Stock Item Creation: Report and Inquiry Forms
In the following sections, you can find details about report and inquiry forms that provide users with information about stock items.
Viewing Stock Item Details
You can find details about stock items in the system in either of the following ways:
- If you want to view the list of items in a particular warehouse or warehouse location, you use the Storage Summary (IN409010) form.
- If you want to view information about a particular stock item—such as warehouse, location, and availability details—you use the Inventory Summary (IN401000) form.
Viewing the List of Stock Items of a Particular Class
If you want to view the list of inventory items of a particular item class, you can use the Inventory by Item Class (IN408000) form. On this form, you can move inventory items between classes.
Reviewing Inventory Balances
If you want to view the current quantities of particular inventory items or of items of a particular class, you can use the Inventory Balance (IN615000) report.
If you want to analyze item quantities for a particular period, you can use the Historical Inventory Balance (IN616000) report.