To Create, Remove, and Schedule a Report Template
You can save the report parameters you have specified as a template, as described in this topic. By using this template, you can immediately populate the report form with your preferred parameters, so you can run reports more quickly. This topic also describes how to remove a report template and how to schedule a report processing.
To Create a Report Template
- Open a report form.
- Specify the report parameters and run the report to check the report settings, as described in detail in Working with Reports: Process Activity.
- On the report toolbar, click Parameters to view the
parameters on the report form.Note: You can click Parameters to toggle between the report form and the report without losing the changes made on the report form.
- To use this template as your default template for the current report (so that when you bring up this report form, the settings of the template are specified), select the Default check box.
- To share this template with other users, select the
Shared check box.Note: You cannot select a shared template as the default. If you select the Shared check box, the Default check box becomes cleared and unavailable for editing.
- Click Save Template.
- In the Enter Template Name dialog box, which opens, type the name of the new template.
- Click OK.
If you have saved the template as the default, when you open the report form, the template is already selected and the system automatically fills in the selections of the template. If you have not saved the template as the default, you can select it in the Template box and the system fills in the selections of the template.
To Remove a Report Template
- Open a report form.
- In the Template box, select the report template that you want to remove.
- On the report form toolbar, click Remove Template.
To Schedule a Report Processing
- Open a report form.
- In the Template box, select the report template that you want to schedule.
- On the report form toolbar, click Schedule Template.
- In the Select Schedule Name dialog box, which opens, click OK to open the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form.
- On the Automation Schedules form, in the Description box, enter a description of the new schedule.
- In the Screen ID box, make sure the Send Reports (SM205060) form is specified.
- On the Details tab, specify
the additional settings of the schedule:
- Optional: In the Starts On box of the Details tab, select the start date. By default, the schedule execution starts on the current business date.
- Optional: If you need to specify an expiration date for the schedule, clear the No Expiration Date check box, and specify the expiration date in the Expires On box.
- Do one of the following:
- If you want to limit the number of executions, in the Execution Limit box, specify the number of times the schedule should be executed.
- If you do not need to limit the number of executions, select the No Execution Limit check box.
- Optional: In the Process with Branch box, select the branch under which the schedule should be processed. For example, if documents are created by this schedule, the system creates these documents and specifies the selected branch for each document.
- Optional: Change the time zone in which the schedule will operate. By default, the time zone specified on the User Profile (SM203010) form for the currently signed-in user is selected.
- On the Schedule tab, configure
the execution dates and time as follows:
- Specify how often the schedule execution should be performed:
- To execute the schedule daily or every x days, do the following:
- In the Schedule Type section, select Daily.
- Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when the schedule should be executed next.
- In the Every x Day(s) box, type the number of days between successive executions of the schedule.
- To execute the schedule weekly or every x weeks, do the
- In the Schedule Type section, select Weekly.
- Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when the schedule should be executed next.
- In the Every x Week(s) box, type the number of weeks between successive executions of the schedule.
- Select the appropriate check boxes for the day or days of the week on which the schedule should be executed.
- To execute the schedule monthly or every x months, do the
- In the Schedule Type section, select Monthly.
- Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when the schedule should be executed next.
- In the Every x Month(s) box, type the number of months between successive executions of the schedule.
- Select when the schedule should be executed: the day of the month, or the week in the month and the day of the week (such as the third Friday of the month).
- To execute the schedule once per financial period or every x
financial periods, perform the following steps:
- In the Schedule Type section, select By Financial Period.
- Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when the schedule should be executed next.
- In the Every x Period(s) box, type the number of financial periods between successive executions of the schedule.
- Select the appropriate option button to indicate when the schedules should be executed: at the end of the period, at the start of the period, or on a fixed day of the period (which you should specify if you select this option button).
- To execute the schedule daily or every x days, do the following:
- In the Execution Time section, specify the particular
time of the day to start and stop the processing as follows:
- In the Starts On box, select the hour and minute when the first execution of the schedule should start.
- If you want the processing to be stopped at specific time or you want the processing to be repeated multiple times a day, in the Stops On box, select the hour and minute when the first execution of the schedule should stop.
- If execution of the schedule should be repeated multiple times a day, in the Every box, select the interval between successive executions of the schedule.
- In the Next Execution Time box, make sure the next execution time is correct.
- If you want the system to execute the schedule at exactly the time specified in the Next Execution Time box, select the Exact Time check box. If the check box is cleared, the system may shift the next execution time of the schedule by multiple minutes.
- Specify how often the schedule execution should be performed:
- Click Save on the form toolbar to create the schedule. When you save a newly created schedule, the system gives it an identifier in accordance with the built-in numbering sequence intended for automation schedules.