Processing Pays
Pay runs pass through several steps before completion; these are detailed below.
Creating Pays
Pays are created on the Manage Pays (MP.PP.41.10) form. A pay run is created for a specific pay group, which loads in the Standard Pays for all employees in the group.
Pays are created as a background process - large pays may take a long time to initialise, so by creating them in the background, you are not prevented from performing other activities. Once a pay has been successfully created, you can click on its entry on the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20) form to edit it.
If an error occurs during the process of creating a pay, it will be created with the ERROR status. The pay cannot be processed further in this state, but it can be edited to correct the problems that caused the error state.
Processing Pays
The Pay Run Details form lists the pays of all employees included in the selected pay group. You can select any employee and click Edit Pay to view and edit their pay details on the Employee's Current Pay (MP.PP.31.30) form. Once you've made all the changes you need to, select Process from the Actions menu to process the pay. This sets all of the employees' pay records to read-only and the pay's status changes to PROCESSING.Updating Pays
When a pay item or entitlement is edited, the system automatically updates all open Current Pays and Standard Pays that contain the affected pay item(s). (Editing an entitlement automatically updates all pay items related to the entitlement, and therefore any pays that contain those pay items.)
Completing Pays
On the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00), you can choose how payslips are generated, either automatically on payrun completion, or manually through payslip processing. It's possible to generate preview payslips while processing a pay, but they are not finalised until the pay is completed.
Once a pay has been completed, yellow file icons appear next to each employee's name. Clicking on one of these icons opens the payslip for that employee. You can also download all payslips from the pay by selecting All Payslips from the Reports menu.
Payslips can also be regenerated for a pay run. A Regenerate Payslips action is available on the Pay Run Details form for pays where payslips have already been generated. Selecting this action removes all existing payslips for the pay run and generates new ones.
If you need to provide historical payslips to an employee, you can go to the Pay Details form (MP.PP.23.10) and use the View Payslips action.
Distributing Employees' Pay
Each employee's pay is distributed according to the pay distribution set up for them on the Pay Distribution (MP.PP.23.30) form. The pay distribution specifies how the employee's pay should be divided up (if at all) and the bank accounts that each portion of their pay should be paid to. In the simplest case, the full balance of an employee's pay will be paid to a single bank account, but it is possible to pay separate amounts to separate accounts. Pay distributions also specify the Payment Method and Cash Account that will be used to pay employees' pays.
When a pay run is completed, a payment batch is created for each Payment Method/Cash Account combination occurring in the pay run. Batches can be reviewed and approved on the Batch Payments (MP.PP.34.00) form, and then exported. Exporting a payment batch generates a bank file in the format specified by the Payment Method, which then can be downloaded and used to transfer the employees' pays to the bank accounts specified by their pay distributions.