Batch Picking: Process Activity
In the following activity, you will learn how to process shipments in a batch by using the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form.
Suppose that the Wholesale warehouse of SweetLife was temporarily closed because of inventory counting. During this time, multiple orders have been entered into the system, and they now require shipping. The warehouse manager wants to speed up the process of picking and packing items by creating a batch picking worksheet and assigning this work to multiple pickers. After the warehouse workers pick the items and transfer them to a sorting location, a warehouse worker acting as the packer needs to pack the items and confirm the shipments.
You will perform these actions, acting as all of these employees.
Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following tasks have been performed for the purposes of this activity:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the
following features have been enabled in the Inventory and Order
Management group of features:
- Warehouse Management
- Fulfillment
- Advanced Picking
- On the Warehouses (IN204000) form, the WHOLESALE warehouse has been created. On the Locations tab, the following warehouse locations have been defined: L1R2S1, L1R2S2, L1R2S3, L2R1S1, L2R1S3, L2R2S1, L2R2S3, L3R1S1, L3R1S2, L3R2S1, L3R2S2, and SORT.
- On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, the
following stock items have been created, and the corresponding barcodes have
been defined:
- ORJAM32, which has the OJ32 barcode
- LEMJAM96, which has the LJ96 barcode
- APJAM08, which has the AJ08 barcode
- On the Boxes (CS207600) form, the MEDIUM box has been defined.
- On the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, the following sales orders have been created for multiple customers: 000047, 000048, 000049, 000050, 000051, 000052, 000053, 000054, 000055, 000056, 000057, 000058, and 000059.
- On the Shipments (SO302000) form, the following shipment documents have been created for these sales orders: 000046, 000047, 000048, 000049, 000050, 000051, 000052, 000053, 000054, 000055, 000056, 000057, and 000058.
Process Overview
Acting as a warehouse manager, you will open the Create Pick Lists (SO503050) form, select the shipments to be processed in a batch, specify the maximum number of pickers, and create a picking worksheet. Then, acting as each picker, you will open the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form, switch to Pick mode, and scan the reference number of the batch pick list. Then you will scan the barcodes and quantities of the items being picked. After you finish picking, you will scan the barcode of the sorting location and confirm the pick list. Then, acting as a pack line operator, you will verify that batch is picked and prepare the printable packing slips on the Picking Worksheets (SO302500) form. Then, acting as packer, you will open the Pick, Pack, and Ship form, switch to Pack mode, and scan the reference number of the batch pick list. Then you will scan the barcode of the box to which the items will be packed, and scan the barcodes and the quantity of items being packed. After all the items are packed, you will confirm the shipment.
System Preparation
Before you start the automated picking and packing operations, you need to perform the following instructions:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should sign in as a warehouse manager with the angelo username and 123 password.
- In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, make sure that the business date in your system is set to 1/30/2023. If a different date is displayed, click the Business Date menu button, and select 1/30/2023 on the calendar. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
- On the Warehouse Management tab of the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form, make sure that the Display the Pick Tab and the Display the Pack Tab check boxes are selected.
Step 1: Preparing the Batch Picking Worksheet
As the warehouse manager, prepare the batch picking worksheet as follows:
- Open the Create Pick Lists (SO503050) form, and in the Action box, select Create Batch Pick Lists.
- In the Warehouse ID, select WHOLESALE.
- In the End Date box, make sure 1/30/2023 is specified.
- In the Max. Number of Pickers box, type 4.
- In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the rows of the shipments with reference numbers from 000046 through 000058.
- On the form toolbar, click Process. The system processes the shipments. Close the Processing dialog box after the processing has completed.
- On the Picking Worksheets (SO302500) form, review the details of
the created worksheet of the Batch type with the Open status (see
the following screenshot). The Details tab lists all the
items that have to be packed in the batch. Notice that <SPLIT> is
shown in the Location column for all lines, indicating
that each item has to be picked from multiple locations. You can select any line
and then click Line Details on the table toolbar to
review the list of locations from which the items will be picked.
