |
+ | + | + |
Cash Return | RCS | A reversing document for a cash sale. | + | + | + |
Credit WO | SMC | A record of a write-off of money owed to the customer account. | + | + | - |
Credit Memo | CRM | A memo indicating that additional money is owed to the customer account. | + | + | + |
Payment | PMT | A payment received from the customer for goods or services shipped on credit. | + | - | + |
Voided Payment | RPM | A reversal document for the payment, which cancels the payment's impact on the system. | + | - | + |
Refund | REF | A full or partial refund of money received from the customer. | + | - | + |
Voided Refund | VRF | A document recording a customer refund that was voided. | + | - | + |
Prepayment | PPM | A record of money received from the customer in advance of goods or services being shipped. | + | - | + |
Balance WO | SMB | A record of a write-off of money owed from the customer account. | + | - | + |
AR documents are defined on the following forms:
- Most documents that store their data in ARInvoice: The Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form
- Most documents that store their data in ARPayment: The Payments and Applications (AR302000) form
- Cash sales and cash returns: The Cash Sales (AR304000) form
- Credit memos: The Invoices and Memos form, on which the memo is created and released; the Payments and Applications form, on which the memo is applied to payments
- Selection of invoices
SELECT * FROM ARRegister INNER JOIN ARInvoice ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr
Selection of payments
SELECT * FROM ARRegister INNER JOIN ARPayment ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARPayment.CompanyID AND ARRegister.DocType = ARPayment.DocType AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARPayment.RefNbr
- Selection of cash sales and cash returns
SELECT * FROM ARRegister INNER JOIN ARInvoice ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr INNER JOIN ARPayment ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARPayment.CompanyID AND ARRegister.DocType = ARPayment.DocType AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARPayment.RefNbr WHERE -- This condition is required because credit memos also have -- both the invoice part and the payment part. ARRegister.DocType IN ('CSL', 'VCS')
Statuses of Documents in ARRegister
The following table lists the statuses of AR documents that are displayed in the UI and the corresponding values of ARRegister.Status.
UI Name | ARRegister.Status Value |
Credit Hold | R |
Pending Processing | W |
On Hold | H |
Balanced | B |
Voided | V |
Scheduled | S |
Open | N |
Closed | C |
Pending Print | P |
Pending Email | E |
Reserved | Z |
Pending Approval | D |
Rejected | J |
Canceled | L |
Applications Between Documents
An ARAdjust record indicates the application of one AR document to another, which results in an adjustment of both documents' balances. This record contains the foreign key links between two documents, as well as the application amounts and other auxiliary information.
In most cases, it is an application of a payment-like document (ARPayment) to an invoice-like document (ARInvoice), such as when a payment closes an invoice. Sometimes there can also be applications between two payment-like documents (ARPayment), such as when a refund closes a payment.
The entities of this type are mainly created and edited on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form. Applications are displayed as details on the Documents to Apply tab. They can also be seen on the Applications tab of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form.
The following SQL query selects released documents with all incoming and outgoing released applications.
