Translation Dictionaries
Form ID: (SM200540)
You can use this form to collect all strings used in the whole system, and then translate the strings to any of the locales defined in the system. The system automatically finds all the occurrences of the collected strings. If needed, you can assign different translations to some of the occurrences of a string, depending on the context. For more information, see Translation Process.
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.
Button | Description |
Collect Strings | Collects the strings used in the whole system. CAUTION: String collection is a time- and
resource-consuming operation that should be performed during
off-peak hours and never attempted on a busy production
system. |
Selection Area
The settings in this area define the contents of the Default Values and Key-Specific tables on the Collected and Obsolete tabs. You select the language or languages to which you want to translate the strings, and the corresponding columns appear in the tables of the form. Then you select the scope of the strings, either bound or unbound, to be displayed in the tables. Additionally, you can filter the strings by using other filtering options of the area, described in detail in the following table.
Element | Description |
Language | A box you use to select a language or multiple languages in which
you want to translate the collected strings and view and update the
existing translations. The list of languages contains all languages
defined in the system. To select a language, select the unnamed
check box that precedes the language in the list. For each language you select, a column with the language name is added to the Default Values and Key-Specific Values tables on the Collected and Obsolete tabs. |
Show Localized |
A check box you select to display the strings that were translated to all languages defined in the system. By default, the strings that were translated into all languages defined in the system are automatically hidden from the tables. To view and, if necessary, update the translations, use this check box to display the strings in the tables. After you have made any needed changes, clear the check box to hide those strings again. |
Show Excluded |
A check box you select to display the strings that should not be translated (that is, the strings with the Do Not Translate check box selected). By default, the strings with the Do Not Translate check box selected are automatically hidden from the tables. To view these strings and, if necessary, translate some of the strings, select this check box to display the strings in the tables. After you have made any needed changes, clear this check box to hide those strings again. |
Show Used in UI | A form you select if you want to view and translate only the strings associated with resources bound to this form. |
Show Only Unbound | A check box you select to view only unbound strings (that is, the strings associated with resources that are not bound to forms, such as error messages or prompts). You clear the check box to view the bound strings (that is, the strings associated with resources bound to forms, such as table names). |
Unbound Resources to Display |
The list of types of unbound strings. The following types are available:
To view the strings of a type or multiple types, select the check box that precedes the type or types. To view the strings of all types, clear all the check boxes in the list. This box becomes available if the Show Only Unbound check box is selected. |
Created Since | The date you select to view in the tables only the strings whose translation (or at least one of the translations) has been added to the system after this date. |
Modified After | The date you select to view in the tables only the strings whose translation (or at least one of the translations) has been modified after this date. |
Collected Tab
This tab includes the Default Values and the Key-Specific Values tables. The Default Values table displays the collected strings that meet the criteria you have specified in the Selection area. The Key-Specific Values table displays all the occurrences (that meet the criteria you specified in the Selection area) of the string selected in the Default Values table.
In the Default Values table, you translate the values by entering the translation in the column with the name of the target language. The translation is automatically assigned to all occurrences of the string unless you specify other translations for some occurrences in the Key-Specific Values table. If the string you translate appears in more than one place on the interface, you should check all the occurrences of the string in the Key-Specific Values table. If the translation differs for some occurrences, specify the correct translation for these occurrences. The system determines the translation for each of the string occurrences following these general rules:
- If the string selected in the Default Values table has no translation specified in the Key-Specific Values table, the occurrence has the same translation as specified for the string in the Default Values table.
- If the string selected in the Default Values table has a translation is specified in the Key-Specific Values table, the occurrence has the translation as specified for the string in the Kay-Specific Values table.
- If the string selected in the Default Values table has no translation in both the Default Values and Key-Specific Values tables, the selected string and all its occurrences are not translated.
After the string has been translated to all languages defined in the system, it is automatically hidden from the Default Values table (unless the Show Localized check box is selected).
You can also exclude particular strings and their occurrences from translation. Excluding occurrences of a string from the translation follows these general rules:
- If the Do Not Translate check box is selected for the string in the Default Values table, all occurrences of the string are excluded from the translation.
