To Create a Map for Sales Order Approval
If in your company sales orders of specific type must be approved, you can configure approval of sales orders in MYOB Advanced. In general, you will need an approval map, developed by using the Assignment and Approval Maps (EP205000) form.
The rules can be very simple if all orders are to be assigned for approval to the same person, or more complicated if the selection of the approver depends on the properties of the order, such as the total amount, the specific products to be sold, or credit settings of the customer.
A company structure (company tree) and approval maps that use the structure of company's workgroups may depend on many particular factors. In this topic, we describe how to create an approval map for the following simple example: In a small company, sales orders over $10000 of the SO type must be approved by the CFO if the customer credit limit is less than 50000.
Before You Proceed
Review the company tree structure and decide whether you need to add workgroups that will be involved in the process of sales order approval. For our example, the company tree should have the CFO workgroup.
Make sure that user and employee accounts are created for each of the persons involved in approval of purchase orders and that workgroups with the approvers as workgroup members are created.
To Create an Approval Map
- Open the Assignment and Approval Maps (EP205000) form.
- In the Name box in the Summary area of the form, type a name for a new approval map, for example, Approval of Orders Over 10000.
- In the Entity box, expand the nodes: Distribution > Purchase Orders > Work Area > Enter; click Sales Orders.
- Click Save on the form toolbar. Notice that the map name is shown now in the Map box.
- In the Rules pane (to the right in the lower part of the form), click Add Row.
- In the Type column, select Assign to.
- In the Workgroup column, select the workgroup (in our example, CFO) to which the orders will be assigned for approval.
- In the Assign to column, make sure that the employee ID of the approver from the selected workgroup is displayed.
- In the pane, make sure All conditions are true is selected in the Rule Type box.
- in the Conditions table, click Add Row.
- in the Entity column, select the entity, Sales Order, whose properties will be used in the conditions for assignment.
- In the Field Name column, select Order Total.
- In the Condition column, select Greater Than.
- In the Value column, type 10000.
- in the Conditions table, click Add Row.
- in the Entity column, select the entity, Customer, whose properties will be used in the conditions for assignment.
- In the Field Name column, select Credit Limit.
- In the Condition column, select Is Less Than or Equal To.
- In the Value column, type 50000.
- Click Save on the form toolbar.
With this map listed on the Approvals tab of the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form for orders of the SO type, the system will assign each new order over $10000 to CFO if the customer credit limit is less than $50000.