Figure 1. Items to be picked for all the shipments included in the worksheet
- Review the Pickers tab. The system has calculated the optimal path and determined that the appropriate number of pickers is four (see the following screenshot).
- Click the first line in the table, and click View Pick
List on the table toolbar to review the items included in the
pick list for the first picker.
Figure 2. List of pickers of the shipments
- Sign out of the system.
Step 2a: Picking the Items in a Batch (Picker 1)
Acting as the first picker in the picking worksheet, you will do the following:
- Sign in to the system as the first picker by using the rollins username and the 123 password.
- Open the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form, and make sure the Pick tab is opened.
- In the Scan box, enter 000001/1, which is the reference number of the pick list for the first picker.
- Pick the first line by doing the following:
- Enter L1R2S1 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter OJ32 to pick the item. (OJ32 is the
barcode for ORJAM32, the 32-ounce jar of orange jam.)
The system highlights the line in bold and specifies 1 as the Picked Quantity.
- Set the quantity of the item to 5 as follows:
- On the form toolbar, click Set Qty. The system prompts you to enter the item quantity.
- In the Scan box, enter 5.
- Pick the second line by doing the following:
- Enter L1R2S2 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter LJ96 to pick the item. (LJ96 is the barcode for LEMJAM96, the 96-ounce jar of lemon jam.)
- Set the quantity of the item to 9.
- Pick the third line by doing the following:
- Enter L1R2S3 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter LJ96 to pick the item.
- Set the quantity to 4.
- On the form toolbar, click Confirm Pick List.
- In the Scan box, enter SORT to
specify the sorting location to which you have transferred the picked
As the first picker, you have finished picking the items.
- Sign out of the system.
Step 2b: Picking the Items in a Batch (Picker 2)
Acting as the second picker in the picking worksheet, you will do the following:
- Sign in to the system as the second picker by using the perkins username and the 123 password.
- Open the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form, and make sure the Pick tab is opened.
- In the Scan box, enter 000001/2, which is the reference number of the pick list for the second picker. The system loads the shipment lines to the table on the Pick tab, and shows the reference number of the picking worksheet that is currently being processed in the Worksheet Nbr. box of the Summary area.
- Pick the first line by doing the following:
- Enter L2R1S1 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter OJ32 to pick the item.
The system highlights the line in bold and specifies 1 as the Picked Quantity.
- Set the quantity of the item to 24 as follows:
- On the form toolbar, click Set Qty. The system prompts you to enter the item quantity.
- In the Scan box, enter 24. The system highlights the line in green and inserts 8 as the Picked Quantity.
- Pick the second line by doing the following:
- Enter L2R1S3 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter OJ32 to pick the item.
- Set the quantity of this item to 13.
- On the form toolbar, click Confirm Pick List.
- In the Scan box, enter SORT to
specify the sorting location to which you have transferred the picked
As the second picker, you have finished picking the items.
- Sign out of the system.
Step 2c: Picking the Items in a Batch (Picker 3)
Acting as the third picker in the picking worksheet, you will do the following:
- Sign in to the system as the third picker by using the hardin username and the 123 password.
- Open the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form, and make sure the Pick tab is opened.
- In the Scan box, enter 000001/3, which is the reference number of the pick list for the third picker.
- Pick the first line by doing the following:
- Enter L2R2S1 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter AJ08 to pick the item. (AJ08 is the
barcode for APJAM08, the 8-ounce jar of apple jam.)
The system highlights the line in bold and specifies 1 as the Picked Quantity.
- Set the quantity of the item to 16 as follows:
- On the form toolbar, click Set Qty. The system prompts you to enter the item quantity.
- In the Scan box, enter 16. The system highlights the line in green and inserts 24 as the Picked Quantity.
- Pick the second line by doing the following:
- Enter L2R2S3 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter AJ08 to pick the item.
- Set the quantity of the item to 13.
- Pick the last line by doing the following:
- Enter L2R2S3 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter LJ96 to pick the item.
