Service Order Processing (One Appointment): General Information
A service order is a document created on the Appointments (FS300200) form that contains general information on the services that will be provided to a customer and the appointments that will take place. In MYOB Advanced, you can control the steps required to process your company’s service orders, from entering them to closing them and generating billing documents.
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
- Create a service order with the service requested by a customer
- Create an appointment and assign a staff member to perform the service
- Start and complete an appointment
- Close the appointment and run service order billing
Applicable Scenarios
You create and process a service order with an appointment if your company sells services and has customers that request services from time to time.
Workflow of Service Order Processing
If the billing cycle specified for a customer indicates that billing documents are to be generated for service orders rather than for appointments, the processing of a service order with one appointment consists of the following steps (which are shown in the diagram of the next section):
- Creating a service order: A service manager receives the order and enters it into the system on the Service Orders (FS300100) form.
- Creating an appointment related to the service order: A service manager creates an appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form, enters all appointment data, and verifies the information related to the appointment.
- Starting the appointment: In the location where the service is to be performed, a staff member indicates on the Appointments form that the appointment is being started.
- Performing services and updating the appointment: A staff member performs the included services and updates the appointment settings.
- Completing the appointment: A staff member completes the appointment on the Appointments form.
- Closing an appointment (optional): An accountant verifies the information entered for the completed appointment, such as quantities and prices, and closes the verified appointment on the Appointments form.
- Completing the service order (optional): After all appointments related to the service order
have been completed and the Appointments Needed check box has been
cleared for the service order on the Service Orders form, the service manager
completes the service order in the system by clicking Complete on the
form toolbar of this form. Note: If the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed check box is selected on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the service order is automatically completed and is assigned the Completed status when all related appointments have been completed.
If any additional service has to be performed or another appointment has to take place, the service manager can reopen the service order by clicking Reopen on the More menu of the Service Orders form. The service order can again be completed after all work is done.
- Closing the service order (optional): After all accounting information has been verified,
the accountant closes the service order. Billing documents can be generated only after the
service order has been closed.Note: If the Close Service Orders When Its Appointments Are Closed check box is selected on the Service Order Types form, the service order is automatically closed and is assigned the Closed status when all related appointments have been closed.
If any additional changes should be made in the service order, the service manager can unclose the service order by clicking Unclose on the More menu of the Service Orders form. This causes the service order to be assigned the Completed status, and information in the service order can be edited.
- Generating billing documents: The accountant generates billing documents for the service order (these appointments do not have to be closed or completed) and processes them in the system.
Process Diagram
The typical workflow of service order processing is shown in the following diagram.