Import by Scenario
Form ID: (SM206036)
On this form, you can select an import scenario and prepare and import the data in accordance with the selected scenario. You create scenarios for import by using the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form. Alternatively, you can use this form to import data directly from a file, such as an Excel spreadsheet. In this case, upload the file, set up the mapping, and then prepare and import the data. For more information, see Simplified Scenarios for Data Import.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.
Command | Description |
Add New Record |
Gives you the ability to add a new simplified import scenario. Clicking this button first opens the Select File for Import dialog box, where you can select the file whose data you want to import, and then opens the Provide New Scenario Properties Dialog Box, where you select the form to be used for data import, name the scenario, and select the data provider type. |
Clear Data |
Clears both the history of scenario execution and the prepared data. (Clicking this button does not reverse records that have already been imported.) The system deletes records somewhat differently depending on the tab that is open when you click this button:
Get File |
Downloads the latest file attached to the selected scenario. |
Import |
Imports the prepared data. |
Prepare |
Prepares the data for import. |
Prepare & Import |
Prepares the data and imports it. When you click this button, the behavior of the system depends on whether the Discard Previous Result check box is selected. (For details, see the Selection Area section below.) |
Upload File Version |
Opens the Upload New Revision dialog box, which you can use to update an already uploaded file. |
View Screen |
Displays the MYOB Advanced form to which you are importing data with the error occurred during data import. The button is only available if there was an error during data import. |
Element | Description |
Screen Name |
Required. The MYOB Advanced form to be used for importing data from the uploaded file. You click the magnifier icon in the box to open the Select Screen Name dialog box where you can select the form by searching or filtering by its title, screen ID, workspace, or category. |
Scenario Name |
Required. The name of the new simplified import scenario. The system generates the name automatically, based on the title of the form you selected in the Screen Name box. If required, you can change the name. |
Provider Type |
Required. The provider type, which is defined automatically based on the file type. |
OK |
Creates a new simplified scenario for data import and closes the dialog box. |
Close |
Closes the dialog box without creating a new simplified scenario for data import. |
Selection Area
In this area, you can select an existing import scenario and view information about the scenario.
Element | Description |
Name |
The name of the scenario that should be used for data import. |
Screen Name |
A read-only element showing the name of the MYOB Advanced form whose functionality will be used to perform import. |
Status |
A read-only element that shows the status of the selected scenario, which is automatically assigned during the processing: The status can be one of the following:
Number of Records |
A read-only element that displays the number of records in the external source. |
Simple Scenario |
A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected scenario is a simplified import scenario. For more information, see Simplified Scenarios for Data Import. |
Parallel Processing |
A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should process the import scenario in parallel threads. The state of this check box is the state of the Parallel Processing check box on the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form for this import scenario. If parallel processing is turned on for an import scenario, during the execution of the scenario, the system divides the whole list of records to be processed into batches of records. The lines of a particular document (that is, the records that have the same key fields specified) are always included in the same batch. The system executes the import scenario for these batches in parallel threads, which can speed data import with the import scenario. The parallel processing of an import scenario by the system could be especially useful for data migration during the initial implementation of the system. If this check box is selected, the Break on Error and Break on Incorrect Target check boxes become cleared and unavailable. |
Break on Error |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the processing of the import scenario should be stopped if an error occurs. This check box affects the order in which the records are imported. For example, suppose that you are importing documents that are automatically numbered, and each line of the source contains one document. If you clear the Break on Error check box, all documents that cause no errors during the processing will be imported first, and then you will review all errors at once and import the corrected records. The order in which the reference numbers are assigned to the imported documents will be different than they would be in a situation in which you imported documents one by one and stopped after each error. If the order of record processing is not important, you can clear this check box. The default state of this check box is the state of the Break on Error check box on the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form for the import scenario. If you change the state of this box on the current form, the new state will be used only for the next execution of the scenario on this form. The state of the check box on the current form is changed back to the default state after each execution of the scenario or each refresh of the form. The check box is cleared and unavailable for selection if the Parallel Processing check box is selected. |
Break on Incorrect Target |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will stop processing records at the first error that occurs for a record that violates the target restrictions. The default state of this check box is the state of the Break on Incorrect Target check box on the Import Scenarios (SM206025) for the import scenario. If you change the state of this check box on the current form, the new state will be used only for the next execution of the scenario on this form. The state on the current form is changed back to the default state after each execution of the scenario or each refresh of the form. The check box is cleared and unavailable for selection if the Parallel Processing check box is selected. |
Discard Previous Result |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will clear any prepared data before the data preparation and import. That is, if you click the Prepare & Import button on the form for the import scenario or the import scenario is executed based on a schedule, the system does the following, depending on whether the check box is selected:
The default state of this check box is the state of the Discard Previous Result check box on the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form for the import scenario. If you change the state of this check box on the current form, the new state will be used only for the next execution of the scenario on the form. The state on the current form is changed back to the default state after each execution of the scenario or each refresh of the form. |
Prepared Data Tab
On this tab, you can review the data prepared for import and any errors that have occurred. The actual list displays the processed data, with as many columns as there are internal fields mapped to the external data.
