System Locales
Form ID: (SM200550)
By using this form, you can add new locales or edit details of existing system locales. You can also override locale preferences, which specify how the system should display numbers, dates, and times on the user interface. Also, on this form, you can set up the default language in which the system should display texts entered by a user if no text has been entered for a language associated with the locale a user is currently logged in.
For details, see Managing Locales and Languages.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Locale Preferences | Opens the Locale Preferences dialog box, which you can use to override the region-specific settings of the selected locale. |
Set Up Languages | Opens the Languages dialog box, which you can use to define the default language and alternative languages in the system. |
Element | Description |
Format |
The locale that is used as the source of default format preferences that are displayed in the dialog box. When you select a locale in this box, the system automatically loads its default preferences, which you can override to meet your business needs. For more information on locales in Microsoft .NET Framework, see the Microsoft documentation. |
The Date and Time Formats section of the dialog box has the following boxes, which specify which formats should be used to represent dates, times, and combinations of dates and times for the locale. | |
Date Time | The custom format string for a long date and long time value. |
Short Time | The custom format string for a short time value. |
Long Time | The custom format string for a long time value. |
Short Date | The custom format string for a short date value. |
Long Date | The long date format. |
AM Symbol | The string designator for hours that are ante meridiem ("before midday"). |
PM Symbol | The string designator for hours that are post meridiem ("after midday"). |
The Number Format section of the dialog box has the following boxes, which specify how the system should display numbers. | |
Decimal Symbol |
The symbol to be used as a decimal separator in numbers. This symbol must be different from the symbol specified in the Digit Grouping Symbol box. To use a space as a decimal separator, select Space instead of typing it in the box. |
Digit Grouping Symbol |
The symbol to be used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal symbol in numbers (for example, thousands, millions, etc.). This symbol must be different from the symbol specified in the Decimal Symbol box. To use a space as the digit grouping symbol, select Space instead of typing it in the box. |
The dialog box has the following button. |
Close | Applies the format preferences to the locale selected in the table and closes the dialog box. |
Element | Description |
Default Language | The language in which the system displays a translation if there is no translation for the language associated with the locale with which the user is currently logged in. |
Table Columns |
Included | An unlabeled check box that you select to mark this language as an alternative to the default language. If a language is associated with multiple locales, the system marks the language as alternative for each associated locale. |
ISO Code | The ISO 639 lowercase language code retrieved from the locales. |
Native Name | The name of the language in the language itself. |
The dialog box has the following buttons. |
Apply | Applies the settings and closes the dialog box. |
Cancel | Discards all changes and closes the dialog box. |
The active locales in this table (that is, those for which the Active check box is selected) appear on the Welcome screen that is displayed when a user signs in, so the user can select the most appropriate interface locale. See below for descriptions of the table columns.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Column | Description |
Locale Name | The name of the locale, based on the language tagging conventions of RFC 4646. You can type the locale name manually (it must comply with RFC 4646) or select a locale from the list, which is provided by Microsoft.NET Framework. |
English Name | Read-only. The locale name in English, which is also provided by Microsoft.NET Framework. |
Locale in Locale Language | The name of the locale in its native language. This is the name that is displayed in the Sign-In page, in the Interface Language list where the user selects the preferred locale. |
Description | Any comments relevant to this locale or the localization. |
Sequence | An integer indicating the position of this locale in the Interface Language list on the Welcome screen. If you specify the same position for multiple locales, the system sorts locales with the same position in alphabetical order by the locale name. |
Active | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the locale will be available for selection in the Sign-In page. |
Alternative Language | A check box that indicates (if selected) that for the language of the selected locale, a user may enter translations for boxes whose values can be localized. That is, the language is available in the Translations dialog box. To change the check box value, click the Set Up Languages button on the form toolbar and select or clear the check box for the language. |
Default Language | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system displays in text boxes a translation provided by a user for this language if there is no translation for the language associated with the locale with which the user is currently logged in. The user can enter this translation by using the Translations dialog box. |
Show Validation Warnings | A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system displays
warnings on forms about text strings on the interface that are not
translated to the language of the locale. To see the warnings, you
must select this check box for the locale and sign in with the
language of the locale. To turn these warnings off, clear this check
box for the locale. For more information, see Translation Process. |