-- Original document amount
-- Open document balance
-- Total amount applied to the document
SUM(ISNULL(IncomingApplication.AdjAmt, 0)) AS AdjdAmt,
-- Total cash discount taken on the document
SUM(ISNULL(IncomingApplication.AdjDiscAmt, 0)) AS AdjdDiscAmt,
-- Total gain or loss realized on the document
SUM(ISNULL(IncomingApplication.RGOLAmt, 0)) AS AdjdRGOLAmt,
-- Total balance written off the document during application to it
SUM(ISNULL(IncomingApplication.AdjWOAmt, 0)) AS AdjdWOAmt,
-- Total amount applied by the document to other documents
SUM(ISNULL(OutgoingApplication.AdjAmt, 0)) AS AdjgAmt,
-- Total cash discount taken on other documents after application of the document
SUM(ISNULL(OutgoingApplication.AdjDiscAmt, 0)) AS AdjgDiscAmt,
-- Total gain or loss realized on other documents after application of this document
SUM(ISNULL(OutgoingApplication.RGOLAmt, 0)) AS AdjgRGOLAmt,
-- Total amount written off other documents after application of this document
SUM(ISNULL(OutgoingApplication.AdjWOAmt, 0)) AS AdjgWOAmt
LEFT JOIN ARAdjust AS OutgoingApplication
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = OutgoingApplication.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = OutgoingApplication.AdjgDocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = OutgoingApplication.AdjgRefNbr
LEFT JOIN ARAdjust AS IncomingApplication
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = IncomingApplication.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = IncomingApplication.AdjdDocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = IncomingApplication.AdjdRefNbr
ARRegister.Released = 1
AND OutgoingApplication.Released = 1
AND IncomingApplication.Released = 1
In the following cases, the system can create applications of the documents to themselves during the document release process:
- When the document has a nonzero initial migrated balance
- When the document combines the information about both the invoice and the corresponding payment—that is, for cash sales and cash returns
Currency Info
A CurrencyInfo record stores details about the currency rate of a given currency relative to the base currency, including how the currency rate has been obtained. The CurrencyInfo DAC can be joined to the DACs of accounts receivable entities based on the foreign key CuryInfoID field in the entity DAC.
The following query selects currency information references from applications.
-- The balance adjustment in the base currency in adjusting documents.
-- The balance adjustment of the adjusted document, such as an invoice,
-- in that document's currency.
-- The balance adjustment of the adjusting document, such as a payment,
-- in that document's currency.
-- The system calculates the above amounts by using the conversion rates defined
-- by the CurrencyInfo records, which are referenced by the pair of the following fields.
-- A reference field to the original currency info of the adjusted document.
-- The value is usually the same as AdjdCuryInfoID,
-- but if the user overrides the application cross-rate (in ARAdjust.AdjdCuryRate),
-- it will be different.
Invoice Lines
Documents that extend the ARInvoice DAC contain detail lines about goods and services associated with the revenue. They are stored in the ARTran DAC. The detail line number is identified by the ARTran.LineNbr field (which is calculated based on the ARRegister.LineCntr field).
Invoice detail lines can be edited on the Details tab of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form or the Cash Sales (AR304000) form.
The following query selects invoices with details.
-- Total in base currency can differ from the line total because of rounding.
-- Total in foreign currency must be equal to the line total.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr
-- You should use left join because the document may contain no details.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARTran.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARTran.TranType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARTran.RefNbr
Address and Contact Details
ARInvoice references the ARAddress and ARContact DACs. These DACs store invoice-specific bill-to or ship-to address and contact information.
After a Customer record is selected in the document, the default values of the invoice's bill-to address and contact are copied from the billing Address and Contact records, which are referenced by the Customer.DefBillAddressID and Customer.DefBillContactID, respectively. The default values of the invoice's ship-to address and contact are copied from the shipping Address and Contact records that are referenced by the default location (which is specified in Location.DefAddressID and Location.DefContactID). However, this data can be overridden by the user and is independent of changes to the original Address and Contact.
The invoice-specific address and contact information can be edited on the Addresses tab of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form or the Cash Sales (AR304000) form.
The address and contact information is printed on the invoice.
The selection of the following types of address and contact information is illustrated in the queries shown below:-
Selection of the bill-to address and contact information about the invoices
SELECT * FROM ARRegister INNER JOIN ARInvoice ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr INNER JOIN ARAddress ON ARInvoice.CompanyID = ARAddress.CompanyID AND ARInvoice.BillAddressID = ARAddress.AddressID INNER JOIN ARContact ON ARInvoice.CompanyID = ARContact.CompanyID AND ARInvoice.BillContactID = ARContact.ContactID
Selection of the ship-to address and contact information about the invoices
SELECT * FROM ARRegister INNER JOIN ARInvoice ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr INNER JOIN ARAddress ON ARInvoice.CompanyID = ARAddress.CompanyID AND ARInvoice.ShipAddressID = ARAddress.AddressID INNER JOIN ARContact ON ARInvoice.CompanyID = ARContact.CompanyID AND ARInvoice.ShipContactID = ARContact.ContactID
Tax Details
An ARTax record stores auxiliary information about the tax code and taxable amounts for every corresponding ARTran document line.