- Enter LJ96 again to add second unit to the current line.
- On the form toolbar, click Confirm Pick List.
- In the Scan box, enter SORT to
specify the sorting location to which you have transferred the picked
As the third picker, you have finished picking the items.
- Sign out of the system.
Step 2d: Picking the Items in a Batch (Picker 4)
Acting as the fourth picker in the picking worksheet, you will do the following:
- Sign in to the system as the fourth warehouse worker by using the barber username and the 123 password.
- Open the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form, and make sure the Pick tab is opened.
- In the Scan box, enter 000001/4, which is the reference number of the pick list for a fourth picker.
- Pick the first line by doing the following:
- Enter L3R1S1 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter AJ08 to pick the item.
The system highlights the line in bold and inserts 1 as the Picked Quantity.
- Set the quantity of the item to 10 as follows:
- On the form toolbar, click Set Qty. The system prompts you to enter the item quantity.
- In the Scan box, enter 10. The system highlights the line in green and inserts 10 as the Picked Quantity.
- Pick the second line by doing the following:
- Enter L3R1S2 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter AJ08 to pick the item.
- Set the quantity of this item to 13.
- Pick the third line by doing the following:
- Enter L3R2S1 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter OJ32 to pick the item.
- Set the quantity of this item to 12.
- Pick the last line by doing the following:
- Enter L3R2S2 to select the location from which you are picking items.
- Enter AJ08 to pick the item.
- Set the quantity of this item to 4.
- On the form toolbar, click Confirm Pick List.
- In the Scan box, enter SORT to
specify the sorting location to which you have transferred the picked
As the fourth picker, you have finished picking the items.
- Sign out of the system.
You have picked all the items for the picking worksheet, and now you can proceed with packing the shipments.
Step 3: Preparing the Packing Slips
You will now act as the pack line operator who prepares packing slips for the processed shipments. Do the following:
- Sign in to the system as a pack line operator by using the rueb username and the 123 password.
- On the Picking Worksheets (SO302500) form, open the batch picking
worksheet, and review the Pickers tab (see the following
screenshot). The usernames of the workers who performed the picking operations
are shown in the User column; the selected check boxes in
each line of the Confirmed column indicate that each
picker has confirmed the completion of the picking. The values in the
Sorting Location column indicate that the pickers
have finished the picking and taken the picked items to the sorting
Figure 3. The users who confirmed the picking of the batch
- Review the Shipments tab, as shown in the following
screenshot. All shipments have been picked, as the selected check boxes in the
Picked column indicate; the picking worksheet now is
assigned the Picked status.
Figure 4. Shipments ready for packing
- On the form toolbar, click Print Packing Slips. The system opens the printable packing slips on the Batch Packing Slip (SO644005) report form. In the production system, you would print the packing slips and give them to a warehouse worker who will perform packing of shipments.
- Sign out of the system.
Step 4: Packing Items for a Shipment in the Batch
At this point in the batch picking, all of the shipments from the batch can be packed. For the purposes of this activity, you will pack just one of the shipments, acting as a warehouse worker who handles packing.
To pack this shipment, do the following:
- Sign in to the system as a warehouse worker who will perform packing operations by using the sauer username and the 123 password.
- Open the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form and make sure the Pack mode is active.
- In the Scan box of the Summary area, enter 000046, which is the reference number of a shipment ready for packing.
- Enter MEDIUM to select the box into which you are packing the items.
- Enter AJ08 to select the item being packed. The system highlights the first line of the shipment in bold and specifies 1 as the Packed Quantity.
- Set the quantity of this item to 4 as follows:
- On the form toolbar, click Set Qty. The system prompts you to enter the item quantity.
- In the Scan box, enter 4. The system highlights the first line of the shipment in green and inserts 4 as the Packed Quantity, indicating that four 8-ounce jars of apple jam have been packed into the selected box.
- Enter LJ96 to select another item being packed to the current box
- Enter LJ96 again to pack one more unit of this item.
- On the form toolbar, click Confirm Shipment.