WIP Costs in Fixed-Price Projects: Mass-Processing of Documents
This topic explains how to allocate multiple projects, and how the system generates, changes, or works with projects as a result of the mass processing.
Mass-Allocating Projects
You can initiate allocating for multiple projects on the Run Allocations by Projects (PM502500) form; this allocation entails the creation of allocation transactions. On this form, you select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the projects to be processed in the table, and you click Allocate on the form toolbar. The system initiates allocation for the selected projects. Allocation transactions will be created for only those projects that have tasks with an associated allocation rule.
To initiate processing for all the projects listed in the table of the Run Allocations by Projects form, you click Allocate All on the form toolbar. The system initiates allocating for all the projects listed in the table.
Mass-Allocating Project Tasks
You can initiate allocating for multiple project tasks on the Run Allocations by Tasks (PM502000) form; this allocation entails the creation of allocation transactions. On this form, which displays only those project tasks that have an associated allocation rule, you select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the project tasks to be processed in the table, and you click Allocate on the form toolbar. The system initiates allocation for the selected project tasks.
To initiate processing for all the project tasks listed in the table of the Run Allocations by Tasks form, you click Allocate All on the form toolbar. The system initiates allocation for all the project tasks listed in the table.
Mass-Releasing Reversing Allocation Transaction
To mass-release project transactions, including reversing allocation transaction, you use the Release Transactions (PM501000) form. On this form, you select the unlabeled check boxes in the rows of the transactions to be released and click Release on the form toolbar to process the selected transactions; alternatively, you can click Release All to process all the transactions shown in the table.