Pro Forma Invoice: Billing Limit Validation
On the Revenue Budget tab of the Projects (PM301000) form, you can define billing limit amounts for revenue budget lines of the project if the Use T&M Revenue Budget Limits check box is selected on the Summary tab of the same form. The system applies these limit amounts to the pro forma invoices of the project. During entry of a pro forma invoice on the Pro Forma Invoices (PM307000) form, if the invoice exceeds a limit, you receive a warning or an error message, depending on the Validate T&M Revenue Budget Limits setting on the Projects Preferences (PM101000) form.
On the Time and Material tab of the Pro Forma Invoices form, the system applies the billing limit amounts to the pro forma invoice lines as a running total, starting from the first line in the table. For each line of the invoice, the system subtracts the Amount to Invoice from the Max Available Amount and uses the reduced amount as the available limit for the next line. Invoice lines for which the Over Limit Amount is nonzero exceed the limit.
On the Time and Material tab of the Pro Forma Invoices form, you can rearrange lines in the table by dragging them to the appropriate positions, causing the system to apply the limit amounts to the needed lines of the invoice. You can also add to a pro forma invoice adjustment lines that do not originate from project transactions. Such lines are also included in the limit application and can decrease or increase the limit total.