To Enter a Voucher Code
You use the Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) form to enter new transaction codes.
Tip: On this form, you can also upload the Voucher Entry Codes file, which contains
transaction codes provided by MYOB Advanced.
To Enter a Voucher Code
- Open the Voucher Entry Codes (GL106000) form.
- On the form toolbar, click Add Row.
- In the Module column of the new row, select the subledger to which the document or a transaction will be posted.
- In the Module Tran. Type column, select the type of the document or transaction to be generated for the code.
- In the Unique Tran. Code column, type the unique identifier to be used for this voucher entry code.
- In the Description column, type a brief description of the voucher entry code.
- On the form toolbar, click Save.