- If the Do Not Translate check box is cleared for the string in the Default Values table, the occurrences of the string for which you select the Do Not Translate check box in the Key-Specific Values table are excluded from the translation.
After you save the changes, the system hides the string occurrences with the check box selected.
Button | Description |
View Usage Details | Opens the Usage Details dialog box (described in detail in the Usage Details Dialog Box section of this topic), where you can see the ID and the name of the form on which the selected value is used. |
Column | Description |
Source Value | The string in the source language. The values may include the
following special formatting:
Do Not Translate | A check box that you select to indicate that the string does not
need to be translated. After you save the changes, the system hides
the strings with the check box selected. The exclusion is applied automatically to all occurrences of the string you can see in the Key-Specific Values table. To exclude only some of the occurrences, select the Do Not Translate check box for the occurrences in the Key-Specific Values table. Note: To view the strings
marked with the check box, select the Show
Excluded check box in the Selection
area. |
[Target Language] | The string translated in the target language. The translation is applied automatically to all occurrences of the string that are not specifically translated in the Key-Specific Values table. Note: You won't be able to save
the translations of the occurrences of the string selected in
the Default Values table until you add
the string translation to the Default
Values table. |
Button | Description |
View Usage Details | Opens the Usage Details dialog box (described in detail in the Usage Details Dialog Box section of this topic), where you can see the ID and the name of the form on which the selected value is used. |
Column | Description |
Key | The system resource with which the string selected in the Default Values table is associated. |
Do Not Translate | A check box that you select to indicate that the selected
occurrence of the string does not need to be translated. Note: To
view the strings for which this check box is selected, select
the Show Excluded check box in the
Selection area. |
[Target Language] | The translation for the particular occurrence of the string
selected in the Default Values table.
Note: You won't be able to save the translations of the
occurrences of the string selected in the Default
Values table until you add the string
translation to the Default Values
table. |
Obsolete Tab
This tab displays all strings that were previously translated but currently do not exist in the system. You can use them for reference or delete all the strings if they are not needed. The Default Values table displays the obsolete strings that meet the criteria you specified in the Selection area. The Key-Specific Values table displays all the occurrences (that meet the criteria you specified in the Selection area) of the string selected in the Default Values table.
Button | Description |
View Usage Details | Opens the Usage Details dialog box (described in detail in the Usage Details Dialog Box section of this topic), where you can see the ID and the name of the form on which the selected value is used. |
Delete Obsolete Strings | Deletes all strings in the table. |
Column | Description |
Source Value | The string in the source language. |
Do Not Translate | A check box that you select to indicate that the string does not
need to be translated. After you save the changes, the system hides
the strings with the check box selected. Note: To view the strings
for which this check box is selected, select the Show
Excluded check box in the Selection
area. |
[Target Language] | The translation for the string in the target language. |
Button | Description |
View Usage Details | Opens the Usage Details dialog box (described in detail in the Usage Details Dialog Box section of this topic), where you can see the ID and the name of the form on which the selected value is located. |
Column | Description |
Key | The system resource with which the string selected in the Default Values table is associated. To view the form the resource is bound to, select the resource and then click View Usage Details on the table toolbar. |
Do Not Translate | A check box that you select to indicate that the selected
occurrence of the string does not need to be translated. After you
save the changes, the system hides the string occurrences with the
check box selected. Note: To view the strings marked with the check
box, select the Show Excluded check box
in the Selection area. |
[Target Language] | The translation for the particular occurrence of the string selected in the Default Values table. |
Usage Details Dialog Box
The Usage Details dialog box displays the forms the selected string is bound to.
The table toolbar of this dialog box includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element | Description |
Screen ID | The ID of MYOB Advanced form on which the selected value is used. Note: The standalone
screens, which have a screen ID of, are the
screens whose files are stored outside of the
Pages folder in the site directory on
the server that is used to host the application site. The
page is an example of a standalone screen.
Title | The name of MYOB Advanced form on which the selected value is used. |
The dialog box has the following buttons. | |
Open UI Element | Opens the selected form in a new browser tab. |
Close | Closes the dialog box. |