Service Contracts: To Create and Process a Service Contract with Beginning-Period Fixed Billing
In this activity, you will learn how to create a service contract with fixed billing at the beginning of the period, and you will generate appointments for the service contract.
Suppose that the GoodFood One Restaurant customer has decided to sign an annual maintenance contract with Equipment and Service Center for a fixed price that will be billed at the beginning of each billing period. The contract will cover the full assistance during the contract period. The list of services covered by the service contract has been agreed upon. It includes the cleaning of a customer's equipment twice a week on Monday and Friday, and the training for the new employees once a month. The service manager Maia Davis needs to create a service contract with fixed billing at the beginning of each month, and to add schedules for generation of appointments.
Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity to be performed:
- On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Equipment Management feature (under Service Management) has been enabled.
- On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
- On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require shipments.
- On the Billing Cycles
(FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP
billing cycle:
- Run Billing For: Appointments
- Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
- On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has been configured. The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
- On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the CLEANING and TRAINING non-stock items have been configured. For the items, the Service is selected in the Type box on the General tab, and Time is selected in the Billing Rule box on the Price/Cost tab.
- On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the DEPOSIT non-stock item has been configured.
- On the Equipment (FS205000) form, the FSE00007 (Commercial citrus juicer with a production rate of 1.5 litres per minute) target equipment has been defined.
- On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
- On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch location has been specified for Maia Davis.
Process Overview
In this activity, you will create the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form. Then you will create two schedules for appointment generation on the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form, and activate the contract on the Service Contracts form. You will then generate a billing document for the first billing period on the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form. Finally, you will review the scheduled appointments on the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form.
System Preparation
Do the following:
- Launch the MYOB Advanced website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should sign in as a service manager by using the davis username, and the 123 password.
- In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the MYOB Advanced screen, click the Business Date menu button, and select the 1/30/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process all documents in the system on this business date.
Step 1: Creating the Service Contract with Fixed Billing at the Beginning of the Period
To create the service contract with fixed billing at the beginning of the contract period for the GoodFood One Restaurant, do the following:
- On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, add a new record, and
specify the following settings in the Summary area:Tip: To open the form for creating a new record, type the form ID in the Search box, and on the Search form, point at the form title and click New right of the title.
- Customer: GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant)
- Description: Maintenance Contract
- On the Summary tab, in the Contract
Settings section, specify the following settings for the
- Start Date: 1/30/2023
- Expiration Type: Expiring
- Duration: 1 Year
- Schedule Generation Type: Appointments
- In the Billing Type box of the Billing Settings section, select Beginning-Period Fixed.
- In the Period of the Billing Type Settings section, make sure Month is selected.
- On the Services per Period tab, add a row, and specify
the following settings in the added row:
- Inventory ID: DEPOSIT
- Recurring Item Price: 150
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
- On the More menu (under Processing), click
The system changes the status of the contract from Draft to Active.
The first billing period for the contract is 1/30/2023—2/27/2023
Step 2: Creating an Appointment Schedule for the Cleaning Service and Generating Appointments
To add a schedule for the cleaning service to the contract, and generate an appointment for the first billing period, do the following:
- While you are still viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the
Schedules tab, click Add
The Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form opens.
- In the Summary area, do the following:
- In the Service Order Type box, ensure MRO is selected.
- In the Scheduled Start Time box, select 9:00 AM.
- On the Details tab, add a row and specify the following
settings in the row:
- Inventory ID: CLEANING
- Target Equipment ID: FSE00007
- On the Recurrence tab, under Frequency
Settings, select Weekly, and do the
following in the Weekly Settings section:
- Leave Every 1 Weeks.
- Select the Monday and Friday check boxes. Clear Sunday.
- Leave the check boxes cleared for the remaining days of the week.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
The system has created a schedule and added it to the Schedules tab of the Service Contracts form.
- On the form toolbar, click Generate from Service
The Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form opens.
- In the Customer ID box of the Summary area, select GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant).
- In the Generate Up To box, select 2/27/2023.
- In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the schedule you
have created, and on the form toolbar, click
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
- After the processing has successfully completed, in the Processing pop-up window, click Close.
- Close the Generate from Service Contracts form and the Service Contract Schedules form.
Step 3: Creating an Appointment Schedule for the Training Service and Generating an Appointment
To add a schedule for the training service to the contract, and generate an appointment for the first billing period, do the following:
- While you are viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the Schedules tab, click
Add Schedule.
The Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form opens.
- In the Summary area, do the following:
- In the Service Order Type box, ensure MRO is selected.
- In the Scheduled Start Time box, select 9:00 AM.
- On the Details tab, add a row and specify the following
settings in the row:
- Inventory ID: TRAINING
- Estimated Duration: 1 h 30 m
- On the Recurrence tab, under Frequency
Settings, select Monthly, and do the
following in the Monthly Settings section:
- Select Every 1 Month.
- In the Fixed Day of Week, leave First Monday.
It means that an appointment is to be generated for the first Monday of each month.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.
The system has created a schedule and added it to the Schedules tab of the Service Contracts form.
- On the form toolbar, click Generate from Service
The Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form opens.
- In the Customer ID box of the Summary area, select GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant).
- In the Generate Up To box, select 2/27/2023.
- In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the schedule you
have created, and on the form toolbar, click
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
- After the processing has successfully completed, in the Processing pop-up window, click Close.
- Close the Generate from Service Contracts form and the Service Contract Schedules form.
Step 4: Reviewing Generated Appointments
To review generated appointments, do the following:
- On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form (to which you returned), on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Appointment History.
- On the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form, which opens, in the
Selection area, specify the following settings:
- Staff Member: Clear
- To Scheduled Date: 2/27/2023
The list of appointments generated for the selected service contract is shown in the table. The appointment for the training service is generated for 2/7/2023 (the first Monday of the February). The appointments for the cleaning services are generated to be performed each week on Monday and Friday during the billing period (1/30/2023—2/27/2023). Open the first appointment by clicking its reference number in the Appointment Nbr. column. The Appointments (FS300200) form opens. In the appointment document, notice that the CLEANING service is added on the Details tab, and the Free Item check box is selected, indicating that this service is covered by the service contract. Notice that in the Summary area, the appointment total is set to zero.