Item and Storage Lookup: Process Activity (Mobile)
In the following activity, by using the MYOB Advanced mobile app, you will learn how to search for information about stock items on the Item Lookup screen, which corresponds to the Item Lookup (IN202520) form of MYOB Advanced, and for information about items stored in a particular location on the Storage Lookup screen, which corresponds to the Storage Lookup (IN409020) form of MYOB Advanced.
In this activity, we use the Advanced OnTheGo mobile app for Android devices. The appearance and functionality of the mobile app for iOS devices may differ somewhat.
Suppose that you are a warehouse worker in the wholesale warehouse of the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company. When you walk around the warehouse you find items and boxes that have been inappropriately placed on the floor or on tables. One of your work tasks is to find out what are these items and where they should be stored in the MYOB Advanced mobile app, so that you can move the items to the appropriate storage.
Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following tasks have been performed for the purposes of this activity:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the
following features have been enabled in the Inventory and Order
Management group of features:
- Multiple Warehouse Locations
- Warehouse Management
- Inventory Operations
- On the Warehouses (IN204000) form, the WHOLESALE warehouse has been created. For this warehouse, on the Locations tab, the following warehouse locations have been added: MAIN, L1R3S2, L2R3S2, and L3R3S2.
- On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the APJAM32 stock item has been created. For this stock item, barcodes have been specified on the Cross-Reference tab of the form.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will look up an item by scanning the item barcode on the Item Lookup screen of the MYOB Advanced mobile app. You will scan the item barcode and view information about the item, such as the location and availability.
You will also search for a list of the items stored in a particular location by using the Storage Lookup screen, where you will scan the location barcode and view the list of items, with the on-hand quantity for each item.
System Preparation
Before you start looking up items, do the following:
- Make sure that you have installed the MYOB Advanced mobile app on your mobile device.
- Launch the app.
- Enter the URL and optional name of the MYOB Advanced instance with the U100 dataset preloaded (for example,, and tap Next.
- Enter the credentials of the user account you will use in this activity: the perkins username and the 123 password.
- Tap Sign In to enter the site.Attention: The instructions in the activity steps below may slightly differ in the MYOB mobile app depending on whether the device is running iOS or Android.
Step 1: Looking Up an Item by Scanning the Item Barcode
Suppose that as you are walking through the warehouse, you notice a box standing on the floor near some racks; the box has 10 apple jars, each 32 ounces. You do not see other warehouse workers nearby, so you decide to find out what this box contains and where it should be placed. In the MYOB Advanced mobile app on your mobile device, do the following:
- On the main menu of the mobile app, tap the tile to view the Item Lookup screen.
- Scan the AJ32B item barcode (which is the barcode affixed to the box).
- At the bottom of the screen, tap Review. The Inventory
Summary screen is opened. (This screen corresponds to the Inventory Summary (IN401000) form in MYOB Advanced.)
On this screen, you can see that the item is stored in the following locations: MAIN, L1R3S2, L2R3S2, and L3R3S2. The MAIN location is the receiving location far from the place where you found the box. Most likely, the box was taken from the racks with sorted items. You know that the box contains 10 jars, so this box can be stored in either the L1R3S2 location or the L3R3S2 location. As you can see on the screen, the L2R3S2 location contains only 8 jars of this item, so the box definitely is not from this location.
Now you need to find out which of the locations (L1R3S2 or L3R3S2) contains less jam than the quantity that is recorded in the system.
Step 2: Looking Up Items Stored in a Location
Suppose that you have counted the quantities of boxes and jars of the APJAM32 item in the L1R3S2 and L3R3S2 locations and found out that the L1R3S2 shelf contains one box of 10 jars and 3 single jars; the L3R3S2 contains one box of 10 jars and 6 single jars. To find out if the L1R3S2 or L3R3S2 location contains less jam than the quantity that is recorded in the system, do the following in the MYOB Advanced mobile app:
- On the main menu of the mobile app, tap the tile to view the Storage Lookup screen.
- Scan the L1R3S2 location barcode.
- At the bottom of the screen, tap Review. The Storage Summary screen is opened, where you can see that the on-hand quantity of the APJAM32 item is 13, which corresponds to one box of 10 jars and 3 separate jars. So the box you have found is not from this location.
- Go back to the previous screen.
- Scan the L3R3S2 location barcode.
- At the bottom of the screen, tap Review. On the Storage Summary screen, you can see that the on-hand quantity of the APJAM32 item is 26, which corresponds to two boxes of 10 jars each and 6 separate jars. You see only one box in this location, so the box you have found should be placed in this location.