Setting up Employee Self Service
Before you can make the Employee Self Service portal available for use by your employees, you must perform some setup steps. These are detailed below.
Enabling Employee Self Service
To use the Employee Self Service module, tick the "Employee Self Service" feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. You must be licensed to use the Employee Self Service portal—if your licence does not include Employee Self Service, this feature will not be available on the Enable/Disable Features form.
Once enabled, the Self Service module becomes visible under the People suite, but the Self Service forms are not available until user/employee records have been set up to access it (see below).
Self Service Preferences
The Self-Service Preferences (MPPP1010) form contains settings that affect the operation of the Self Service module as a whole, including the Numbering Sequence, Approval Map and Notification Template to use for leave requests; and options that determine how records will appear on the Employee Calendar (MPES4001) and Team Calendar (MPES4003) forms.
Setting up Leave
To make leave types visible in the Self Service module, tick the Allow Leave Request option on the Additional Info tab of the Pay Items (MPPP2210) form for each entitlement pay item that should be available to employees. If you want to require employees to attach a document when they request leave, tick the Require Attachment Upon Leave Request option.
To make leave balances visible on the Leave Balances (MPES3022) form, tick the Show Leave Balances option on the Rules tab of the Entitlements (MPPP3300) form for each leave entitlement that you want to display.
Setting up Employees
To give an employee access to the features of the Self Service module, a user record, including login and password details, must be created for the employee on the Users (SM201010) form. The user record must have the "People ESS" role selected on the Roles tab and the "People User" licence type on the Licence Types tab. The employee can be linked to the user record via the Linked Entity field on the Users form.
You must also set the default Pay Group for each employee—this is the pay group that will be associate with any leave requests they make. On the Employee Pay Groups (MPPP2250) form, make sure that the Default Pay Group box is ticked for the group that should be the employee's default.
Setting up Managers
To give a user access to the management features of the Self Service module, a user record, including login and password details, must be created for the manager on the Users (SM201010) form. The user record must have the "People MSS" role selected on the Roles tab and the "People User" licence type on the Licence Types tab. The user should also be given access to the Approvals (EP503010) form, which they will use to approve leave requests.