The ARTax DAC is not exposed to the user interface and is only used for intermediate tax calculation and traceability. The entities of this type cannot be edited directly. Instead, TaxBaseAttribute descendants aggregate them to ARTaxTran records. ARTaxTran is a projection over TaxTran.
The TaxTran DAC stores document-level information of all taxes applied to the document. This DAC is shared across MYOB Acumatica and used as a centralized source for tax reporting. ARTaxTran records can be edited on the Taxes tab of the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) or Cash Sales (AR304000) form.
The following query obtains invoice tax totals.
-- The amount in the base currency
-- The additional tax matches the document tax total
WHEN Tax.TaxCalcLevel = 0 THEN 0
ELSE TaxTran.TaxAmt
END) AS AdditionalTax,
-- The inclusive tax is not included in the tax total
WHEN Tax.TaxCalcLevel = 0 THEN TaxTran.TaxAmt
END) AS InclusiveTax,
-- The amount in the currency of the document
-- The additional tax matches the document tax total
WHEN Tax.TaxCalcLevel = 0 THEN 0
ELSE TaxTran.CuryTaxAmt
END) AS CurrencyAdditionalTax,
-- The inclusive tax is not included in the tax total
WHEN Tax.TaxCalcLevel = 0 THEN TaxTran.CuryTaxAmt
END) AS CurrencyInclusiveTax
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = TaxTran.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = TaxTran.TranType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = TaxTran.RefNbr
AND TaxTran.Module = 'AR'
ON TaxTran.CompanyID = Tax.CompanyID
AND TaxTran.TaxID = Tax.TaxID
Salesperson Commissions
The ARSalesPerTran DAC stores information on the salesperson commission basis and the commission calculated on the document for each associated salesperson.
The system creates records of this type automatically when a user specifies a salesperson ID in an invoice line on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form. (Invoice lines are stored in ARTran.)
You should use LEFT JOIN
to obtain salespeople commissions associated with
invoices, as shown in the following query, because documents can contain no commission.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARInvoice.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARInvoice.DocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARInvoice.RefNbr
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARSalesPerTran.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARSalesPerTran.DocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARSalesPerTran.RefNbr
Salesperson commissions can be calculated either on the invoice basic or on the payment basis. If a commission is based on payments, every payment records the paid portion of each original line. The following query obtains the salesperson commissions calculated on payments.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARPayment.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARPayment.DocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARPayment.RefNbr
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARSalesPerTran.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARSalesPerTran.AdjdDocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARSalesPerTran.AdjdRefNbr
Discount Details
The ARInvoiceDiscountDetail records represent a document- or group-level discount that has been applied to the invoice or memo. The records of this type are created automatically when the user edits document details and are based on the applicable discount sequences. However, all discount details can then be edited manually on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form.
Line-level discounts do not create discount details and are specified in the line itself in ARTran.DiscPct.
Cash Transactions
The creation or removal of an ARPayment record in the system always involves the creation or removal of a corresponding cash account transaction (CATran).
The cash account transaction is referenced by the ARPayment.CATranID field. All nonzero AR payments must have a reference to a CATran record. The CATranID value is passed to the general ledger transaction upon payment release.The following query selects payments with cash account transactions.
ON ARPayment.CompanyID = CATran.CompanyID
AND ARPayment.CATranID = CATran.TranID
The CATran
records are updated by the MYOB Acumatica functionality that works with cash accounts, such as general ledger, accounts payable, and
accounts receivable. For details about cash transaction DACs, see CA DACs: Transactional Data. Credit Card Processing Transactions
The ARPayment documents that have a credit card payment method referenced by their ARPayment.PaymentMethodID field can have associated credit card processing entities, such as credit card processing transactions (which are stored in CCProcTran).
