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Paying your employees > Adjusting leave
Employee leave is divided into 'year-to-date' and 'carry over' hours. 'Carry over' leave is accrued in a previous year. The following procedures describe how to adjust both types of leave, and how to transfer hours between entitlement categories.
If you are adjusting leave hours for several employees, you can run the Entitlements Balance Detail report, which shows the entitlement balances for all your employees.
You can view and adjust an employee’s carry over leave in the Entitlement section of the Payroll tab of the employee’s card.
To adjust an employee’s carry-over leave balance
Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List. The Cards List window appears.
Click the Employee tab and select the employee whose leave you want to adjust.
Click Edit. The Card Information window appears.
Click the Payroll Details tab.
Click Entitlements. The Entitlements section displays the total number of hours an employee is entitled to take as sick and holiday pay.
Type the entitlement hours carried over from a previous period in the Carry Over column next to the entitlement category.
Click OK and then click Close to return to the Card File command centre.
Unlike carry over leave balances, you can't change the year-to-date hours in the employee's card. To adjust the accrued hours for an employee you can either:
record a leave adjustment paycheque for the affected pay period. This method requires you to record a void paycheque. This is the procedure outlined below.
To record a leave adjustment paycheque
Go to the Payroll command centre and click Process Payroll. The Process Payroll window appears.
Select Process Individual Employee.
In the Payment Date field, enter the date you want to record the adjustment.
Enter a pay date range in the Pay period start and Pay period end fields. This should be for the pay period you are adjusting.
Click Next. The Select & Edit Employees Pay window appears.
Click the arrow in the Edit column next to the employee's name. The Pay Employee window appears.
Type a reference in the Cheque number field to show it is an adjustment. For example, type ADJ in the field.
Delete all hours and amounts shown in the window. You need to do this so you don't re-record any pay amounts for the period, other than the leave adjustment.
In the relevant leave accrual field, enter the adjustment leave hours in the Hours column. For example, if you need to subtract 8 hours from the employee's holiday accrual, type -8 next to Holiday Leave Accrual.
Click OK. A warning message appears asking if you want to void the paycheque.
Click OK. The Select & Edit Employee window appears.
Click Record. A message appears confirming the number of paycheques to record.
Click Continue. The void paycheque is recorded and the Process Payments window appears.
Click Close.
Transferring accrued leave from one entitlement category to another
You may need to transfer leave balances from one entitlement category to another if there's a change to the way an employee's leave is accrued. For example, an employee may transfer from being paid (and accruing leave) at an hourly rate to being paid a salary.
To transfer accrued leave to a new entitlement category
Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List. The Cards List window appears.
Click the Entitlements option and select the entitlement categories you want to link the employee to.
Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List. The Cards List window appears.
Click the Entitlements option and deselect the entitlement categories you want to unlink from the employee.
Example of adjusting and transferring leave
A part-time employee, previously paid at an hourly rate, is now made a full-time employee to be paid by salary.
The employee has carry-over leave leave balances in leave entitlement categories called Sick Leave Hourly and Annual Leave Hourly.
The employee also began working in the new full-time position before the end of the previous year and has continued into the current year. This means that both their carry-over leave balances and year-to-date leave balances are incorrect and will need to be adjusted.
These are the steps you would need to perform to adjust the employee’s leave balances to reflect their new employment conditions and to transfer the employee’s accrued leave to salary-based leave entitlement categories.
In this case, the carry-over leave balances will need to be increased as a full-time employee has greater leave entitlements than a part-time employee and thus accrues leave faster.
Adjust the employee’s year-to-date leave balances. See the procedure above. Whether you choose to do this by adjusting the leave hours in the affected pay run or by recording a leave adjustment paycheque, you will need to add leave amounts.
Transfer the employee to the leave entitlement payroll categories for salary employees. See the procedure above.

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