Button | Description |
Replace |
Opens the Replace dialog box, in which you can replace a particular column value in the data prepared for import with another value. |
Toggle Activation |
Reverses the value in the Active column in the selected line and updates the rest of the lines with this value. |
Clear Activation Until Error |
Clears the check boxes in the Active column for the lines before the line with an error. If there are no errors, clears all the check boxes in the Active column. |
Toggle Processing |
Reverses the value in the Processed column in the selected line and updates the rest of the lines with this value. |
Clear Errors |
Clears the error messages in the Error column. |
Column | Description |
Number |
The number of the record in the list of records for import. |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the record is active and will be imported. |
Processed |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that the information in the row was processed. |
Error |
The error message, if an error has occurred for this row. |
Element | Description |
Column |
The column in which you want to replace values. |
Find Column Value |
The value in the column that you want to find. The system compares the value in this box with the value in each row of the column; if the values are equal, it replaces the value in the row with the value specified in the Replace With box. |
Replace With |
The value with which you want to replace the value specified in Find Column Value. |
Match Case |
A check box that you select to make the system take into account the case of letters during the comparison of the values. If this check box is cleared, the system ignores the case of letters when comparing the values. |
Result |
The number of values the system has replaced as a result of the replacement. This box is filled in by the system after you click the Replace or Replace All button of this dialog box. |
The dialog box has the following buttons. | |
Replace |
In the specified column of the prepared data, replaces the first value that is equal to the value specified in the Find Column Value box with the value specified in the Replace With box. |
Replace All |
In the specified column of the prepared data, replaces all values that are equal to the value specified in the Find Column Value box with the value specified in the Replace With box. |
Close |
Closes the dialog box. |
Mapping Tab
You use this tab, which appears only when you create or open a simplified data import, to map the data from the external source to the fields of the specified data entry form in MYOB Advanced for automatic import. For more details on simplified import scenarios, see Simplified Scenarios for Data Import.
Button | Description |
Refresh From File |
Refreshes the data schema for an existing provider after you have uploaded a new version of the file. |
Column | Description |
Active |
A check box that indicates (if selected) that this field or action is active during import. |
Source Field/Value |
An external field (in the source file) whose value should be imported into the specified internal field, or an expression to be executed on import to generate the value for an internal field. Click the For details on the functions and operators that can be used in the formula, see Functions and Operators. |
Key |
A check box you select to mark the key fields in the uploaded file. |
Target Object |
The name of the functional object of the graph that the MYOB Advanced form is based on. The functional object can be the Summary area, the Details area, or any of the tabs or dialog boxes available for the form. |
Field Name |
The name of the field or action of the functional object selected in the Target Object column. Click the field to display the list of available values. |
History Tab
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Status Date |
The date when the status of the data had changed as a result of the processing being performed. |
Status |
The status of the data as a result of processing being performed. |
Number of Records |
The number of records processed. |
Version |
The version of the uploaded external file. |
Description |
The description of the operation. |
Details Tab
On this tab, you can view additional information about the selected scenario.
Element | Description |
Provider |
A read-only box that displays the data provider of the selected import scenario. To view the details of the provider, click the button to the right of the box to open the Data Providers (SM206015) form. |
Sync Type |
A read-only box that shows the type of synchronization for the selected scenario. The sync type can be one of the following:
Prepared On |
A read-only box displaying the date when the data was prepared or the export was performed. |
Completed On |
A read-only box that shows the date and time when the export was completed. |
Element | Description |
Skip Headers |
A check box that you select to not import the titles of the elements on the form You specify this option for a particular execution of a scenario. That is, the selected value is discarded after each execution of the scenario or each refresh of the page. |
Validate Data (No Saving) |
A check box you select to validate the selected import scenario. The scenario processing emulates data import and is stopped if an error occurs. If you want to save the imported data after successful validation, select the Save if Data Is Valid check box. You specify this option for a particular execution of a scenario. That is, the selected value is discarded after each execution of the scenario or each refresh of the page. |
Save if Data Is Valid |
A check box you select to save the data if the import validation is successful. Clear the check box if you don't want to save the data after import validation. You specify this option for a particular execution of a scenario. That is, the selected value is discarded after each execution of the scenario or each refresh of the page. This option is available only when you select the Validate Data (No Saving) check box to switch to import validation mode. |
Batch Size |
The number of detail lines in the record that the system should process before saving the data. You use this option if you are importing records that contain a large number of detail lines. By default, the value in this box is 0, which means that the system saves the data only after it imports all the detail lines of the record. Important: If you want to specify a value other than
0 in this box, the Validate Document
Totals on Entry check box must be cleared on the
preferences form of the functional area of the document you are
importing. If you are importing sales orders, you should also
clear the Require Control Total check box
on the Order Types (SO201000) form.