You can obtain the credit card processing transactions of a payment by the following query.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARPayment.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = ARPayment.DocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARPayment.RefNbr
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = CCProcTran.CompanyID
AND (ARRegister.DocType = CCProcTran.TranType
OR ARRegister.DocType IN ('REF', 'RCS'))
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = CCProcTran.RefNbr
Credit card processing transactions are visible on the Card Processing tab of the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form or the Cash Sales (AR304000) form.
Linked SO Orders
On the Sales Orders tab of the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form, a user can link sales orders (which are stored in SOOrder) to the payment. These links are stored as SOAdjust records.The purpose of these links is to reserve part of the payment's balance and automatically apply its payment to the AR invoice generated from the order once the order has been billed.
Recurring Transactions
The Schedule DAC represents a schedule according to which documents are generated on a regular basis from a template document. The Schedule DAC contains the schedule parameters, such as the schedule type (monthly, weekly, daily, or by the financial period) and frequency. The DAC is used by different MYOB Acumatica functional areas.
Template AR documents (such as invoices) have ARRegister.Scheduled set to 1. Both the template document and the generated documents keep the reference to the schedule in the ARRegister.ScheduleID field.
A user can edit accounts receivable schedules on the Recurring Transactions (AR203500) form.
Transactions Generated by Documents
Accounts receivable documents generate general ledger transactions upon release, such as the following scenarios:
- The release of an invoice will credit the sales revenue account and debit the accounts receivable asset account.
- The release of a payment will credit the accounts receivable account and debit the cash account specified in the payment.
The following SQL query will return the GL transactions that correspond to the document.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = GLTran.CompanyID
AND ARRegister.DocType = GLTran.TranType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = GLTran.RefNbr
AND GLTran.Module = 'AR'
-- The ReferenceID of GLTran stores the ID of the customer for AR transactions
AND ARRegister.CustomerID = GLTran.ReferenceID
AND ARRegister.BatchNbr = GLTran.BatchNbr
GL Transactions Generated by Applications
Normally, the application of a payment to an invoice is an internal AR operation that affects the customer balances but does not generate general ledger transactions.
However, GL transactions are generated when any of the following conditions are met:
ARAdjust.RGOLAmt <> 0
, such as if realized gains or losses exist due to currency rate differences between the invoice and the payment.ARAdjust.AdjWOAmt <> 0 OR ARAdjust.CuryAdjgWOAmt <> 0 OR ARAdjust.CuryAdjdWOAmt <> 0
, such as if amounts have been written off the invoice during application.ARAdjust.AdjDiscAmt <> 0 OR ARAdjust.CuryAdjgDiscAmt <> 0 OR ARAdjust.CuryAdjdDiscAmt <> 0
, such as if a cash discount has been taken on the invoice during application.- The AR account specified in the adjusting document differs from the AR account specified in the adjusted document. (The AR account is specified in ARRegister.ARAccountID.)
- The AR subaccount specified in the adjusting document differs from the AR subaccount specified in the adjusted document (The AR subaccount is specified in ARRegister.ARSubID.)
- The branch specified in the adjusting document differs from the branch specified in the adjusted document (The branch is specified in ARRegister.BranchID.)
The following SQL query returns the GL transactions that correspond to the release of applications.
ON ARRegister.CompanyID = ARAdjust.CompanyID
-- Outgoing applications of the document
ARRegister.DocType = ARAdjust.AdjgDocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARAdjust.AdjgRefNbr
-- Incoming applications to the document
ARRegister.DocType = ARAdjust.AdjdDocType
AND ARRegister.RefNbr = ARAdjust.AdjdRefNbr
ON ARAdjust.CompanyID = GLTran.CompanyID
AND ARAdjust.AdjBatchNbr = GLTran.BatchNbr
AND GLTran.Module = 'AR'